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Range Highpoints

Range or Mountain Area Highpoints (74 in list)

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Shorter Irish Lists
Larger Irish Lists
British Lists
Comprehensive Lists
Summits of Range Highpoints
1 Carrauntoohil MacGillycuddy's Reeks Cen 1038.6 78, EW-R 82 V80363 84421
2 Brandon Brandon Group S 951.7 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 86 Q46042 11605
3 Lugnaquilla Wicklow W 924.7 56, AWW, EW-LG 74 T03209 91777
4 Galtymore Galty Mountains Cen 917.9 74, EW-G 80 R87846 23788
5 Baurtregaum Slieve Mish Cen 849.7 71, EW-DE 85 Q74986 07665
6 Slieve Donard Mourne Mountains E 849 29 77 J35796 27690
7 Mangerton Mangerton Cen 838.2 78, EW-KNP 79 V98034 80782
8 Purple Mtn Purple Mountain Cen 832 78, EW-KNP, EW-R 90 V88640 85172
9 Beenoskee Central Dingle N 826 70, EW-DC 92 Q58062 08879
10 Mweelrea Mweelrea W 814 37, MSW 93 L78983 66810
11 Nephin East Mayo NW 806 23, 31 83 G10348 07976
12 Mount Leinster Blackstairs Mountains N 794.4 68, EW-B, EW-B2 75 S82656 52533
13 Knockmealdown Knockmealdown Mountains Cen 792.4 74, EW-K 79 S05797 08410
14 Kilclooney Mtn Comeragh Mountains Cen 792 75, EW-C 83 S31690 10508
15 Stumpa Dúloigh Dunkerron Mountains NE 784 78, EW-R 95 V78696 79381
16 Coomacarrea Glenbeigh Horseshoe Cen 772 78, 83 91 V61131 82528
17 Barrclashcame Sheeffry Hills W 772 37, MSW 90 L84951 69515
18 Croagh Patrick Croagh Patrick N 764 30, CBE, MSW 69 L90584 80197
19 Kippure Dublin S 757 56, AWW, EW-DM, EW-WW 57 O11582 15455
20 Errigal Derryveagh Mountains Cen 751 1 80 B92825 20778
21 Benbaun Twelve Bens E 729 37, EW-CON 91 L78558 53903
22 Slieve Carr Nephin Begs NW 721 23, EW-WNN 90 F91494 14500
23 Slievenamon South East Midlands S 720.2 67 64 S29857 30729
24 Knockboy West Cork Mountains NW 704.8 85 76 W00482 62058
25 Binn idir an dá Log Maamturks S 702.0 37, EW-CON 94 L88816 52823
26 The Paps East Derrynasaggart W 694 79 85 W13323 85542
27 Keeper Hill Midlands SW W 691.6 59 66 R82394 66704
28 Knocknadobar Iveragh NW N 690 83 86 V50648 84513
29 Maumtrasna Partry & Joyce Cen 682 38, EW-CON, MSW 85 L96089 63742
30 Hungry Hill Caha Mountains Cen 682 84 90 V76088 49726
31 Sawel Sperrin Mountains NW Cen 678 13 82 H61796 97305
32 Croaghgorm Bluestack Mountains S 674 11 93 G94835 89587
33 Cuilcagh Breifne N 666 26, 27A 79 H12356 28017
34 Truskmore Dartry Mountains N 647 16 69 G75899 47348
35 Musheramore Boggeragh Mountains W 642.7 79 63 W32881 84999
36 Slieve Snaght Inishowen Cen 614.6 3 81 C42444 39017
37 Slieve League Donegal SW SW 596.4 10 81 G54400 78400
38 Slieve Foye Cooley Mountains S 587 29, 36A, EW-CLY 80 J16902 11934
39 Slieve Gullion Gullion SE 573 29 64 J02476 20331
40 Trostan Antrim Hills Cen 550 9 67 D17960 23598
41 Knockalongy Ox Mountains N 544 25 64 G50428 27513
42 Corraun Hill Highpoint Achill & Corraun SE 541 30, CBW, EW-ACC 92 L77736 96118
43 Moylenanav Donegal Central SW 539 1 85 B95587 13310
44 Moylussa East Clare Cen 531.6 58 63 R64844 75928
45 Seefin Mtn West Top Ballyhoura Mountains S 528 73 65 R64454 18070
46 Arderin Slieve Bloom S 527 54 54 S23244 98902
47 Mount Eagle Dingle West Cen 516 70, EW-DW 75 V33466 98949
48 Knockoura Slieve Miskish N 490 84 62 V62123 46264
49 Divis Belfast Hills N 478 15 52 J28077 75480
50 Carrane Hill Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew N 458 25, 26 70 G84419 20660
51 Baraveha East Kerry N 451 72 54 R11196 08550
52 Croaghnameal South Donegal & West Tyrone N 438 11 63 H03800 79300
53 Tievealehid Donegal NW N 429 1 78 B87293 26159
54 Knocknaskagh Nagles Mountains NW 426.5 80 54 W70337 95060
55 Slieveboy Wexford N 420 69 54 T02273 57144
56 Mullaghareirk North Cork N 414 72 34 R26011 19831
57 Mount Gabriel Mizen/Sheeps Head NE 407 88 51 V93118 34864
58 Donald's Hill Keenaght 399 8 65 C74300 17300
59 Belmore Mtn Fermanagh & South Tyrone W 398 17 71 H13800 41700
60 Slievecallan West Clare S 391 57 63 R14422 77362
61 Maumakeogh North Mayo E 379 23 50 G03703 36823
62 Culliagh SE Top Donegal East NW 369 6, 11 43 C08165 02048
63 Knockalla Donegal North E 363 2 76 C23592 34284
64 Shannavara South Connemara N 358 45 71 L93334 43718
65 Tully Mtn West Connemara N 356 37 74 L67272 61173
66 Crusline North Kerry S 355 71 34 Q89720 18930
67 Knockanimpaha West Limerick W 344 64 36 R21630 34628
68 Cornasaus North East Midlands NE 339 35 40 N72184 95989
69 Slieve Bawn North West Midlands E 262 40 40 M95476 74312
70 Knockshanawee South Cork N 209 86 21 W45445 68859
71 Uisneach Westmeath Coastal Hill 182 48 N29090 48983
72 The Three Sisters NE Top Kerry Coastal Hill 153 70, EW-DW 82 Q35354 08934
73 Clashabeema South Waterford 137 75, 76 45 S54212 05450
74 Moveen Hill South Clare SW 136 63 36 Q85720 57495
* Location: If you enter a home location in Settings (top right) this listing will tell you how far each summit or place is from home. You will need to click Add Distance Column in the Map Options
* Mapsheets: The mapsheet column details paper maps that we are aware of that include any given place. The Irish ones listed above and starting with a digit such as "7" or "87" are OSi-Tailte or OSNI-L&PS 1:50k mapsheets and they are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27A, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36A, 37, 38, 40, 45, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88
The others are AWW: (OS Wicklow Mapping Extent); CBE: (OSI Clew Bay E 1:25k); CBW: (OSI Clew Bay W 1:25k); EW-ACC: EastWest (Achill & Corraun, Clare Island (Clare Isl)); EW-B: EastWest (Blackstairs (Southern)); EW-B2: EastWest (Blackstairs & Mount Leinster); EW-C: EastWest (Comeragh); EW-CLY: EastWest (Cooley); EW-CON: EastWest (Connemara); EW-DC: EastWest (Dingle Central); EW-DE: EastWest (Dingle East); EW-DM: EastWest (Dublin Mountains); EW-DW: EastWest (Dingle West); EW-G: EastWest (Galtee); EW-K: EastWest (Knockmealdown); EW-KNP: EastWest (Killarney National Park); EW-LG: EastWest (Lugnaquillia & Glendalough); EW-R: EastWest (The Reeks); EW-WNN: EastWest (Wild Nephin (Northern)); EW-WW: EastWest (Wicklow West); MSW: (OSI Mayo S&W 1:25k);
* Language preference for place names was set to English for this list. Change in Settings, top right.

Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.