Although I had passed near to this hill previously on a descent off Croaghanirwore I had never actually been to it's top. On 23 Oct. 2013 therefore I drove along the road skirting the E side of L Eske to
A (G984 843) where I turned to go NE steeply up a narrow but surfaced minor road. At
Benson (G99240 84975) where the tarred surface ended there was ample off road parking. From there the road became a gated, rough and muddy farm track leading up to L Fad
B (H00038 86117), a picturesque long narrow strip of water backed by the prominent profile of Croaghnageer. Branching left around the left side of the Lough I continued along the track, passing L Doo on my left side, until the path started to peeter out, at which point I turned left and headed down NW to the Barnes River crossing it at
C (H00300 86811). Once across I headed up N for 1km through un-tracked long tussocky grass and hummocky ground towards the E to W ridge up ahead. At
D (H00088 87826) I re-crossed the river, by now a small stream, to go WNW. A short way along I passed to the S of L Nagrockgranagh N and then 400m further climbed up to the rocky cap that marks the high point of the hill
E (G99591 88107). Although I only sought out this hill as one of a few outstanding on my Bluestacks list I was delighted that I did. Had it not been listed I doubt if I would have given it a second glance. Thank you Mountain Views. It provides a fine vantage point from which to appreciate the main high points. These range from Croaghconnellagh in the SE around past Croaghnageer, Croaghanirwore and Croaghbarnes to L Belshade, which is then backed by the long ridge from Croaghbane to Croaghgorm (Bluestack). To complete an already splendid panorama I had a fine view SW out over L Eske to Donegal Bay and the distant Dartry's. The walk out and back was 8.25km. When I was there the narrow but deep Barnes River was in spate and required some searching around for to find a suitable crossing point. Should this river prove to be impassible It would be possible to follow it up by it's left bank to around
F (H001 878) before going out WNW to the top.
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