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Lake District - Northern Fells Area , Lake District - Northern Fells Subarea
Feature count in area: 75, all in ,
Highest Place: Skiddaw 931m

Starting Places in area Lake District - Northern Fells:

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Summits & other features in area Lake District - Northern Fells:
Lake District - North Western Fells: Barf 469m, Broom Fell 511m, Graystones 452m, Graystones (Birkett) 456m, Kirk Fell (Lorton) 438m, Lord's Seat 552m, Sale Fell 359m, Seat How (Thornthwaite) 495m, Tarbarrel Moss 493m, Ullister Hill 525m, Watch Hill [Setmurthy Common] 254m, Whinlatter Top 525m, Whinlatter [Brown How - Whinlatter] 517m, Widow Hause 404m
Lake District - Northern Fells: Atkinson Pike [Foule Crag] 845m, Bakestall 673m, Bannerdale Crags 683m, Binsey 447m, Birk Hill 501m, Blencathra - Hallsfell Top 868m, Bowscale Fell 702m, Bowscale Fell Far East Top 604m, Brae Fell 586m, Broad End 831m, Burn Tod 595m, Burnt Horse 570m, Carl Side 746m, Carrock Fell 663m, Cockup 505m, Coomb Height 627m, Dodd (Skiddaw) 502m, Doddick Fell 742m, Drygill Head 622m, Frozen Fell 625m, Gategill Fell Top 851m, Great Calva 690m, Great Cockup 526m, Great Lingy Hill 616m, Great Sca Fell 651m, Hare Crag 538m, Hare Stones 627m, High Pike (Caldbeck) 658m, Jenkin Hill 735m, Knott 710m, Knowe Crags [Blease Fell] 805m, Little Calva 642m, Little Lingy Hill 600m, Little Sca Fell 633m, Long Side 734m, Longlands Fell 483m, Lonscale Fell 715m, Lonscale Pike [Lonscale Fell East Top] 703m, Lowthwaite Fell 509m, Meal Fell 550m, Miller Moss [Little Lingy Hill] 609m, Miton Hill 607m, Mungrisdale Common 633m, Pike 593m, Round Knott 603m, Sale How 666m, Sandale Hill 373m, Scales Fell 682m, Skiddaw 931m, Skiddaw - Lesser Man 815m, Skiddaw Little Man 865m, Skiddaw Middle Top 928m, Skiddaw North Top 922m, Skiddaw South Top 925m, Souther Fell 522m, Souther Fell South Top 519m, Tarn Crags Top [Bowscale Fell East Top] 665m, The Tongue 553m, Ullock Pike 690m, West Fell 511m, White Hause 464m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Carl Side, 746m Mountain
Place Rating ..
, in British over 600m Lists
Grid Reference NY25495 28088, OS 1:50k mapsheet 89 90
Place visited by: 16 members, recently by: rhw, arthurdoylephoto, oakesave, TommyMc, skyehigh, IainT, johnstna, Onzy, Fergalh, MichaelE, chalky, Geansai, jimbloomer, Harry Goodman, liz50
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -3.155984, Latitude: 54.642389, Easting: 325495, Northing: 528088, Prominence: 30m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 912560 887918

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: CrlSd, 10 char: Carl Side

Gallery for Carl Side and surrounds
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Member Comments for Carl Side

   picture about Carl Side
Picture: Cairn at summit
Steep descent off the Skiddaw 4 peak plateau
by Fergalh 14 Jan 2021
From Broad End a climb back up the four Skiddaw peaks at the summit is followed by a drop down onto the spur with 3 peaks called Longside Edge. The first Peak you come to after the steep descent off the Skiddaw plateau is marked with a small cairn Linkback:
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   picture about Carl Side
Picture: View from Skiddaw Ridge
The dog leg of Longside Ridge
by Fergalh 14 Jan 2021
Longside Ridge from Skiddaw Linkback:
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