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Purple Mountain Area , Cen: Purple Mountain Subarea
Feature count in area: 6, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 78, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Purple Mountain 832m

Starting Places (9) in area Purple Mountain:
Derrycunihy Church, Gap of Dunloe Head of, Gap of Dunloe Kate K, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Muckross Lake S, Shaking Rock W, Shamrock Farmhouse B&B, Tomies Lough Leane NW, Torc Waterfall CP

Summits & other features in area Purple Mountain:
Cen: Purple Mountain: Purple Mountain 832m, Purple Mountain NE Top 757m, Shehy Mountain 762m, Tomies Mountain 735m, Tomies Mountain North Top 568m
SW: Eagles Nest: Eagles Nest 334m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Tomies Mountain, 735m Mountain An Chathair A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Cathair, Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Tomies Mountain is the 87th highest place in Ireland. Tomies Mountain is the second most northerly summit in the Purple Mountain area.
Grid Reference V89499 86766, OS 1:50k mapsheet 78
Place visited by: 486 members, recently by: Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, jackos, DarrenY, jeb, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, Nailer1967, Kirsty, maryblewitt, Marykerry, kieran117, rhw, grainne1397, orlaithfitz
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.610491, Latitude: 52.022398, Easting: 89499, Northing: 86766, Prominence: 60m,  Isolation: 0.8km
ITM: 489473 586824
Bedrock type: Purple sandstone & siltstone, (Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: Cathair ('stone fort') is the name of the highest point (735m) of Tomies Mountain, but not the name of the mountain as a whole (TH). References to Tomish or Toomish Mountain in The Ancient and Present State of the County of Kerry (1756) make it clear that this name applied to the whole of what is now called Purple Mountain. When the name Purple Mountain gained currency in the 19th century as the name applied to the massif in general and its highest top, the name Tomies Mountain was probably relegated in status, referring only to the subsidiary peak. Joyce gives the Irish name as Tuamaidhe and explains it in reference to the two sepulchral heaps of stones on the summit (PWJ, vol. I, p. 336).
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: TmsMnt, 10 char: TmsMntn

Gallery for Tomies Mountain (An Chathair) and surrounds
Summary for Tomies Mountain (An Chathair): Follow me up to Tomies
Summary created by Peter Walker, jackill 24 Jul, 2014
   picture about Tomies Mountain (An Chathair)
Picture: Tomies (left) and Purple Mountain from the north
Park on the roadside at A (V872 838), room for 5 cars, and follow the track past Madmans seat and on to the Glas Loch.
Follow the west shore then steeply up to the east at the back of the lake. This path is very unstable just before the ridge at 560 meters elevation.
Cross over to the eastern side of the ridge, try to pick up zig-zig path that leads eventually to B (V884 851), the col between point 793 meters and the summit of Purple.
Continue on to Tomies
There are two ways down from Tomies.Follow a route directly rough heather which makes for slow unpleasent progress until you gain the lower slopes, it is undoubtable that this is the safer route. The other way is to descend over short heather to the top of Tomies rock . In bad visibility or windy weather be careful, it would be very easy to walk straight over the edge!. Just before you reach the the rocks there is a path close to the cliff edge which will lead you eventually down to a gentler slope- this route has magnificent views over the Gap of Dunloe. Once the lower slopes are gained at around C (V889 885) head towards the green shed at D (V888 892), keep to western side of the wire fence( fence and shed are marked only on Hardys map) this marks the corner of the track back to the main road. At E (V887 893) on this track either fork will take you to the main road.
Member Comments for Tomies Mountain (An Chathair)

   picture about Tomies Mountain (An Chathair)
Picture: Tomies from its northern col
Rough isolated route from Tomies Wood
by markmjcampion 23 Dec 2020
Park at the end of the new access road at approx. F (V90044 89257). Go in the gate and follow the track around to the right. at the first bend leave the track and head south into the charming oak and holly forest keeping the stream on your right for a whole. The river can be crossed easily after a dry period but if it's in spate there are a few bridges provieed by mother Nature in the shape of fallen trees....there is one of these after about 100m but a few more further on. i would recommend staying inside the forest for as long as possible as its damp mosses and rotting logs can give you a welcome break from life's stresses if you are in receptive mood. When you do emerge from the trees you will see Tomies at the back of the stage curtained by the two northern spurs on either side of the stream. I headed up the western one and topped out on Tomies North Top after a steep pull up...stay a bit to the right to avoid tussocky grass and heather, From here there's a slight drop to a col followed by a steep and largely rocky rise to Tomies summit. The rocks are a fun way up but if you prefer more grassy terrain head on a more eastern line. You should make it to the top in well under 2 hours. I returned the same way because I had no map and there was a bit of a whiteout on my intended route via the eastern spur. If you do descend via the eastern spur it looks less steep than that which you've just ascended and you can stay on the high part of the spur and reach the forest track at approx. G (V90852 88255). If you then want to extend the walk by about 4 km head east and aim for the amazing O' Sullivan's cascades at H (V91523 88499) won't be disappointed esp if there's been recent rain. There are other very cool falls just upstream from the bridge at I (V91458 88334).
When you go off track in these woods you are in what feels like virgin forest so tread lightly and keep the numbers in your group as low as possible. Linkback:
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   picture about Tomies Mountain (An Chathair)
Picture: The Reeks from Tomies
Approached from the north
by Bunsen7 24 Aug 2017
Approached from the north on 19 Aug 2017, following the track along the laneway north of Kate Kearneys. Perhaps the key to finding this laneway is spotting the two wide gates side by side on the right after you pass the gift shop (Moriarty's) and then Bugler's cottage. Take the gate on the right. The laneway leaves you at the very start of the ridge from where you can follow a fence southwards initially.

The northern reaches of Tomies are boggy with heather and bracken. I'm afraid that there are now the distinct makings of a mucky track developing along this approach, which is not much better underfoot than bracken and heather. I suspect this may be linked to this route being used in recent years for a challenge walk, which tallies with earlier comments which suggested the track was very insignificant previously.

The views are spectacular once you gain the higher ground, particularly looking back into the gap of Dunloe and across to the Eastern reeks. Linkback:
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DickyDonut on Tomies Mountain
by DickyDonut 30 Jul 2003
See my entry re. Purple Mountain. The sun shone on Tomies when we arrived there, walking south to north on the ridge, and we found a beautiful clump of St Patrick's Cabbage! The way down was a little loose and I would not have fancied it coming the other way. Even trying out the newly bought GPS system got rather lost seeking the end of a fence described in our guide, apparently crossing our route several times! However, the ultimate destination was clear so this was not problem, if you don't mind going sideways down steps of heather, with occasional holes between them! Linkback:
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mart on Tomies Mountain
by mart 21 Aug 2005
I climbed from the side road near the Bridge north of Kate Kearney's,
making my way up the ridge visible from the road. There is a path a
long the ridge but when you reach the steep northern face you seem to
be on your own and it is just a matter of winding your way up.
Once the ground levels out at about 2000ft you can easily pick out the
summits. Tomies mountain presents a steep finale, which may be across a
jumble of large rocks, if you pick your route wrong. Linkback:
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   picture about Tomies Mountain (An Chathair)
skyehigh on Tomies Mountain
by skyehigh 21 Aug 2005
I do not seem to be alone in finding the descent from Tomies Mountain rather trying. Flogging through heather is not much fun. Where are the paths? There appear to be a few sheep (?) tracks, but mostly they go in the wrong direction. Perhaps I contributed to my own discomfort by heading towards the top of Tomies Rock to obtain a better view through the Gap (see photo), which meant I had to contour back around the hill. It was pleasant, eventually, to leave the trackless heather behind, but then I had trouble locating a route of descent from the ridge and ended up battling with gorse. Would any member who has found this ascent/descent easy please tell us how? Linkback:
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