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Galway Coastal Hill Area
Feature count in area: 30, all in Galway, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 38, 44, 45, EW-CON, MSW
Highest Place: Tully Mountain West 306m

Starting Places (66) in area Galway Coastal Hill:
Angler's Return, Aughrusbeg Lough, Ballyconneely, Ben Lettery Hostel, Brandy Harbour, Bridge St Clifden, Bundouglas Bay, Bunnageeha, Cashel Church, Cleggan House, Cloonsie Quay, Cnoc Mordáin, Connemara National Park Visitor Centre, Coorhoor Lough North, Dernasliggaun, Dogs Bay Beach, Emlaghdauroe Bridge, Emlaghdauroe South, Eragh Island South, Fee Lough SW, Foher, Furnace, Fuschia Lane, Glencoaghan River Bridge, Glenmore, Gort Mór, Gortdrummagh West, Illaunroe North, Illaunroe South, Inaghbeg Path, Inchamakinna, Inishlay, Inishnee Bridge, Kilkieran South West, Lettercallow School Road, Letterfrack Lodge, Lettergesh Beach, unuseableLettermullen Pier, Loch Chamais, Lough Anivan Bend, Lough Auna S, Lough Fee East, Lough Nafiddaun South, Lough Natawny, Lough Tanny, Mace Head, Muck Lough NW, Mweenish Cemetary, Nacreeva Lough, Nambrackkeagh Lough, Omey Strand, Owen na Baunoge River, Owengar Bridge, Ros an Mhíl, Ross Beach, Ross Point, Ross Quay, Roundstone, Skeaghatimull, Sky Road, The Big Ring, Tievegarriff, Toombeola Bridge, Water Reservoir, Water Tank, Water Tank Carna

Summits & other features in area Galway Coastal Hill:
Ardagh 49m, Ardbear N 64m, Ballynew 84m, Barraderry 68m, Camus Eighter 72m, Camus Hill 96m, Cleggan Beacon 61m, Cuilleen 97m, Dawros More North 41m, Derryadd West 127m, Derrygimlagh West 41m, Derrylahan 49m, Doon Hill 67m, Faul 50m, Foher 223m, Gortmore 122m, Kilkieran 165m, Kinvarra 67m, Knockfin 49m, Lehid 53m, Lettercallow 109m, Mannin Beg 41m, Maum 62m, Murneen 73m, Murvey 81m, Rossaveel 48m, Shanboolard 85m, Streamstown East 79m, Streamstown West 103m, Tully Mountain West 306m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
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Derrygimlagh West, 41m Coastal Hill
Place Rating ..
Derrygimlagh is the townland name., Galway County in Connacht province, in no lists
Grid Reference L61771 44756, OS 1:50k mapsheet 44
Place visited by: 5 members, recently by: Fergalh, markmjcampion, sandman, Jamessheerin, juliewoods
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.080665, Latitude: 53.434965, Easting: 61771, Northing: 244756, Prominence: 32m
ITM: 461751 744779

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Dry41, 10 char: DrygmlWest

Gallery for Derrygimlagh West and surrounds
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Member Comments for Derrygimlagh West

   picture about Derrygimlagh West
Picture: Summit Area.
Coastal Hill
by sandman 10 Jul 2017
The shortest route to the summit is by parking adjacent to the Connemara Sands Hotel located at A (L61938 45000) but i fancied an ice cream so i parked beside the Post Office and shop at B (L62080 44497) walking up the gravel tract to the mast opposite. All the gates were opened up as far as the mast and the lady in the shop said many walk up for the view. Many may walk up to the mast but i would be greatly surprised if any continued on thru the next gate up by the side of a small stone workings and then over a low fence wall to the summit area. One of those summits one would only visit to cross off a list. Linkback:
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