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Caha Mountains Area , S: Castletownbere Subarea
Feature count in area: 57, by county: Cork: 32, Kerry: 36, of which 11 are in both Cork and Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 83, 84, 85, 88
Highest Place: Hungry Hill 682m

Starting Places (51) in area Caha Mountains:
Ardgroom, Barley Lake North, Bere Island Pier, Caha Pass, Canshanavoe South, Carriganine, Cashelkeelty Stone Circles Carpark, Castletownbere Lifeboat Harbour, Clashduff River Farm, Coolieragh Harbour Road, Coomadayallig Lake Road N, Coomadayallig Lake Road S, Cooryeen Lane, Cummer Lough East Road, Derreenataggart Stone Circle Road, Dromoghty Lough North, Dunboy Wood, Esk Boreen, Eyeries, Fehanah Lane, Garinish Island Pier, Glantrasna Bridge, Glenbeg Lough N, Glengarriff, Glengarriff Nature Reserve CP, Gleninchaquin Waterfall, Gowlaun Lough, Healy Pass, Healy Pass Hairpin, Ilnacullin Car Park, Kenmare Bridge, Knockacullin Lane, Leahill Bog, Leitrim Beg Standing Stone, Lough Inchiquin SE, Magannagan Stream, Molly Gallivan's Visitor Centre, Nora's Cottage, Old Lansdowne School, Owgarriff River Lane, Peg's Shop, Pooleen Wood Car Park, Red Trout Lake, Reenroe Bridge, River Drimminboy Track, Rossmackowen Bridge, Rossmackowen Cemetery, Shronebirrane Farm, Shronebirrane Road, Toberbanaha, Turner's Rock Tunnel

Summits & other features in area Caha Mountains:
Cen: Hungry Hill: Coombane 510m, Derryclancy 554m, Hungry Hill 682m
Cen: Knockowen: Cushnaficulla 594m, Glenkeel Top 417m, Knockastumpa 398m, Knockeirky 577m, Knockeirky South Top 523m, Knockowen 658m, Stookeennalackareha 412m
E: Glengarriff: Derrynafulla SW 375m, Gowlbeg Mountain 362m, Nareera 530m, Nareera North Top 503m, Nareera South-West Top 505m, Shrone Hill 283m, Sugarloaf Mountain 574m, Sugarloaf Mountain Far West Top 560m, Sugarloaf Mountain West Top 565m
N: Coomnadiha: Baurearagh Mountain 489m, Caha Far SE Top 555m, Caha SE Top 585m, Coomnadiha 644m, Coomnalack Top 435m, Cummeenbaun 510m, Droppa 522m, Killane Mountain 537m, Killane Mountain South-West Top 533m, Knockagarrane 414m, Knockreagh 500m
N: Knockeirka: Barraduff Mountain 400m, Killaha Mountain 400m, Knockeirka 426m
N: Knocknagorraveela: Derrysallagh 410m, Feorus East 474m, Knocknagorraveela 507m, Knocknagorraveela NE Top 464m
N: Lauragh: Knockanoughanish 386m, Knockatee 330m
S: Castletownbere: Disert 205m, Knockanallig (Bear Island) 267m
W: Ardgroom: Derryvour Hill 160m
W: Eskatarriff: Coomacloghane 599m, Eskatarriff 600.5m, Eskatarriff East Top 532.7m, Knocknaveacal North Top 509.1m, Knocknaveacal South Top 507.2m, Lackabane 603m, Tooreenbaha 408.7m, Tooreennamna 524m, Tooth Mountain 592m
W: Knocknagree: Knocknagree 586m, Knocknagree East Top 461m, Knocknagree SE Top 442m, Lackawee 572m, Maulin 621m, Maulin North Top 579m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockanallig, 267m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Cork County in Munster province, in Binnion, Irish Islands Lists, Knockanallig is the 1247th highest place in Ireland. Knockanallig is the second most southerly summit in the Caha Mountains area.
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference V70400 43100, OS 1:50k mapsheet 84,88
Place visited by: 40 members, recently by: chelman7, Oscar-mckinney, Jai-mckinney, Carolyn105, Kirsty, JohnAshton, liz50, thomas_g, trevorf, nickywood, Fergalh, jlk, hivisibility, learykid, David-Guenot , Island visited by 58 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -9.872236, Latitude: 51.626051, Easting: 70400, Northing: 43100, Prominence: 267m,  Isolation: 5.1km
ITM: 470378 543168
Bedrock type: Sandstone, bioclastic limestone lenses, (Bere Island Member)
Notes on name: This is the highest point on Bere Island.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc267, 10 char: Kncknlg

Gallery for Knockanallig and surrounds
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Member Comments for Knockanallig

   picture about Knockanallig
Picture: Knockanallig cairn on Bere Island
paddyhillsbagger on Knockanallig
by paddyhillsbagger 3 Aug 2009
A short ferry ride from Castletownbere and a short drive along narrow island lanes gets you to the stile at the bottom of Knockanallig. A clear path, part of the Beara Way leads up to the large cross or a short diversion leads to the summit cairn. Commanding views are had of Hungry Hill on the mainland as well as Bere Island itself. A lovely day out. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanallig
Picture: Bantry Bay View
Bere Island Hike
by davsheen 10 Aug 2017
View from top of Bere Island with a vantage point over all of Bantry Bay, Cahas on the left with Sheeps head on the right - surely one of the best vistas in West Cork! Linkback:
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Another wind turbine
by Conor74 3 Sep 2012
Lovely views across Beara, the Cahas and the Mishkish ranges, from Dursey right up to the Sugarloaf and across around to Sheeps Head. And great views over the island itself, the Martello Towers, the batteries of Lonehort in the distance.

And of course, a few hundred metres away...the wind turbine... A real stomach churning one too, in the middle of an area of such beauty. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanallig
Picture: Cross on the way to the summit.
Don't worry the island is bear free.
by TommyV 30 Oct 2018
There are a couple of great loop walks around Bere Island. Given it's size we didn't have time to complete them fully. A must is the walk to the lighthouse on the West side of the island. There is room for one car at A (V68178 43967). Over the stile and follow the track south passing one of the old military instillation's that were built by the British and set up all around the island. One or two gate hops and the track becomes more of a path all the way to the lighthouse at Ardnakinna Point B (V67226 42398). If time is on your side you can continue North East on a looped walk of the island, as time was against us we simply retraced our steps.

For anybody looking to bag the high point on Bere Island there is room to park a car at C (V71131 43660). From here follow the Beara Way South West. You will soon notice a White Cross, soon after this it's time to go left off the track at D (V70556 43408). Another couple of hundred meters should have you at Knockanallig. Linkback:
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