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Croagh Patrick Area , S: Owenmore Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 30, 31, 37, 38, CBE, CBW, MSW
Highest Place: Croagh Patrick 764m

Starting Places (22) in area Croagh Patrick:
Balloor, Ben Goram Road, Bracklagh, Carrowmore Hill South, Carrowrevagh Lough, Cregganbaun, Drummin NS, Keelkill North, Kilgeever Wood, Killeennimat Burial Ground, Kinknock, Laghta Eighter, Laghta Eighter Hill NE, Mayo MRT Post, Murrisk Fishermans Monument, National Famine Memorial, Old Head, Paddy's Place, Prospect Lough Road, Sruhaunpollanoughty, St Patricks Church, Western Way Skelp

Summits & other features in area Croagh Patrick:
N: North Ridge: Ben Goram 559m, Boheh Hill 219m, Croagh Patrick 764m, Crott Mountain 499.7m, Lugnademon 509.9m, Teevenacroaghy 485.9m
S: Owenmore: Carrowrevagh 210m, Knockakishaun 390m, Oughty Hill 333m
W: Louisburgh Hills: Balloor Hill 147m, Carrowmore Hill 171m, Kinknock Hill 173m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Oughty Hill, 333m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Stuacín, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Oughty Hill is the 1093th highest place in Ireland. Oughty Hill is the second most southerly summit in the Croagh Patrick area.
Grid Reference L93095 75700, OS 1:50k mapsheet 38
Place visited by: 10 members, recently by: Sweeney, markwallace, eamonoc, FrankMc1964, Fergalh, Garmin, sandman, chalky, dez, madfrankie
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.620167, Latitude: 53.720151, Easting: 93095, Northing: 275700, Prominence: 146m,  Isolation: 3.7km
ITM: 493068 775716
Bedrock type: Pelite, psammite, limestone, tuff, (Bouris Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: OghtHl, 10 char: Oughty Hil

Gallery for Oughty Hill and surrounds
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Member Comments for Oughty Hill

   picture about Oughty Hill
Picture: Summit Area.
In the Shadow.
by sandman 21 Aug 2016
As with most of the lower summits in this area they are located within the shadow of Croagh Patrick and so too is Oughty with its stone marker adjacent to the summit. Parking at Sruh'Outy (L93096 74507) i entered a farm gate the silver one with the block pier and picked my way thru the ferns up to a fence crossing same to open hillside and on to summit at A (L93095 75700) . Linkback:
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   picture about Oughty Hill
Picture: The lower (less well preserved) cathair looking towards the Sheeffry Hills.
A minor summit and a walk among ruins
by markwallace 15 Mar 2024
A small but rough and wild hill. There are houses along the road to the south. Like Sandman, I summited from that direction. In the other directions, particularly north and west, the hill is surrounded by empty bog and some forest.

From the summit I could see to the west a round stone structure, low but pretty big at B (L922 756). This was marked as "cathairs" on the new EW Mweelrea and The Reek map. There is a second cathair, in poorer repair and not as apparent from the summit, just metres away from the first. I went down for a look and to make a proper hike of this hill. I'm not sure of the provenance of these structures and couldn't find anything online.

There are other stone ruins nearby on the west side of the hill too - like many hillside locations in the west, evidently much busier once upon a time than now. A nice and atmospheric place for a stroll on a fine spring day. With the bog, jumbled boulders and ruined buildings, it felt like a quintessential west of Ireland landscape. Glad I finally made it out to this unsung member of my Local 100!

On the way back to my car I met a farmer who called this hill "Cruckaveen", which corresponds to the Croaghavin found on the EW map.

EW notes a small parking area far up the Owenwee Bog road to the north of the hill at C (L944 781). This area being houseless bog, access would presumably be straightforward, but it is a longer route and probably a bit of a slog. Doing it from the south as I did is a short ascent, but there is farmland along the base of the hill so access is not guaranteed. The farmer I met had no issue with it though. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.