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Lochinver to Ullapool Area
Feature count in area: 40, all in ,
Highest Place: Cul Mor 849m

Starting Places in area Lochinver to Ullapool:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area Lochinver to Ullapool:
An Laogh 546m, An t-Sail 491m, Beannan Beaga 396m, Beinn an Eoin 619m, Beinn Gharbh 539m, Beinn Gharbh SE Top 512m, Beinn nan Caorach 649m, Beinn nan Caorach North Top 648m, Beinn Reidh 567m, Beinn Tarsuinn 544m, Ben Mor Coigach [Ben More Coigach] 743m, Bod a'Mhadail 758m, Canisp 847m, Cnoc an Leathaid Bhig 378m, Cnoc Coir' an Uillt Chaoruinn 435m, Conmheall 541m, Creag Dhubh 471m, Creag na h-Iolaire 230m, Creag nan Calman 828m, Cul Beag 769m, Cul Mor 849m, Meall a'Chaorainn 467m, Meall an Fheadain 204m, Meall Beag 656m, Meall Dearg 163m, Meall Dearg 657m, Meall Meadhonach 723m, Meall Meadhonach West Top 691m, Meall Mor 165m, Meallan Diomhain 609m, Meallan Liath Mor 497m, Meallan Mhurchaidh 501m, Sgorr Tuath 587.5m, Sgurr an Fhidhleir 705m, Speicein Coinnich 717m, Speicein nan Garbh-choireachan 738m, Stac Pollaidh 612m, Suilven - Caisteal Liath 731m
Isle Martin: Isle Martin 123m
Tanera More (Summer Isles): Meall Mor 124m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
An Laogh, 546m Mountain
Place Rating ..
, in British 500-600m Lists
Grid Reference NC16174 10226, OS 1:50k mapsheet 15
Place visited by: 3 members, recently by: rhw, MichaelE, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -5.115936, Latitude: 58.042929, Easting: 216174, Northing: 910226, Prominence: 146m,  Isolation: 1.2km
ITM: 770276 1259344

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: AnLgh, 10 char: An Laogh

Gallery for An Laogh and surrounds
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Member Comments for An Laogh

   picture about An Laogh
Picture: Touching the moon
Touching the Moon
by mcrtchly 31 Dec 2022
A winter moonset over An Laogh Linkback:
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