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Donegal SW Area , NE: Glengesh Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 10
Highest Place: Slieve League 596.4m

Starting Places (1) in area Donegal SW:
Port Pier

Summits & other features in area Donegal SW:
Maum 325m
N: Sliabh Tuaidh: Tormore Island South 94m, Tormore Island North 139m, Crockuna 400m, Slievetooey 511m, Slievetooey Far West Top 460m, Slievetooey West Top 472m
NE: Glengesh: Balbane Hill 472m, Glengesh Hill 390m, Common Mountain 499.7m, Crocknapeast 497m, Croaghavehy 372m, Mulmosog Mountain 351m, Mulnanaff 475m
NW: Glencolmkille: Croaghacullion 374m, Croaghloughdivna 310m
S: Killybegs Hills: Croaghacullin 405m, Croaghmuckros 275m, Crownarad 493m, Crownarad SW Top 471m
SW: Slieve League: Crockrawer 435.2m, Leahan 427m, Slieve League 596.4m, Slieve League SE Top 576.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Common Mountain, 499.7m Hill Sliabh Chamáin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Sliabh Chamáin [], poss. 'mountain of the crooked
, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Common Mountain is the 573rd highest place in Ireland. Common Mountain is the second most easterly summit in the Donegal SW area.
Grid Reference G70920 85943, Mapsheet(s): 10
Place visited by: 51 members, recently by: kernowclimber, srr45, annem, eamonoc, trekker, mcrtchly, markmjcampion, simon3, MichaelE, arderincorbett, Lauranna, LorraineG60, IndyMan, Peter Walker, Cobhclimber
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.452051, Latitude: 54.72064, Easting: 170920, Northing: 385943, Prominence: 316m,  Isolation: 2.7km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 570876 885935
Bedrock type: Flaggy quartzite and dark schist, (Slieve League Formation)
Notes on name: The nearby townland of Roechrow also appears to get its name from a hill (poss. Ir. Ruachruach, 'red stack').
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: CmnMnt, 10 char: CmnMntn

Gallery for Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin) and surrounds
Summary for Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin): Broad Top with Steep Ground to North and East
Summary created by simon3, Colin Murphy, Onzy 18 Nov, 2019
   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: View from Car Park, with Common Mt behind.
Common Mountain is isolated from most other hills by its location in the apex of a narrow fork of land, where the N56 meets the R230. It used to be regarded as an Arderin, however measurement on 13 Nov 2019 reveals that it's height is 499.7 and so just under the requirement.

For the easiest ascent, it is hard to ignore the lay-by parking at A (G687 859), which is already at an elevation of 270m. From here you need to outflank the forested area, either by heading northwest along the road for 100m, or southeast about 100m to the hairpin bend, before heading south over open ground. Once around the forest you can head east towards the summit. An hour should see you at the summit and an up and down should take well under two hours.

An alternative is to start right in the hook of the hairpin bend, where you'll see some small hills of gravel. Behind these is a gate. This has a 'Private Property' sign, but judging by the towering weeds on either side, it hasn't been opened in years. Across the gate is a short track leading down to a stream. Cross this and you are onto to the open hillside, which is grassy and firm underfoot. Head directly east for an hour to reach the top.

Common Mountain can be linked with a climb of Crocknapeast. From Common, descend to a broad col at B (G698 848) (sh 384) before heading south to Crocknapeast. On the descent, you are probably best returning via the same col; a circuit of three hours.

From the summit, very steep ground to the north and east points towards a possible circuit from that direction.

There are a number of 'No Trespassing' signs scattered around the hill.
Member Comments for Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)

   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: guide rope across river
gerrym on Common Mountain
by gerrym 25 Nov 2006
I started this walk from the scenic viewpoint and carpark (C (G687 859)) at the head of the Glengesh Pass, a fantastic drive up through a steep sided valley along hairpin bends to gain height. At the hairpin bend just below the carpark there is a gate and rough track heading onto the hillside. This is accompanied by a sign saying 'private no entry', joining a plethora of other such signs up through the valley. I politely ignored the sign, dropping down, crossing a stream and started climbing the open hillside. The views along the valley soon open out to include the magnificent coastline of the area, including Slievetooey. Cross an easy area of peat hags and pick up the remains of an old wall heading uphill. A broad top is reached in 30 mins, with views stretching across Donegal Bay to the clear line of the Sligo Hills and the Ox mtns stretching westwards. A further 15 mins NE brings the summit of eroded peat and some stone, with a small cairn and 'OS pillar', or concrete filled plastic pipe as it is more commonly known as in these parts. A much more satisfying route is visible from here, taking in the natural horeshoe of steep slopes to the N & E. The views from the summit take in the remainder of Donegals hills - the Bluestacks and the Derryveaghs. To the S I could see the boats in the fishing port of Killybegs.
I returned SW and trhen S along the broad top on good ground, picking up a fenceline. Where the fence turns to avoid an outcrop of rock, cross and head down towards the col at point 384m (B (G698 848)). The ground looks terrible from here but is not too bad to cross. Pick up a newly constructed fence and follow as it turns and heads uphill, but veer off S for the top of Crocknapeast (497m), reached 45 mins after Common. Pass some pools of water at the top and then drop and rise as follow around the rim of the valley containing the Crow river. A line of old rotting fence posts show the way, with great views to the top of Crownard to the S. Reach the top of Mulnanaff (475m) and contour around another river valley dropping down from this line of hills. Head downhill now towards a stand of conifers and pick up a waymarked way (D (G663 826)). This is very wet and could better be characterised as a streaam in many places. A stream is crossed, with the help of a guide rope (E (G666 837)), and a lane provides easier passage. This joins the road heading back to Glengesh and 45 mins of walking does the job. A walk over a good part of the Glengesh hills, good views, no other people, not the best weather, enjoyable day. Linkback:
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   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: Toward Common Mountain summit from the Sth West
madfrankie on Common Mountain
by madfrankie 4 Sep 2005
Started from the lay-by near the top of the Glengesh Pass. Walked south past the forestry before squelching SE across boggy moorland. A messy but easy ascent to the skyline brings you to a fence which can be followed for a distance. Gradient steepens slightly before you arrive at the summit, marked with a concrete-filled plastic pipe atop a peaty knoll.
Good views include down to Ardara and Loughros More Bay, and northwest to Meenacurrin / Slievetooey. Linkback:
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   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: The summit marker of Common Mountain
madfrankie on Common Mountain
by madfrankie 4 Sep 2005
Summit of Common Mountain with Ardara and Loughros More Bay in the distance Linkback:
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   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: Common Mountain from the Glengesh Valley
murphysw on Common Mountain
by murphysw 18 Jul 2005
I took this snap of Common Mountain after I drove through the Glengesh Pass having climbed Sliabh League earlier in the day. Incidentally on the cover of the Discovery Series Map 10 is a picture of the Glengesh Pass and the mountain to the right of the road is Common Mountain. Linkback:
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   picture about Common Mountain (Sliabh Chamáin)
Picture: Surveying the top of Sliabh Chamáin (Kernowclimber, mcritchly)
Crooked mountain turns out to be Arderin imposter.
by simon3 18 Nov 2019
According to the OS this summit has a summit height of 501m, however checking with a survey quality GPS on 13th Nov 2019 revealed that the true height is 499.7m +/- .1m

We climbed a mountain and came down a hill. Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.