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Central DingleArea, N: Annascaul Lake North
Feature count in area: 25, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 71, 78, EW-DC, EW-DE, EW-DW
Highest Place: Beenoskee 826m
Starting Places (34) in area Central Dingle: Anascaul Village, Annascaul Lake, Ballyduff Grave Yard, Brandon Village, Cloghane Community Centre, Conor Pass, Doonore South, Doorah, Dromavally Mountain SE, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Farrannakilla School, Glan Mountain, Glanteenassig Lane, Glanteenassig Wood CP, Glennahoo River, Hostel Cloghane Village, Killiney R560 Junction, Kilmore Lodge, Lios Pole Church, Lisduff Rath, Lough Camclaun, Lough Caum, Lough Doon CP, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, Minard Beach, Mullaghveal Farm, Owenascaul Estuary, Pedlars Lodge, Pilgrimage Trail Owenmore River, Sauce Creek Walkway Dingle Way, Teerbrin
Summits & other features in area Central Dingle: Cen: Annascaul Lake West: Cnoc na Bánóige 641.6m, Cnoc na Bánóige North Top 447.6m, Knockmulanane 593.2m, Knockmulanane West Top 563.5m Cen: Dromavally: Cummeen 477m, Dromavally Mountain 552m, Knocknakilton 423m N: Annascaul Lake North: Coombane 610m, Beenatoor 592m, Beenoskee 826m, Stradbally Mountain 798m N: Carrigdav: Carrigadav 240m N: Fermoyle: Farrandalouge 144m S: Annascaul: Beenmore 252m, Brickany 374m, Knockafeehane 301m, Knocknanacree 286m W: Ballyduff: Slievenalecka 458.4m, Beenbo 476.7m, Slievenagower 485.8m W: Slieveanea: An Cnapán Mór 649m, Knockmoylemore 493m, Croaghskearda 608m, Slievanea 628.7m, Slievanea NE Top 670.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Coombane, 610mMountain An Com Bán A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Com Bán [OSI], 'the white hollow'), Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, An Com Bán is the 268th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q56772 09193,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 70 Place visited by: 138members, recently by: JohnRea, Oscar-mckinney, Jai-mckinney, Carolyn105, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, Tuigamala, farmerjoe1, orlaithfitz, maoris, SeanPurcell, ToughSoles, chelman7, SmirkyQuill, Marykerry
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.09638, Latitude: 52.21634, Easting: 56772, Northing: 109193,
Prominence: 42m, Isolation: 1km ITM: 456753 609247 Bedrock type: Cross-bedded sandstone, (Coumeenoole Sandstone Formation) Notes on name: Marked as 'Coombane' on the 6 map. The name refers originally to a hollow in the upper reaches of Kilcummin Beg townland. Previously Coumbaun in MV.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Cmbn, 10 char: Coombane Linkback:
Gallery for Coombane (An Com Bán) and surrounds
for Coombane (An Com Bán):
Lost among giants
Summary created by jackill, aidand
25 Sep, 2012
This is normally climbed as an add on to Beenoskee and Stradbally. To climb it on its own park at Lough Annascaul and follow the roadway up past the lake until it peters out in the bog above. A northerly walk across rather wet ground will bring you to the col between Beenoskee and Coumbaun. It is then an easy pull up grassy Coumbaun, though there is a fence to cross. The summit is featureless. Allow 2 - 3 hours for the return trip. In another setting this would be a fine hill, but Coumbaun is over shadowed by its impressive neighbours.
This can be picked off as part of a clockwise loop from the northern side taking in Stradbally, Beenoskee and Beenatoor also. See track 3158 for a detailed description. Coombane is the final summit visited so I've only included directions back to the road in this post.
The summit itself is relatively flat on top but there is a steep drop to the northern side so take care to locate the ridge (quite a well defined grassy track) running northeast and descend (keeping the steep drop on your left) until it is possible to drop off the ridge and into the valley below to the north. You will need to cross a small stream, before picking up the pathway A (Q5689 1041) (initially grassy, then becoming more stony) which leads back to the road at B (Q5657 1171). Ideally, have a second car here to avoid a 4k trek back along the road to the start point. Linkback:
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Picture: Coombane from Beenatoor
On the way to better things...
by Colin Murphy
2 Nov 2015
Once you've ascended to Benoskee, this one's simplicity itself, involving an ascent of about 40m up a gently rising slope - although you do have to negotiate a few peat hags around the col. The hill itself is unremarkable - a big grassy mound with no summit marking. An easy bag with fine views, and little else to recommend it. Bag it, move on to the big boys to the east! Linkback:
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Picture: View down to Stradbally, Lough Gill and the Maharees
Worth a quick detour on a clear day
by Bunsen7
28 Dec 2016
Modest by comparison with its neighbours, this grassy hilltop can be easily bagged when decending the western side of Beenoskee, and carefully crossing a fence. The top is unmarked. Pleasing views northwards. Linkback:
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Picture: Coumbaun from the knockmulanane Ridge
jackill on Coombane
by jackill
25 Aug 2005
I don't normally do requests, but while coming along the ridge from Banoge to Knockmulanane I took this photo of ,from the left, Beenatoor, Coumbaun, Beenoskee and Stradbally Mountain.In the foreground is Loch Thuairin Mharta and it's smaller companion(no name I'm afraid).
The valley below has several old tracks along it (many almost disappearing) and a scattering of stone sheep pens.The ground was fairly good even after heavy rain with just a few boggy parts. There is a track that rises from the carpark above Anascaul (at Lough Anascaul - C (Q583 052)) to the level of this largely flat, isolated plateau at about 400mtrs. Linkback:
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