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Knockmealdown Mountains Area , Cen: Central Knockmealdowns Subarea
Feature count in area: 17, by county: Tipperary: 11, Waterford: 11, of which 5 are in both Tipperary and Waterford, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 82, EW-K
Highest Place: Knockmealdown 792.4m

Starting Places (16) in area Knockmealdown Mountains:
Bay Lough CP, Bay Lough Hairpin, Clogheen South, Crow Hill, Kilballyboy Wood, Kingston Bridge, Knockadullaun, Knockeenanooneen, Knockmeal Mountain Road, Knocksculloge, Liam Lynch Trailhead, Mount Melleray Abbey, R669 Rough Glen River, Spital-Land, Sugar Loaf Horseshoe Viewing Point, The Vee

Summits & other features in area Knockmealdown Mountains:
Cen: Central Knockmealdowns: Crohan West 521m, Knockmeal 559.5m, Knockmealdown 792.4m, Knockmoylan 767.1m, Knocknafallia 666.5m, Knocknagnauv 655.1m, Sugarloaf Hill 662.7m
E: East Knockmealdowns: Broemountain 430.4m, Knocknanask 486m, Knocknasheega 430.4m, Knocksculloge 432.6m
S: Araglin: Knockadullaun 352.2m
W: West Knockmealdowns: Crow Hill 516.8m, Farbreaga 518m, Knocknalougha 629m, Knocknalougha South Top 518.6m, Knockshanahullion 653.3m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knocknagnauv, 655.1m Mountain Cnoc na gCnámh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc na gCnámh [OSI], 'hill of the bones'), Monicknanauve, Tipperary/ Waterford County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Knocknagnauv is the 187th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S08107 08309, OS 1:50k mapsheet 74
Place visited by: 327 members, recently by: StJohn, Josephineobrien, orlaithfitz, patman1974, pinchy, RosieMc, Aidan_Ennis, Marykerry, discovering_dann, RonanS, farmerjoe1, davidrenshaw, jellybean, Nomad691, Seamy13
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.882087, Latitude: 52.226958, Easting: 208108, Northing: 108309, Prominence: 60.1m,  Isolation: 1.5km
ITM: 608055 608363
Bedrock type: Medium grained pink-purple sandstone, (Knockmealdown Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: Canon Power names the main hills of Lismore and Mocollop parish as Knockmaeldown, 2609 ft, and Knocknarea, 2149 ft (PND). This latter height translates to 655m, which shows that it is an alternative name for Knocknagnauv. Cnocán na Ré means 'little hill of the flat top'.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc655, 10 char: Knckngnv

Gallery for Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh) and surrounds
Summary for Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh): The best view of Knockmealdown?
Summary created by jackill 22 Aug, 2012
   picture about Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)
Picture: From just below the summit looking to Knockmealdown
Park on the roadside at A (S112 083) on the Mellary to Newcastle road just after you cross the border to Tipperary and past an abandoned farmhouse on the right. There is room here for 5-6 cars.
You will notice there are two tracks running side by side uphill , take the right hand one and follow it uphill and west.
After 0.75 kms follow this track left and around the side of Knockmeal for about 1km.
The track turns left again and slightly downhill to the col with Knocknafallia you will see a rough wall, which I recommend walking to the east side of, skirting Knocknafallia and heading gently uphill towards Knocknagnauv. Follow this wall and though it disappears into the bog on some small sections eventually it becomes quite clear and the stonework appears. It will lead you all the way to the summit which is just a little further on after the wall turns at a sharp right angle .
Member Comments for Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)

Blessed are Those who Walk St Declan's Way
by Pepe 5 Sep 2019
It’s possible to do Knocknagnauv as a stand-alone hillwalk by starting from a point on the R669 road between Cappoquin and the Vee. If coming from Cappoquin, park at a farmyard entrance on the right-hand side of the road more or less immediately around the corner after Gloungarrif Bridge. There is room here for one or two cars to pull in without blocking the farmyard gates. This is the start point for a stretch of St Declan’s Way which wends all of three kilometres up to the saddle between Knockmealdown Mountain and Knocknagnauv – the trail is clearly marked (though not named) on OS sheet 74, and is very well waymarked with yellow arrows on wooden stakes every few hundred metres, so you couldn’t go wrong, could you?
The problem is that the trail is so eroded it’s hard to spot in places and impossible to walk it for much of the route. Many parts resemble a watercourse so you have to find an alternative way along by the side. Blessed are the sheep trails, for they are many and very useful for those seeking the righteous path. Blessed are the yellow arrows, without them the Way would be even harder. Blessed are those who reach the saddle, for the extra couple of kilometres from there and back to the top of Knocknagnauv is a doddle. Most Blessed of all are those who walk back the same route they came – they shall be rewarded in the next life for trudging six kilometres that are marginally less pleasurable than sticking hot needles into your eyeballs. Linkback:
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   picture about Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)
simon3 on Knocknagnauv
by simon3 7 Apr 2003
This mountain has a number of bumps on it running from where the picture below was taken into the background. The main bump on the skyline is marked on the map as the true top, however it certainly would not be by much. Linkback:
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   picture about Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)
simon3 on Knocknagnauv
by simon3 7 Apr 2003
Knocknagnauv, hill of the bones, isn’t probably a mountain walkers set out to conquer. It is more a stop on the way while traversing the Knockmealdowns. The picture below shows the wide col between Knocknagauv and Knockmealdown, the highest peak on the skyline. To the right of Knockmealdown is Knockmoylan. Linkback:
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   picture about Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)
Picture: Knocknagnauv from Crohan West.
mneary34 on Knocknagnauv
by mneary34 11 Aug 2005
On the traverse Knocknagnauv is but a stepping stone on the way to Knockmealdown. As is often the case when on a ridge walk the mountain does not have the same character as when viewed from a distance. The photo shows that when viewed from Crohan West, Knocknagnauv has substance. See Knockmealdown for a continuation of the traverse. Linkback:
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   picture about Knocknagnauv (Cnoc na gCnámh)
Picture: Knocknagnauv
jackill on Knocknagnauv
by jackill 23 Nov 2005
Knocknagnauv as viewed from the track beside the county wall
that runs along the base of Knocknafallia Linkback:
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