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Central Dingle Area , W: Slieveanea Subarea
Feature count in area: 25, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 71, 78, EW-DC, EW-DE, EW-DW
Highest Place: Beenoskee 826m

Starting Places (34) in area Central Dingle:
Anascaul Village, Annascaul Lake, Ballyduff Grave Yard, Brandon Village, Cloghane Community Centre, Conor Pass, Doonore South, Doorah, Dromavally Mountain SE, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Farrannakilla School, Glan Mountain, Glanteenassig Lane, Glanteenassig Wood CP, Glennahoo River, Hostel Cloghane Village, Killiney R560 Junction, Kilmore Lodge, Lios Pole Church, Lisduff Rath, Lough Camclaun, Lough Caum, Lough Doon CP, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, Minard Beach, Mullaghveal Farm, Owenascaul Estuary, Pedlars Lodge, Pilgrimage Trail Owenmore River, Sauce Creek Walkway Dingle Way, Teerbrin

Summits & other features in area Central Dingle:
Cen: Annascaul Lake West: Cnoc na Bánóige 641.6m, Cnoc na Bánóige North Top 447.6m, Knockmulanane 593.2m, Knockmulanane West Top 563.5m
Cen: Dromavally: Cummeen 477m, Dromavally Mountain 552m, Knocknakilton 423m
N: Annascaul Lake North: Coombane 610m, Beenatoor 592m, Beenoskee 826m, Stradbally Mountain 798m
N: Carrigdav: Carrigadav 240m
N: Fermoyle: Farrandalouge 144m
S: Annascaul: Beenmore 252m, Brickany 374m, Knockafeehane 301m, Knocknanacree 286m
W: Ballyduff: Slievenalecka 458.4m, Beenbo 476.7m, Slievenagower 485.8m
W: Slieveanea: An Cnapán Mór 649m, Knockmoylemore 493m, Croaghskearda 608m, Slievanea 628.7m, Slievanea NE Top 670.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Croaghskearda, 608m Mountain Cruach Sceirde A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cruach Sceirde [OSI], 'stack of the exposed place'), Strickeen, Kerry County in Munster province, in no lists, Croaghskearda is the 272nd highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q50972 03908, OS 1:50k mapsheet 70
Place visited by: 96 members, recently by: srr45, Marykerry, maryblewitt, Dee68, maoris, Deise-Man, DeirdreM, chelman7, Carolyn105, quarryman, Krzysztof_K, learykid, John.geary, eiremoss34, Peter Walker
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.178868, Latitude: 52.167316, Easting: 50972, Northing: 103908, Prominence: 13m,  Isolation: 1.4km
ITM: 450953 603960
Bedrock type: Purple cross-bedded sandstone, (Cappagh Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: Near a path over the brow of the hill between Gowlin and Lisdargan there is an underground passage called Staighre Chaitlín (Cathleen's Stairs) which leads to a cave. The tale is told of a local man who dreamed of a treasure on the Bridge of Limerick, went there and met a stranger who said that he had dreamed of treasure at a place unknown to him called Staighre Chaitlín; the local man who knew the place well returned home and found the treasure (Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa', pp. 207-08). MacNeill also mentions several legends connected with the nearby hills to the east.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crghsk, 10 char: Crghskrd

Gallery for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde) and surrounds
Summary for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde): Exposed it certainly is
Summary created by jackill 03 Jul, 2011
   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Picture: Croaghskearda from An Cnapan Mor
Park in the large car park at the Connor pass.
Cross the main road and head due east uphill following a distinct track for 200 meters, leave this track as it swing sharply south and continue uphill and east, skirting cliffs to your left side.
These are steep cliffs, so keep some distance from them.
You will come to a small semicircle of stones at about 620 mtrs elevation , pick up a low stone wall and follow it to the unmarked summit of Slieveanea about 400 meters to the east.
From Slieveanea head south for the summit crossing rough bog for a little while before an easy ascent across stoney ground to a stone cairn.
Member Comments for Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)

   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Picture: Green, gold and grey stone.
Views south.
by simon3 16 Aug 2011
Visit this extraordinary prow of a summit on a fine day and you will get this amazing view of Dingle Bay.
On the right coastline is part of Ventry Harbour, then the reddish sands of "Short Strand". Directly above the big nearby hump is "Doonties Commons" and on the other side of the bay, Knocknadobar.
On the original of this picture the Skelligs are also visible just to the right of the last land right on the horizon. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Picture: Croaghskearda from the cliffs of Slievanea
jackill on Croaghskearda
by jackill 23 May 2005
Croaghskearda was the third summit visited in a traverse over the mountains of Central Dingle.
This picture was taken from Slievanea with Croaghskearda on the extreme right of the photo and Gowlane Beg on the extreme left. Croaghskeardas summit from some angles looks almost like a small pyramid and is scattered with the same small flat stones that appear on many of the Central Dingle mountains. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Views from atop
by Strikeen 24 Apr 2017
Some spectacular views from this mountain Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Picture: Croaghskearda, view as approaching from the north.
The Dingle Pyramid
by Sweeney 8 Sep 2022
Passed this peak when traversing from Conor Pass to Loough Anascaul. It is very striking, when approaching from the north, and well worth the slight detour. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghskearda (Cruach Sceirde)
Picture: Morning Sun on Croaghskearda
Overlooking Dingle
by srr45 18 Jan 2025
A fabulous little six.
Super views of Dingle and looking west to the Brandon’s and East to the Slieve Mish’s. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
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