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Hampsfell 222m,
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Corranabinnia SW Top: Maol Rua - a lot of reward for a moderate challenge

Nine Stones via Mount Leinster and Knockroe to Kiltealy

Croaghonagh: Broad tracks all the way to top.

Central Glenbeigh Horseshoe - 3 lakes and 4 peaks

Carrickbyrne Hill: Very overgrown but passable

Energy sapping trudge over, rough, sponge-like terrain.

Tievummera Highpoint: An obvious stop along the ridge

Long walk for one Carn.

Faha Ridge: Testing ridge with narrow irregular path. Often extreme.

Hare Island: A very pleasant four hours

Dull trek up forest tracks

Garinish Island: White-tailed sea eagles on Gairinish

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Southern Cumbria Area   Lake District - Far Eastern Fells Subarea
Place count in area: 84,  
Highest place: The Old Man of Coniston [Coniston Old Ma, 803m
Maximum height for area: 803 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 416 metres,

Places in area Southern Cumbria:
Benson Knott 319mLambrigg Fell 339.6mScout Hill 285m
Lake District - Far Eastern Fells:   Arnside Knott 159.1mCrook Knott 256mGrassgarth Heights 205mGummer's How 321mHampsfell 222mScout Scar 235mWhitbarrow - Lord's Seat 215m
Lake District - Southern Fells:   Beacon Fell 255mBirk Fell Man - Birk Fell 529mBirker Fell - White How 444mBlack Brows 268mBlack Combe 600mBlack Combe South Top 587mBlack Fell 323mBlack Sails 745mBlake Rigg (Tilberthwaite) 423mBrim Fell 796mBrown Pike 682mBuck Barrow 549mBuck Pike - Seathwaite Fell 744mBurn Moor 543mBurney 298mCaw 529mClaife Heights 270mCrook Crag 469mDemming Crag 525mDow Crag 778mDow Crag 404mErin Crag 551mGreat Carrs 785mGreat How (Swirl Band) 770mGreat Intake - Low Fell 408mGreat Paddy Crag 532mGreat Whinscale 427mGreat Worm Crag 427mGreen Crag 489mGreen Pikes 420mGrey Friar 773mHarter Fell (Eskdale) 654mHawk Rigg 441mHaystacks (Tilberthwaite) 423mHell Gill Pike 662mHesk Fell 477mHigh Fell 428mHigh Wythow 410mHolme Fell 317mHorsehow Crags 433mHutton Roof Crags 275mIron Crag 408mKennel Crag 412mKinmont Buck Barrow 535mKirkby Moor [Lowick High Common] 334mKitty Crag 435mLad Stones 616mLag Bank [Broughton Moor] 412mLittle Carrs 692mLittle How Crags 730mLong Crag - Yewdale Fells 421mLowscales Hill 189mMuncaster Fell - Hooker Crag 231mPeathill Crag 400mPeathill Crag South Top 404mPikes 469mPlough Fell 448mRowantree How 402mStainton Pike 498mStickle Pike 375mStoneside Hill 422mStoupdale Head 472mSwirl How 802mThe Old Man of Coniston [Coniston Old Man] 803mTop o'Selside 335mWalna Scar 621mWetherlam 763mWhite Combe 417mWhite Maiden 610mWhite Pike (Birkby Fell) 442mWhite Pike (Seathwaite) 598mWhitfell 573mWoodend Height 489mYoadcastle 494m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Hampsfell Hill

Height: 222m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 96 97 Grid Reference: SD39958 79491
Place visited by 5 members. Recently by: rhw, IainT, Fergalh, chalky, jimbloomer
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -2.922055, Latitude: 54.207635 , Easting: 339958, Northing: 479491 Prominence: 105m,  Isolation: 5.2km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Hmpsfl, 10 char: Hampsfell
COMMENTS for Hampsfell 1 of 1  
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Burren like summit area .. by Fergalh   (Show all for Hampsfell ) Picture about mountain Hampsfell  in area Southern Cumbria, Ireland
Picture: Tower at summit
Wainwright Outlying summit
by Fergalh  3 May 2021
This nearby the ordinary summit. There is a small tower with metal steps to a beacon with descriptions of what you can see in thye distance. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
(End of comment section for Hampsfell .)

OSi logo OSNI/LPS logo
Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc