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Dublin Islands Area
Feature count in area: 12, all in Dublin, OSI/LPS Maps: 43, 50, AWW
Highest Place: Knockbane 126m

Starting Places (6) in area Dublin Islands:
Clonkeen Road South, Killiney Hill Carpark, Lambay Pier, Pavilion Theatre, St Catherine's Park, Wyattville Close

Summits & other features in area Dublin Islands:
Bull Island 4m, Colt Island (1) 13m, Dalkey Island 25m, Ireland's Eye 69m, Kish Lighthouse 2m, Knockbane (Lambay Island) 126m, Maiden Rock 5m, Rockabill 5m, Shenick's Island 8m, St Patrick's Island 12m, The Bill 5m, The Muglins 5m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Ireland's Eye, 69m Island Inis Mac Neasáin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Island of the Sons of Neasán, Dublin County in Leinster province, in Irish Islands Lists
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference O28799 41425, OS 1:50k mapsheet 50
Place visited by: 34 members, recently by: annem, eamonoc, maitiuocoimin, Fergalh, alanoconnor, jlk, scapania, briankelly, Pepe, abcd, melohara, Aglaisio, Niamhq, ei7kh, wtrs , Island visited by 43 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -6.064009, Latitude: 53.407465, Easting: 328799, Northing: 241425,
ITM: 728719 741449

Notes on name: Summit co-ords taken by Wicklore September 2015
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: IrlnEy, 10 char: IrlndsEye

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Member Comments for Ireland's Eye (Inis Mac Neasáin)

   picture about Ireland's Eye (Inis Mac Neasáin)
Picture: 'The Stack' on Ireland's Eye
Screams were heard, getting fainter and fainter…
by wicklore 14 Aug 2017
Ireland's Eye is situated about 1.5kms north of Howth Harbour. In Celtic times it was called Eria’s Island and then Erin’s Island. The Norse called it Erin’s Ey and this became Ireland’s Eye. (Ey is the Norse word for ‘Island’), Another name for the island, Inis Mac Nessan, refers to St Nessan who built a church here in the 8th century. The island is easily reached by a regular boat service from the West Pier at Howth. The crossing takes about 15 minutes..

This is an island of great interest, both physically and historically. It is 54 acres in size, with sandy beaches and low lying swathes of grassland rising up to the rocky cliffs on the N and E side. Some craggy tors on the NE corner of the island provide a visual feast. The largest is called ‘The Stack’ and the sheer amount of guano that climbers must navigate over is cause for mirth. (if you are not the one climbing). Speaking of guano, the island is home to a gannet colony, as well as guillemots, fulmars, puffins, cormorants, razorbills, gulls and other seabirds. Grey seals are often seen around the rocks too. Wildlife that isn’t advertised is the rat population – having camped on the island twice in recent years (with permission from the owner), I can testify to rats running out of one hole, running across camp to disappear into another hole, reappearing from a third hole, to disappear into a fourth hole etc. Like a chase scene from Scooby Doo!

There is a Martello Tower on the NW corner of the island. The boat will drop you either to the E or W of the Tower, depending on tides. Both landing places require navigating steps over the rocks. The Tower was built in 1803 in anticipation of an invasion by Napoleon. Besides the Tower there are the remains of the 8th century church built by St Nessan. These are the only buildings on this uninhabited island.

The summit can be reached in 20 minutes. Besides the rabbit and rat holes there are large areas of difficult long grasses to navigate if exploring the island further, especially around the ruined church. Views include Lambay, Howth, North Dublin coast and out to the Irish Sea. As mentioned, seabirds and seals abound, especially on the N and E rocky sides of the island, but care needs to be taken if exploring there.

On 6th September 1852, William Burke Kirwan and his wife Maria hired a boat to the island for a day trip. Maria died that day on the island, in an apparent accidental drowning in a steep sided inlet known as ‘The Long Hole’. William Burke was subsequently found guilty of murder, not least because screams could be heard coming from the island by folk on Howth, over a mile away. The screams continued, but grew fainter and fainter. William Burke later claimed he hadn’t heard any screams himself. A compelling book, Murder on Ireland’s Eye, is worth reading, and includes extracts of the court case and vivid descriptions of the geography of the island. Linkback:
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   picture about Ireland's Eye (Inis Mac Neasáin)
Picture: The Martello Tower on Ireland's Eye
The Martello Tower
by ceadeile 5 Oct 2019
The Martello Tower on Ireland's Eye Linkback:
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