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Knockaulin: Hands First over a Fence

Brockagh Mountain SE Top: Royal Road to the summit

Argentina - Bariloche - Mirador Lago Guttierez

Knocknabro West Top: A Surprisingly Pleasant Hike

Argentina - Bariloche - Cascada Nivinco

Argentina - Bariloche - Cerro Llau Llau

Lugnaquilla: Lug from Kelly's Crossroads

Argentina - Mendoza - Cerro de la Gloria

Near Barnastooka, West Cork Mountains (Ireland)

Milane Hill: Parking Issue

Hillbagging with fear of exposure

Pookeen North Top: Only if you must

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Belfast Hills Area   SE: Strangford & Portaferry Subarea
Place count in area: 9, OSI/LPS Maps: 15, 20, 21 
Highest place:
Divis, 478m
Maximum height for area: 478 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 380 metres,

Places in area Belfast Hills:
E: Belfast Hills East:   Cairngaver 217mOuley Hill 186mScrabo Hill 161m
N: Belfast Hills North:   Carnmoney Hill 231.1mCave Hill 368mDivis 478mSlievetrue 312m
SE: Strangford & Portaferry:   Ballywhite Hill 101mCastlemahon Mountain 128m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Ballywhite Hill Hill Down County in NI and in Ulster Province, in no lists, Sandstone Bedrock

Height: 101m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 21 Grid Reference: J58218 52785
Place visited by 15 members. Recently by: trostanite, Kirsty, Vfslb1904, Carolyn105, dregish, Fergalh, eamonoc, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, Wilderness, AntrimRambler, sandman, Garmin, Peter Walker, Harry Goodman
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -5.564536, Latitude: 54.399062 , Easting: 358218, Northing: 352785 Prominence: 95m,  Isolation: 6.1km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 758132 852784,   GPS IDs, 6 char: BlywHl, 10 char: BlywhtHil
Bedrock type: Sandstone, (Hawick Group)

Ballywhite Hill is the 1517th highest place in Ireland. Ballywhite Hill is the most easterly summit and also the second most southerly in the Belfast Hills area. It's also the most easterly summit in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Ballywhite Hill 1 of 1  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Ballywhite Hill  in area Belfast Hills, Ireland
Picture: View W across Strangford Lough to the Mournes.
The only MV top listed on the Ards Peninsula - and only just made it !
Short Summary created by Peter Walker, Harry Goodman  19 Oct 2014
Leave the A20 from Newtownards to Portaferry at J601543 starA and go SW passing Lough Cowey. At a T junction go left and continue along to J5905852715 starB where there is space to park to the side of the road on the right fronting a house. Ensure to seek permission to park here. The road is used by tractors and other agricultural machinery and space must be left to allow passage along it. Walk back NNW for about 250 metres to a lane on the left with distinctive stone pillars at the entrance and opposite a small white house J5897952954 starC. The lane leads up to a private bungalow and, at the time of writing this ss (July 2014), while the present occupiers have no objection to using it for access to the hill their permission to do so should be sought before continuing. A metal gate to the right side of the house ('Beware of Bull' sign) leads out to a couple of large grass covered fields with the high point some 600 metres along from the house. There is no marker to indicate the top on a somewhat flat grassy area (but there is a trig column just over the fence on the right) and it is left to personal choice just where it lies. A suggested co-ordinate is J5822352781 starD. There is a fine view out across Strangford Lough to the long line of the Mourne tops and Slieve Croob. Perhaps the only notable thing about this small hill is that it is the only listed MV top on the low lying Ards Peninsula, making the list by a mere metre ! It is also the most easterly top in Ireland listed by MV . Linkback: Picture about mountain Ballywhite Hill  in area Belfast Hills, Ireland
Picture: Ballywhite Hill
A pleasant walk.
by Wilderness  11 Oct 2016
The summit of this hill can be reached by the west side by taking a country lane which begins at J576527 starE. This country lane will lead you up to a small tower/pylon. From here you will see the gate which leads into the open fields where the top is near. There is a hidden trig pillar on the summit. I recommend you start this walk in Portaferry town and walk down the Loughshore road till you reach the country lane which will be on your right. BEWARE OF THE BULL!!! Linkback:
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(End of comment section for Ballywhite Hill .)

Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc