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Donegal Central Area , SW: Glendowan Mountains Subarea
Feature count in area: 15, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 1, 2, 6
Highest Place: Moylenanav 539m

Starting Places (28) in area Donegal Central:
Astelleen Burn Waterfall, Ballyarr, Binnadoo, Braughan Road, Drumfin Bridge, Edenacarnan East, Edenacarnan North, Edenacarnan South, Garrangalta Rocks, Gartan Wood, Glenveagh Bridge, Glenveagh National Park SW, Glenveigh Castle, Losset North, Lough Acrobane Farmhouse, Lough Acrobane South, Lough Acrobane South West, Lough Barra Slipway CP, Lough Barra W, Lough Natooey West, Lough Salt North, Lough Salt West, Moyle Hill, Nabrackbaddy Lough, Parochial House, River Barra Bridge NE, River Barra Bridge SW, Sruhancrolee Bridge

Summits & other features in area Donegal Central:
NE: Loughsalt Hills: Crockmore 349m, Croaghmore 278m, Edenacarnan 192m, Loughaskerry 252m, Loughsalt Mountain 469m, Moyle Hill 148m, Stragraddy Mountain 285m
SW: Glendowan Mountains: Binswilly 337m, Brown Mountain 224m, Cionn Bheatha 384m, Crockastoller 418m, Farscallop 420.6m, Gartan Mountain 357m, Leahanmore 442m, Moylenanav 539m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Brown Mountain, 224m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Brown Mountain is the 1352th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference C06156 15051, OS 1:50k mapsheet 6
Place visited by: 10 members, recently by: eamonoc, jackill, Fergalh, wicklore, Aidy, sandman, Lucky1, chalky, Harry Goodman, Garmin
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.904651, Latitude: 54.982922, Easting: 206156, Northing: 415051, Prominence: 100m,  Isolation: 4.6km
ITM: 606103 915037
Bedrock type: Banded semi-pelitic & psammitic schist, (Termon Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: BrwnMn, 10 char: BrwnMntn

Gallery for Brown Mountain and surrounds
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Member Comments for Brown Mountain

   picture about Brown Mountain
Picture: Summit Area.
A Small Mountain.
by sandman 8 Jun 2015
Brown Mountain is situated close to the village of Church Hill and overlooks Lough Gartan but unfortunately due to the forest , views are restricted from the summit the best views are had from the summit of Crockraw. Access is via the forest entrance at GrtnWd (C06894 16239) following the trails as per the OS map or alternatively the shortest route is via the small road at Par Hs (C07006 15559) . If you intend to make a walk a trail to point A (C05433 14882) exists which connects the forest trails to open hillside, a kindly local has marked this route. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.