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Corranabinnia SW Top: Maol Rua - a lot of reward for a moderate challenge

Nine Stones via Mount Leinster and Knockroe to Kiltealy

Croaghonagh: Broad tracks all the way to top.

Central Glenbeigh Horseshoe - 3 lakes and 4 peaks

Carrickbyrne Hill: Very overgrown but passable

Energy sapping trudge over, rough, sponge-like terrain.

Tievummera Highpoint: An obvious stop along the ridge

Long walk for one Carn.

Faha Ridge: Testing ridge with narrow irregular path. Often extreme.

Hare Island: A very pleasant four hours

Dull trek up forest tracks

Garinish Island: White-tailed sea eagles on Gairinish

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Central Dingle Area   W: Slieveanea Subarea
Place count in area: 25, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 71, 78, EW-DC, EW-DE, EW-DW 
Highest place:
Beenoskee, 826m
Maximum height for area: 826 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 491 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Croaghskearda Mountain Cruach Sceirde A name in Irish, also Strickeen an extra EastWest name in English (Ir. Cruach Sceirde [OSI], 'stack of the exposed place') Kerry County in Munster Province, in no lists, Purple cross-bedded sandstone Bedrock

Height: 608m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 70 Grid Reference: Q50972 03908
Place visited by 95 members. Recently by: Marykerry, maryblewitt, Dee68, maoris, Deise-Man, DeirdreM, chelman7, Carolyn105, quarryman, Krzysztof_K, learykid, John.geary, eiremoss34, Peter Walker, annem
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -10.178868, Latitude: 52.167316 , Easting: 50972, Northing: 103908 Prominence: 13m,  Isolation: 1.4km
ITM: 450953 603960,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Crghsk, 10 char: Crghskrd
Bedrock type: Purple cross-bedded sandstone, (Cappagh Sandstone Formation)

Near a path over the brow of the hill between Gowlin and Lisdargan there is an underground passage called Staighre Chaitlín (Cathleen's Stairs) which leads to a cave. The tale is told of a local man who dreamed of a treasure on the Bridge of Limerick, went there and met a stranger who said that he had dreamed of treasure at a place unknown to him called Staighre Chaitlín; the local man who knew the place well returned home and found the treasure (Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa', pp. 207-08). MacNeill also mentions several legends connected with the nearby hills to the east.   Croaghskearda is the 271st highest place in Ireland.

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Exposed it certainly is .. by group   (Show all for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde))
Views south. .. by simon3   (Show all for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde))
Croaghskearda was the third summit visited in a .. by jackill   (Show all for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)) Picture about mountain Croaghskearda (<i>Cruach Sceirde</i>) in area Central Dingle, Ireland
Views from atop
by Strikeen  24 Apr 2017
Some spectacular views from this mountain Linkback:
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Views .. by Strikeen   (Show all for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde))
Great views .. by mickhanney   (Show all for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde))
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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc