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Twelve Bens Area , E: Glencorbet Subarea
Feature count in area: 34, all in Galway, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 44, EW-CON, MSW
Highest Place: Benbaun 729m

Starting Places (48) in area Twelve Bens:
Angler's Return, Barr na nÓran Road, Ben Lettery Hostel, Bogville Road, Bridge St Clifden, Bundorragha Estuary Cross, Bunnageeha, Cannaclossaun, Connemara Mountain Hostel, Connemara National Park Visitor Centre, Dernasliggaun, Doire na bhFlann North, Doughruagh CP, Emlaghdauroe Bridge, Emlaghdauroe South, Fee Lough SW, Foher, Glasbeg Stream, Glashmore Bridge, Glencoaghan River Bridge, Glencraff Road End, Gleninagh River, Illaunroe North, Illaunroe South, Inaghbeg Path, Kylemore Abbey Exit, Kylemore River, Letterfrack Lodge, Lettergesh Beach, Lough Anivan Bend, Lough Auna S, Lough Fee East, Lough Nacarrigeen S, Lough Tanny, Muck Lough NW, Nambrackkeagh Lough, Owen na Baunoge River, Owengar Bridge, Owenglin River, Owenwee River, Pollacappul Lough E, Pollacappul Lough W, Shanvally, Skeaghatimull, Ten Bens Cottage, Tooreennacoona River, Western Way Cnoc na hUilleann, Western Way Inagh Cottages

Summits & other features in area Twelve Bens:
Cen: Lough Auna Hills: Cregg 297m, Townaloughra East Top 216m
Cen: Polladirk: Bencullagh 632m, Maumonght SW Top 454m, Diamond Hill 442m, Knockbrack 442m, Maumonght 602m
E: Glencorbet: Benbaun 729m, Benbrack 582m, Benbaun 477m, Knockpasheemore 412m, Benfree 638m, Muckanaght 654m
N: Doughruagh: Altnagaighera 549m, Benchoona 581m, Benchoona East Top 585m, Currywongaun 273m, Doughruagh 526m, Doughruagh South Top 525m, Garraun 598m, Garraun South Top 556m, Letterettrin 333m
SE: Glencoaghan Loop: Bencollaghduff 696m, Benglenisky 516m, Benlettery 577m, Bencorr 711m, Bencorr North Top 690m, Bencorrbeg 577m, Binn an tSaighdiúra 653m, Benbreen 691m, Benbreen Central Top 680m, Benbreen North Top 674m, Derryclare 677m, Bengower 664m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Benfree, 638m Mountain Binn Fraoigh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Binn Fraoigh [TR], 'peak of heather') Luggatarriff an extra name in English, Binn Fhraoigh, Galway County in Connacht province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Binn Fraoigh is the 225th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference L77758 54412, OS 1:50k mapsheet 37
Place visited by: 311 members, recently by: MichaelG55, nupat, NualaB, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, srr45, SFlaherty, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, rhw, Prem, Carolineswalsh, SeanPurcell, Beti13, Tuigamala
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.844015, Latitude: 53.525641, Easting: 77758, Northing: 254412, Prominence: 48m,  Isolation: 0.9km
ITM: 477734 754435
Bedrock type: Aluminous schists, hornblendic rocks, (Barnanoraun Schist Formation)
Notes on name: On the Discovery map this peak is marked as Luggatarriff, a name meaning 'hollow of the bull' which probably applies to a hollow on the slopes of Benfree.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Benfre, 10 char: Benfree

Gallery for Benfree (Binn Fraoigh) and surrounds
Summary for Benfree (Binn Fraoigh): Ascent via Benbaun
Summary created by Colin Murphy 24 Jun, 2014
   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
Picture: Benfree as seen from Benbaun
Usually done in conjunction with other summits to west or east. Parking on road at Shanvally (L817 566), approx. 2km north of Lough Inagh. Proceed 1km SW directly up minor top called Knockpasheemore, steepish ascent mostly over short grass. From this top, continue SW for 3km first across grass, the terrain becoming increasingly rocky and steep as you ascend Benbaun. From here turn NW, descending into col after 500m. Turning in a slightly more westerly directing, the ascent of 500m to the summit is fairy gentle across mostly grassy terrain. Summit marked by a small cairn.
Member Comments for Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)

   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
Picture: The small Cairn that marks the summit
Benfree – Living in the Shadow of its Big Brother
by Trailtrekker 2 Aug 2012
Benfree is one of those mountains whose profile suffers from being in the shadow of its nearby Big Brother, Benbaun. Not only is there about 90M difference in height between them, but the later is the highest mountain in the range and a county top. This is very much reflected by the amount of comments on MV (1 page for Benfree and 4 for Benbaun), as well as the numbers of MVers who have recorded summiting both of them, 132 compared to 274. As has been mentioned elsewhere, it is normally done as part of circuit that includes Muckanaght and Benbaun from the Glencorbet valley, such as that mentioned on this site, or in Josh Lynam’s classic walks. What I don’t get is why nearly half of those on here who did Benbaun didn’t go that small bit extra to also summit Benfree!

