My initial access to this hill on 7 July 2010 was from the B193 between Derry and Newtown Cunningham. Just W of the small village of Killea at
A (C372 147) I turned right on to a minor road signed L2031 and followed it up through a cross-roads for about 2km to the start of an access road for a communications mast where there was sufficient room to park off road
Cast Up (C37677 16800) without blocking the access gate. Once over the gate, perhaps the most strenuous part of the walk, I followed the road up where it levelled out and swung right towards the mast about 100 metres away. At this point I climbed over a gate on the left and followed a firm grassy surface SE to a fence just below an obvious raised area topped by a pile of stones, built around and almost concealing the trig pillar
B (C38559 16981). From here it was a short walk of about 100 metres N across the heather to the unmarked MV high point at
D (C385 171). Having been there, and having checked the respective heights of the MV top and that of the trig pillar, using my basic Garmin e-trex GPS, it seems to me, both visually and from the readings, that the trig pillar location is at least a metre higher if not two. However until someone better equiped that me checks it out it is quite easy to visit both "high points". I descended by way of ascent all within 25/30 minutes of easy walking. From the top I had a fine view across NW to the neighbouring hill of Greenan Mountain with the large stone Cashel of the Grianan of Aileach, prominent on it's top. This was once the seat of the O'Neills, Kings of Ulster and is well worh a visit when in the area. It is possible to drive to the top. Further to the NW across Lough Swilly were the hills of Fanad and almost due N was Scalp Mountain. To the SW was Dooish Mountain near Newtown Cunningham, another MV listed hill which could easily be included with Holywell Hill during a drive from Derry to Letterkenny by the B193. Both walks, including the off route driving would only add about an hour to the journey.
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