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Sperrin Mountains Area , NE Cen: Glenelly North East Subarea
Feature count in area: 64, by county: Derry: 34, Tyrone: 39, of which 9 are in both Derry and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 12, 13, 6, 7, 8
Highest Place: Sawel 678m

Starting Places (21) in area Sperrin Mountains:
Altinure Road, Banagher Glen Nature Reserve, Barnes Gap Car Park, Crocknakin, Drumnaspar Picnic CP, Glenchiel Road, Glenedra Bridge, Glenelly Road, Parkreagh, Goles Road, Lough Ouske, Moneyneany Village, Moydamlaght Forest, Moydamlaght Road, Mullaghmore, Mullaghbane, Spaltindoagh, Sperrin Hamlet, Sperrin Heritage Centre, Sperrin Heritage Centre W, Sperrin Road, Barnes Top, Sperrin Road, Glashagh Bridge, Sperrin Road, Sperrin

Summits & other features in area Sperrin Mountains:
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion NE Top 493.6m
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion 526.6m
N: Claudy Hills: Crockdooish 321m, Curradrolan Hill 270m, Eglish 277m, Letterlogher 249m, Mullaghmeash Hill 244m, Slieveboy 259m, Straid Hill 303m
NE Cen: Glenelly North East: Barnes Top 456m, Craigagh Hill 460m, Crockbrack 526.1m, Knockanbane Mountain 441m, Meenard Mountain 620m, Meenard Mtn W Top 480m, Mullaghaneany 627m, Mullaghash 480m, Mullaghsallagh 485m, Oughtmore 569m, Spelhoagh 568m
NE: Glenshane North: Benbradagh 465m, Boviel Top 454m, Carn Hill 448m, Carntogher 464m, Moneyoran Hill 414m
NE: Glenshane South: Bohilbreaga 478m, Coolnasillagh Mountain 423m, Corick Mountain 430m, Crockalougha 407m, Mullaghmore 550m, White Mountain 537m
NW Cen: Glenelly North West: Dart Mountain 619m, Dart Mountain North-West Top 525m, Learmount Mountain 489m, Learmount Mountain South Top 492m, Mullaghasturrakeen 581m, Mullaghcarbatagh 517m, Mullaghclogha 635m, Mullaghclogher 572m, Mullaghdoo 568m, Sawel 678m
NW: Maheramason Hills: Clondermot Hill 220m, Gortmonly Hill 218m, Slievekirk 370m
SE Cen: Glenelly South East: Carnanelly 562m, Carnanelly West Top 503.4m, Mullaghbane 467m, Mullaghturk 416m
SE: Cookstown Hills: Cregganconroe 300m, Fir Mountain 362m, Oughtmore 382m
SW Cen: Glenelly South West: Clogherny Top 408m, Craignamaddy 385m, Crocknamoghil 335m, Mullaghbolig 442m, Spaltindoagh 420m
SW: Mullaghcarn: Curraghchosaly Mountain 416m, Mullaghcarn 542m, Mullaghcarn South Top 525m
SW: Newtownstewart Hills: Bessy Bell 420m, Mullaghcroy 242m
W: Strabane: Balix Hill 403m, Knockavoe 296m, Owenreagh Hill 400m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Mullaghsallagh, 485m Hill Mullach Saileach A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Mullach Saileach [PDT], 'summit of willows'), Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Mullaghsallagh is the 616th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference H69385 95418, OS 1:50k mapsheet 13
Place visited by: 52 members, recently by: wintersmick, Tricia-Mulligan, dino, garybuz, Paddym99, ElaineM76, madfrankie, Colin Murphy, Kilcoobin, dregish, Carolyn105, mallymcd, eamonoc, Lauranna, LorraineG60
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.921881, Latitude: 54.801806, Easting: 269385, Northing: 395418, Prominence: 40m,  Isolation: 2.2km
ITM: 669319 895408
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Glenelly Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Mlghsl, 10 char: Mlghslgh

Gallery for Mullaghsallagh (Mullach Saileach) and surrounds
Summary for Mullaghsallagh (Mullach Saileach): Dull summit, boggy terrain.
Summary created by Colin Murphy 2021-10-26 14:54:14
   picture about Mullaghsallagh (<em>Mullach Saileach</em>)
Picture: As seen from the north.
The simplest place to start is from the track at A (H704 943) C, although parking is very tight here (there is room to park 1km west on the right beside a gate). Follow the gently rising track up to B (H704 955) B, before turning west up the slope, which is boggy terrain for about 1km to the unremarkable and unmarked summit area.
Member Comments for Mullaghsallagh (Mullach Saileach)

   picture about Mullaghsallagh (<em>Mullach Saileach</em>)
Picture: Mullaghsallagh straight ahead with Meenard, Sawel and Dart in the distance to the right
dr_banuska on Mullaghsallagh
by dr_banuska 16 Dec 2009
This hill is probably best included in a route taking in some of the higher surrounding summits - perhaps evidenced by the fact that this is its first dedicated comment. I tackled it from its eastern neighbour Crockbrack, originally starting from the village of Moneyneany - see Crockbrack entry for start of the route. From the summit of Crockbrack, I travelled a short distance downhill again to an old rusty gate over a fence at the end of the established track, at about C (H716 956). The broad shape of Mullaghsallagh was clearly visible and I decided to tackle it by crossing the gate and descending and ascending in the most direct way possible. In the dip between the two peaks I could clearly see a small but conspicuous clump of forestry (unmarked on Discoverer map 13) and just behind it what turned out to be an old abandoned (?) caravan. I aimed for these over terrain that was often dense but relatively dry and not too tough going. I headed to the right of the forestry, crossing two small streams shown on the map either side of the area named Finglen. The caravan now seemed to be at the end of a track clearly shown on the map, at about B (H704 955). From here I made my way uphill again, parallel to a fence some distance to my right. I eventually came to a gate over the meeting of this and another fence. I crossed here as the summit was about five minutes beyond at another meeting of fences, once again in typical Sperrins fashion. I didn't hang around as it was late in the afternoon and made my way back down to the gate. From here I could see that a fence led directly downhill to the welcome sight of the main B47 Glenelly road and I followed this, ignoring another fence going off to the left (which I later realized led back to Crockbrack). One the way down there was a large erratic right next to the fence. The fence in fact marks the border between Counties Tyrone and Derry and I could see that where it met the road at A (H704 943) there were signs on either side marking Strabane and Magherafelt Council areas. From here I had a very long road walk back to Moneyneany and so wouldn't particularly recommend this route, unless perhaps you had two cars. A suggestion for a quick if unexciting ascent would be to park along the track clearly marked just to the east of this point (that ultimately leads to the site of the caravan), from where you could just follow the fence uphill. As for views, these were quite limited due to haze but I could see back over to Crockbrack, west to Sawel, Dart etc. and Carnanelly, Goles Forest and hidden Lough Ouske south across the valley. Linkback:
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   picture about Mullaghsallagh (<em>Mullach Saileach</em>)
Picture: Looking east from just north of the col.
Squelch city
by Colin Murphy 26 Oct 2021
We approached this hill from Craigagh and Spelhoag (ignoring the previously bagged Oughtmore.) The initial descent from Spelhoag was across grassy, mostly firm terrain with some decent views, but once we reached the peat hags around D (H699 964), the trek turned into an unpleasant trudge up through mud, bog and generally sodden ground, and a lot of meandering around peat hags is unavoidable. Another Sperrin purely for the baggers. Linkback:
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