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Corranabinnia SW Top: Maol Rua - a lot of reward for a moderate challenge

Nine Stones via Mount Leinster and Knockroe to Kiltealy

Croaghonagh: Broad tracks all the way to top.

Central Glenbeigh Horseshoe - 3 lakes and 4 peaks

Carrickbyrne Hill: Very overgrown but passable

Energy sapping trudge over, rough, sponge-like terrain.

Tievummera Highpoint: An obvious stop along the ridge

Long walk for one Carn.

Faha Ridge: Testing ridge with narrow irregular path. Often extreme.

Hare Island: A very pleasant four hours

Dull trek up forest tracks

Garinish Island: White-tailed sea eagles on Gairinish

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Derryveagh Mountains Area   Cen: Errigal Subarea
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Mackoght Mountain Mac Uchta A name in Irish, also Wee Errigal an extra name in English (Ir. Mac Uchta [OSI], 'son of the mountain-breast') Donegal County in Ulster Province, in Arderin List, Whitish quarztite with pebble beds Bedrock

Height: 555m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 1 Grid Reference: B94017 21476
Place visited by 261 members. Recently by: MichaelG55, farmerjoe1, chelman7, DeirdreM, jellybean, Nomad691, eimirmaguire, CianDavis, Carolineswalsh, miriam, Tuigamala, ronanmckee, FoxyxxxLoxy, Ansarlodge, Padraigin
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -8.094419, Latitude: 55.040706 , Easting: 194017, Northing: 421476 Prominence: 150m,  Isolation: 1.4km
ITM: 593964 921469,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Mckght, 10 char: Mackoght
Bedrock type: Whitish quarztite with pebble beds, (Ards Quartzite Formation)

Also known as Wee Errigal. The ucht referred to in Mac Uchta is Errigal itself.   Mac Uchta is the 407th highest place in Ireland.

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Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Mackoght (<i>Mac Uchta</i>) in area Derryveagh Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Mackoght with the Aghlas behind, Dooish on the right from Errigals summit
I could stay up here for days
Short Summary created by jackill  21 Mar 2011
Park in the car park at B94291 19734 starA.From the car park corner you can follow a wet track on either side of the stream up to the col between Errigal and Mackoght. Just after a large cairn at B94151 20379 starB turn right and drop down initially before heading up to the summit. Try to follow the crest of one of the rock ridges that sweep down the mountains flanks , this makes the going much easier. Linkback: Picture about mountain Mackoght (<i>Mac Uchta</i>) in area Derryveagh Mountains, Ireland
simon3 on Mackoght, 2002
by simon3  30 Sep 2002
Mackoght I suppose will always live in the shadow of Errigal often considered one of the most impressive looking mountains in Ireland. It is the highest summit in this picture, shown at the top of the picture. Mackoght is the next summit below Errigal, with Beaghy (392m) the smaller peak beneath it again. The picture was taken looking SW from a point on the ridge between Aghla Beg South and Aghla More. Between this point and Beaghy is the hidden Lough Altan, which stretches some 2km left to right. Linkback:
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Picture: Macknoght from the N slopes of Errigal
gerrym on Mackoght, 2005
by gerrym  3 Dec 2005
I have climbed Macknoght directly from the carpark at the foot of Errigal which was a quick but rewarding up and down. For this route I first tackled Errigal from the N and descended by the much more travelled route leading down to the col with Macknoght. From here it is a short climb of 20 mins to the rocky outcrops on the summit. The sheer scale of Errigal is very evident from here, completely dominating the view to the W - the real views are N to one of the most picturesque scenes imaginable over Atlan Lough to the slopes of Aghla More and further to the rest of the Aghlas and Muckish.
I dropped down steeply to the NE over large and then smaller scree (great fun with feet sinking in about 6" as went down). Contour to the E continuing to drop down and pick up a fence heading towards Beaghy. Macknoght looks really impressive from here, its profile of distorted rock strata, sheer drops and scree slopes blocking the late autumn sunshine - almost a mini Errigal. As climb to the summit of Beaghy the sun began to shine on my back once again to give great views down over Atlan Lough. Drop down again to the E along the very steep drops down into the Lough until can eventually drop to the lough shore, crossing the river to the ruined dwelling - if I won the Lottery i know which house i would renovate no matter the cost. Fantastic hill with views to match and can be approached from a number of directions and be built into as long and demanding a day as you want. Linkback:
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skyehigh on Mackoght, 2005
by skyehigh  26 Mar 2005
This pic, taken from Arnold Schwarzenegger's north ridge, shows Danny De Vito alias Mackoght. For a bonus, beyond are the graceful curves of Dooish. Linkback:
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skyehigh on Mackoght, 2005
by skyehigh  6 Apr 2005
As evidenced by our ratings, Mackoght is perhaps a better mountain to view from than to look at. Errigal is unattractive from this viewpoint, but Aghla More looks magnificent.... Linkback:
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pdtempan on Mackoght, 2003
by pdtempan  15 Nov 2003
Mackoght, also known as Wee Errigal, seen here from the northern slopes of Errigal. Linkback:
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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc