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Nephin Begs Area , E: Birreencorragh Subarea
Feature count in area: 28, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 23, 30, 31, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-WNN, EW-WNS
Highest Place: Slieve Carr 721m

Starting Places (24) in area Nephin Begs:
Altnabrocky Adirondack Shelter, Bellanaderg Bridge, Brogan Carroll Bothy, Bunnahowna Bridge, Bunnahowna River, Burrishoole Loop, Cloondaff Church, Deel River, Furnace Lough E, Glasheens River, Glendahurk Bridge, Glennamong Bridge, LFeeagh E Treenbeg Cottage, LFeeagh E Treenbeg School Ruin, Lough Avoher Hut, Lough Feeagh, Lough Gall NW Mayo, Loughanawillan Loughs Track, Mulranny Post Office, R312 Boghadoon, R312 Prughlish, Srahduggaun, Tarsaghaunmore River, Wild Nephin Wilderness

Summits & other features in area Nephin Begs:
Cen: Glennamong: Bengorm 582m, Bengorm NW Top 468m, Corranabinnia 716m, Corranabinnia SW Top 687m, Glennamong 628m, Glennamong East Top 415m, Tirkslieve 401m
Cen: Nephin Beg: Aroher Hill 285m, Lettertrask 279m, Nephin Beg 627m, Nephin Beg South Top 410m
E: Birreencorragh: Birreencorragh 698m, Birreencorragh South Top 564m, Birreencorragh West Top 551m, Buckoogh 588m, Bullaunmore 388m, Knockaffertagh 517m, Mount Eagle 427m, Srahmore 186m, Srahrevagh North 282m
NW: Slieve Carr: Bunmore 243m, Sheeanmore 282m, Slieve Alp 329m, Slieve Carr 721m, Tawnyanruddia 531m
SW: Maunthomas: Claggan Mountain NE Top 501m, Maumthomas NE Top 440m, Maumthomas SW Top 477m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Srahrevagh North, 282m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Letterkeen Hill, Cnoc Leitir Caoin, Mayo County in Connacht province, in no lists, Srahrevagh North is the 1202th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference F98290 07029, OS 1:50k mapsheet 23
Place visited by: 5 members, recently by: Fergalh, eamonoc, Garmin, sandman, peter1
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.551885, Latitude: 54.002551, Easting: 98290, Northing: 307029, Prominence: 96m,  Isolation: 2.2km
ITM: 498262 807038
Bedrock type: Calcareous and graphitic schists., (Lough Doo Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SrhrNr, 10 char: SrhrvgNrth

Gallery for Srahrevagh North and surrounds
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Member Comments for Srahrevagh North

   picture about Srahrevagh North
Picture: Summit Area.
Steep but Cheerful
by sandman 24 Aug 2016
Having made the decision not to trouble myself with finding a way through new planting I chose to ignore the Coillte entrances and parked beside a farm house (A (F98013 07227)) with the view of reaching the summit (B (F98290 07029)) by the shortest route. I asked for permission and the farmer kindly told me I could access via a field entrance approximately 60m from the house towards Letterkeen and directly opposite the gate was a gap in the fence into the old wooded area. Although the ascent was steep it was easy as the sheep had made trails towards the top. On reaching the open hillside although there was heather it was not a problem with easy enough walking. For such a small hill the views were fab. Linkback:
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On the sheep's back!
by peter1 30 May 2015
I saw this hill while climbing Birreencorragh earlier in the day and I was struck by its shape when viewed from the East. In geological terms I think its a 'roche moutonnée', a hill or rock shaped by the passing of a glacier...who wouldn't want to climb it? I had also noted earlier that it was an unclimbed MV top so extra value for the effort. and it does take effort as its surrounded by quite new forestry and this makes for slow, ankle-twisting terrain. Linkback:
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