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Boultypatrick 429m,
2209, 21km 1983, 7km
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Carricktriss Gorse: Safe access to this hill no longer seems possible

Binnion: Tullagh Bay and Rockstown Harbour

Donations Drive, now finished.

Good, relatively easy double bag

Crocknapeast: Long walk up windfarm roads.

Mulnanaff: Longish walk up windfarm road.

Lake District: Dale Head Horseshoe

Double bag mostly on windfarm tracks.

Binbane NE Top: Simple bag from its neighbouring top.

Lake District: Coledale Horseshoe

Binbane: Steepish approach to relatively easy Carn.

Crucknaree: Magnificent views!

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Boultypatrick Hill Buailte Pádraig A name in Irish (Ir. Buailte Pádraig [OSI], 'Patrick's dairying places') Donegal County in Ulster Province, in Carn List, Psammite, graphitic clasts/beds, pebbles Bedrock

Height: 429m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 11 Grid Reference: G96782 98038
Place visited by 12 members. Recently by: Colin Murphy, Wilderness, eamonoc, Ulsterpooka, madfrankie, Fergalh, Aidy, chalky, Garmin, juliewoods, Jamessheerin, simon3
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -8.050856, Latitude: 54.830119 , Easting: 196782, Northing: 398038 Prominence: 171m,  Isolation: 3.4km
ITM: 596732 898027,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Bltypt, 10 char: Bltyptrck
Bedrock type: Psammite, graphitic clasts/beds, pebbles, (Boultypatrick (Grit) Formation)

Buailte Pádraig is the 808th highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Boultypatrick (Buailte Pádraig) 1 of 1  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Boultypatrick (<i>Buailte Pádraig</i>) in area Bluestack Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Summit marker with Gaugin Mt in distance.
Unremarkable hill with challenging access issues.
Short Summary created by Colin Murphy  13 Jul 2023
This is a difficult summit to access from the south, but it can be done if you’re willing to persevere. There is parking for 1 or 2 cars at a forest entrance at G97359 96554 starA. Cross the gate and proceed up the track to G97529 96949 starB and turn sharply left. Continue along this for about 1.5km to G96548 97219 starC. Whereas satellite images appear to show a track continuing from here, much recent growth has made this difficult to locate. You can find forest breaks if you look, but it requires much pushing through low branches and it will require some perseverance to finally emerge onto the open hillside. Once free from the dense woods, the highpoint is a simple 200m gentle climb over heather. It is marked by a single wooden pole in a heathery mound.
And alternative, although also very challenging, is to start at G97359 96554 starA and walk 500m east along road to G97990 96711 starD. Cross a gate into a small grassy field, go over a fence and ascend up along the forest edge. Unfortunately this is through 1km of waist high reeds with the ground underneath quite marshy even in summer. Eventually the reeds are replaced with grass. Turn west at forest corner and then strike out towards the highpoint. Linkback: Picture about mountain Boultypatrick (<i>Buailte Pádraig</i>) in area Bluestack Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Boultypatrick from Gaugin. Note the irregular forestry.
Rough summit with a confusing final approach. Interesting views.
by simon3  11 Aug 2012
Boultypatrick is a name which must one be of the top tragi-comic manglicisations of the earlier Ordnance Survey. It's an east-west ridge of approximately 5km long above 300m. The south side is heavily wooded in an irregular and confusing pattern of trees, felling and new growth. The north side has much less forestry on it.

Views from the top include the shapely quartzite of Gaugin and the classic north Donegal ridges such as Errigal to Muckish.

When I climbed it in 2012 no other member had logged climbing it and there were no comments either. I started at the forest entrance at G97359 96554 starA and used tracks as shown on the OS 1:10k layer used on this website which were mostly accurate, though with errors of omission. My plan was to get as high as possible on the marked tracks (around 300m) then strike for the summit. However there was a complicated maze of felled and replanted areas where that map said it should be clear. So I left the track at around G9620397268 starE and headed for a small spur hoping that would take me out of the trees (Sitka spruce some 2 to 3m high in 2012) Eventually I got to the ridgeline. This was peat hags interspersed with sphagnum moss filled pools. The summit area is extremely indistinct and there is, of course, no cairn or any sign whatever of visitors. The top probably has less visitors in a decade than Carrauntoohil gets in day.

On the way down I experimented with the east side of the forest going straight down. While there was no track around the forest this had the merit that you could see what you were doing. However the ground is also extremely rough with rushes and underlying channels in peat. Passable going down but not recommended for going up.

The next MV visitors are advised to a. check the air photos for routes from the south or b. check for routes from the north. See Track 1983. Linkback:
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(End of comment section for Boultypatrick (Buailte Pádraig).)

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc