There are several ways up this mountain which is one end of the Mullaghanattin circuit.
Largish groups or any group that can fix a car split could walk in from the south as described by Eric for Beann. (On the main Sneem to Moll's Gap Road is the townland of Lettermoneel (OS Map No.78). From here take the ridge via Eskine, Knockarig & Faher Mountain.) Although I haven't tried it, probably it would be possible to get onto this ridge at Kealariddig for example through the forests at
C (V721 720) or
D (V722 717). Very possibly a group could also get onto the ridge from somewhere near Gortfadda. Check it out and let MV know.
A group of up to 5 or 6 can go down to the junction at Tooreennahone (
Gortcloh (V747 746)). Ask permission at the last house before the junction. There is parking at
E (V742 745) for 2 cars only just over the bridge on the lane SW of the junction. The walk starts further down this lane. Ask permission at the last house on the left. Shortly before you come to it a track starts off left uphill - this is the start of the route. (Also ask if you are doing the circuit anti-clockwise and plan to arrive back here.) The track is marked on the map and is shown correctly at the bottom. However the actual route diverges to the left from the map as you climb and go a few hundreds of metres. Follow the actual track, then gain the ridge and proceed to the top. (Do the reverse if coming down. Do not go East of the actual track.) Do not go immediately north of the lane SW of Tooreenahone.
Whatever you do around here, ask permission when necessary and respect the local landowners. Don't start large parties from around Tooreennahone. There isn't enough parking and for other reasons. There are alternatives. Let MV know of any changes.
This photo from the summit takes in the steep sided Beann SW top. Through the gap there's a fine vista of walking mountains, many featuring on this site. From near to far there is a bit of the ridge from Knocknacusha, Knocknagapple (one way up Colly from the Ballaghisheen Gap), the ridge NE of Colly and finally on the skyline, some of Meenteog (part of the Glenbeigh Horseshoe).
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