My visit to Benfree came on the 31st May, the same day as our last referendum. The previous weekend had been our summer, a distant memory to us all now, but do you remember, that one weekend of glorious blue skies. I decided that if the weather kept up, that I was going to pretend I was a teacher on Thursday and take the day of the referendum off work and head west. The weather didn’t keep up its part of the bargain, but I had myself psyched up to go walking, so I still took the day off and went! An early start, to get the vote in when the polls opened and off I went to Connemara, hoping that I could get my days walking in and back to a junior football match in Drogheda that same evening. I needn’t have bothered with the junior match, but I would vote yes for the Twelve Bens.

Ideally I wanted to do the Lynam route myself, but having read plenty of comments about the treacherous underfoot conditions on Muckanaght in the wet, I decided to give it a miss. It was so wet that fording the Kylemore river was no mean feat. It was swollen and cost me a walking pole and got me a wet foot as I struggled against the raging torrent. Once across, I followed the route into the valley and stayed on the left of the river up to A (L77743 55393), where I turned 90 degrees and made a direct ascent on Benfree, along the side of a stream initially. This was quite steep, but perfectly fine to ascend. As I tired I wandered a bit to my right, eventually ending up at B (L77665 54532), before correcting my course on the final ascent to the summit. I would recommend this as a perfectly fine approach route, although I would be a bit more wary of descending this way. After a brief stop at the summit I was heading for Benbaun and another county top. For anyone doing Benbaun I would recommend to stretch themselves that little bit further to take in Benfree as well.

PS: I had been warned about the midges in this range by a mate who swears he will never go back there again. I can see what he meant. As soon as the drizzle and breeze ceased, they were straight in to feast on me! I was foolish enough not to bring repellent, I warn you not to make the same mistake. Linkback:
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   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
Picture: Muckanaght and Benfree from halfway up Ben Baun
Owenglin Valley
by Geansai 26 May 2011
Approached from the Owenglin valley to the west. Turn north off the N59 between the youth hostel and Clifden to get there and park at the entrance to the forest track just after the bridge ( C (L744 513) ). Its a fifteen minute walk straight up the forest track until you come to a wide stream that you get round by going to the left and you're in the valley where you can take your pick of the various saddles to ascend. Its a slog across this valley on rough grassy terrain, boggy in some places to get up the saddle between Ben Cullagh and Muckanaght. Once on the saddle, the views to the north open up and get better from the summit of Muckanaght. The descent from Muckanaght was quite steep. I took my time coming down on the right side of the east slope here as it was almost a sheer drop at one stage further left. The ascent to Benfree is a little easier than Muckanaght.. Fine views of the valley below, the Mamturks to the east , the other bens to the south and north, and the sea to the north west and south west. The drop from Benfree on the way to Benbaun is nowhere near as severe and its a straightforward ascent to Benbaun over rocky terrain that I found easier than the grassy slopes of the other two mountains. It took me exactly two hours from the parking area to Muckanaght, just under an hour from there to Benfree ( including a rest ) and around half an hour from Benfree to Benbaun. It took another two hours to get back from Benbaun to the car. I didn't feel like doing any more ascents and went back to the col between Benbaun and Benfree and descended to the Owenglin valley floor from there. Not recomended. A lot of hand holding and seemed to be waiting for ever for the gradient to ease further towards the bottom. When I looked back up from the valley floor I was thinking how the hell did I manage to come down that way. And the slog across the whole length of the boggeyish valley seemed to take forever. If you want to go up Ben Baun you're probably better off taking the eastern approach. But for the main summits west of Ben Baun this valley is a good approach. I had gone up Maumonght and Becullagh a previous day from here ( and clear weather on both days ). From those you can see the mouth of the Owenglin river where Clifden is located with Clifden a speck around it. Linkback:
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   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
simon3 on Benfree
by simon3 9 Oct 2003
This panoramic picture shows Binn Fraoigh, left, and Binn Bhan (729m) to the right. Binn Bhan is the highest peak in the Twelve Bens. The picture was taken from the northern slope of Muckanaght (Meacanach). Linkback:
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   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
csd on Benfree
by csd 29 Dec 2003
Benfree on 28.12.2003, seen from closer to the summit of Benbaun than pdtempan's picture. The traverse from Benfree to Benbaun can be made out, finishing in the bottom right-hand corner. We got caught in a heavy snow shower, which lifted just in time to take this picture. Linkback:
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   picture about Benfree (Binn Fraoigh)
pdtempan on Benfree
by pdtempan 23 Nov 2003
Benfree seen from Benbaun. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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