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Bluestack Mountains Area , Cen: Reelan Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 45, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 6
Highest Place: Croaghgorm 674m

Starting Places (22) in area Bluestack Mountains:
An Leathchruach, Barnsmore Gap, Bensons Hill, Caldragh CP, Clogher South peak, Cruach Mhín an Neanta, Doobin, Eanybeg Water Bridge, Edergole Farm, Gaugin Mountain, Glennacree CP, Hillhead, Lough Finn West, Lough Magrath Beg NE, Lough Muck North, Meenaguse Lough, Sand Lough Forest Picnic Area, Scoil Náisúnta an Choimín, Sheskinlubanagh, Sruell Gap Farm, Sruell River Road, St Columbkilles Well and Altar

Summits & other features in area Bluestack Mountains:
Cen: Reelan Hills: Altnapaste 364m, Gaugin Mountain 565m, Lacroagh 403m, Boultypatrick 429m, Croveenananta 476m, Croaghubbrid 416m, Croaghugagh 410m
N: Fintown Hills: Aghla Mountain South Top 589m, Aghla Mountain 593m, Scraigs 426m, Croaghleheen 385m
NW: Glenties: Cloghercor South 301m, Derkbeg Hill 332m, Drumnalough Hill 282m
S: Belshade: Croaghgorm 674m, Croaghgorm South-West Top 597m, Croaghgorm East Top 594m, Ardnageer 642m, Ardnageer SW Top 626m, Banagher Hill 392m, Croaghbane 641m, Croaghgorm Far South-West Top 561m, Cronamuck 444m, Croaghbarnes 498.8m, Glascarns Hill 578.3m, Meenanea 435m
SE: Barnesmore: Brown's Hill 496.4m, Cloghervaddy 402m, Croaghagranagh 440m, Croaghanirwore 546.1m, Croaghbrack 401m, Croaghconnellagh 523m, Croaghnageer 569.1m, Croaghnageer East Top 543.5m, Croaghnageer North-East Top 521m, Croaghonagh 451m
SW: Eany Beg Hills: Binbane 453m, Binbane NE Top 439m, Lavagh Beg 650m, Lavagh More 671m, Binnasruell 505m, Carnaween 521m, Cloghmeen Hill 429m, Silver Hill 600m, Cullaghacro 476m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Croaghugagh, 410m Hill Cruach Ugach A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Cruach Ugach [], 'stack' + [unknown element]), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Cruach Ugach is the 897th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference G91723 94219, OS 1:50k mapsheet 11
Place visited by: 21 members, recently by: Colin Murphy, dino, Wilderness, eamonoc, melohara, noucamp, markmjcampion, AntrimRambler, shaunkelly, madfrankie, Aidy, Fergalh, Geo, Harry Goodman, juliewoods
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.129465, Latitude: 54.795755, Easting: 191723, Northing: 394219, Prominence: 75m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 591674 894209
Bedrock type: Graphitic pelite, thin psammite, marble, (Croaghubbrid Pelite Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crghgg, 10 char: Crghggh

Gallery for Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach) and surrounds
Summary for Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach): Fine Carn with superlative views
Summary created by Colin Murphy 13 Jul, 2023
   picture about Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach)
Picture: Lough Analf nestles between the two Carns
This is often done in conjunction with its neighbouring summit to the south, and also with the two summits 2km to the east starting at the Slí na Finne trail at LeathCrua (G93738 93567). From there, head up the trail to the col, cross Lacroagh and continue west for another 2km to reach the summit. Alternately, continue west along the road from A. After about 500m the tarred road ends and a substantial trail begins. Follow this to roughly A (G92606 93310) and then strike off to the NW. You will probably take in Croaghubbrid before heading 700m north to Croaghugagh, which offers wonderful views in all directions.
Member Comments for Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach)

   picture about Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach)
Picture: Lough Analf from just below Croaghugagh summit
More Bluestacks-lite...
by Peter Walker 20 Jun 2011
On the continuation to Croaghugagh from Lacroagh the fence continues along the ridge (at the junction on Lacroagh's west slope turn right, as the other branch dives straight down to the head of the valley). A wide shallow col ensues before the fence ekes a boggy passage up Croaghugagh's eastern ridge. In clear weather one can pick a more direct course up the gradually steepening slope to the left of the fence, but in poor visibility it may be better to wait for a fence junction before turning up the left branch; the top is a short stroll from the highpoint of that branch and marked by an upturned stone. The continuation to Croaghubbrid passes to the east of Lough Analf, which looks like a splendid spot. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghugagh (Cruach Ugach)
Picture: At the pointed summit cairn.
Wildness Makes Up For Lack Of Height
by Aidy 20 May 2016
My third summit of four after Croveenananta and Lacroagh, and probably the best of the three for views, with similar views to the rest around the Bluestacks, but with new vistas also opening up to the west coast. It was more difficult getting here than I had thought from the map, due to some very boggy areas and deep heathery ground. But still not too hard, and the whole circuit is relatively short. Definitely worth the effort, and wilder than its modest height might suggest. Linkback:
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