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Knocknagullion: Relatively challenging climb with great views.

Tough enough Carn with very fine views

Nowen Hill Far West Top: Previous access issue to this simple stroll seems to ha

Good tracks to two Carns.

Minaun: Towards Keem

Crott Mountain, near Croagh Patrick, now demo

Saggart Hill: Masts and prehistoric tombs

Cupidstown Hill: 5 minutes walk to the top of Kildare

A visit to Tievummera via its South East spur.

Tievummera Highpoint: Undistinguished highpoint of spectacular Sheefry scarp.

Croagh Patrick's ridge to the east, visited from the south.

Tievummera Trig: Bump with trig pillar on long scarp with steep slope to the nor

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CaptainVertigo: Track 2573 in area near Kippure, Dublin/Wicklow (Ireland)
Something of the Night
Length: 6.8km, Creator time taken: 1h12m, Ascent: 228m,
Descent: 222m

Places: Start at O1411014185, Kippure, end at Start
Logged as completed by 1

The notion that anyone would upload a track essentially showing a walk along the RTE Mast road to the summit of Kippure no doubt seems a bit daft. I had assumed that the walk would be merely a shameful exercise in bagging a tamed mountain, crowned by a mini Eiffel Tower, a testament to man’s triumph over the land, a task to be completed as part of “the List”, not to be enjoyed. But I took a bit of a mad notion to go up Kippure at night (9pm on a Friday in November), and this turned the walk into something quite awesome. I had expected that some cars would come and go past the entrance gate: there were none. Within a few minutes of my setting off it felt like I was all alone in the wilderness with stars spattered across the universe, and the edges of the known world brought into relief by the backlighting of the city. I felt strangely self-sufficient in my gear, with my headlight fixed a few metres ahead, like an astronaut floating in space. This contributed to a sense that I could simply keep moving, with only short pauses for rest. As I rose I saw streaks of city light glistening, and wondered if the Love/Hate brigade might have come up from there to lie in wait for me, but that, I understand, is not their modus operandi. The flashing of the summit beacon was a welcoming lighthouse that guided my path. At a distance from it there was no sense of alienation. But , face to face, the summit paraphernalia was like a scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I half expected a disembodied voice to guide me to an alien ship, or, at the very least, a security man to speak through loudspeakers to advise me of imminent arrest. There was none of it. I walked around the back of the fenced off compound and found the trig pillar, but more significantly I saw Dublin twinkling like diamond studded yellow frost , a great sea of light, in complete contrast to the dark plateau behind. The poem that jumped into my head will be familiar to you all:
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
William Butler Yeats

Uploaded on: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 (23:55:16)
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NOTE: ALL information such as Ascent, Length and Creator time taken etc should be regarded as approximate. The creator's comments are opinions and may not be accurate or still correct.
Your time to complete will depend on your speed plus break time and your mode of transport. For walkers: Naismith's rule, an approximate though often inaccurate estimate, suggests a time of 1h 45m + time stopped for breaks
NOTE: It is up to you to ensure that your route is appropriate for you and your party to follow bearing in mind all factors such as safety, weather conditions, experience and access permission.

* Note: A GPS Height in the elevation profile is sourced from the device that recorded the track. An "SRTM" height is derived from a model of elevations for parts of the earth. More detail

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc