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Saggart Hill: Masts and prehistoric tombs

Cupidstown Hill: 5 minutes walk to the top of Kildare

Crott Mountain, near Croagh Patrick, now demo

Tievummera, Sheefrys change. Needs action.

Tievummera Highpoint: Undistinguished highpoint of spectacular Sheefry scarp.

Tievummera Trig: Bump with trig pillar on long scarp with steep slope to the nor

Teevenacroaghy: Misty Achill.

A visit to Tievummera via its South East spur.

Ben Creggan: Craggy summit with long descending spur to the east.

Dorinish More: Shapely islands in Clew Bay, Co Mayo.

Croagh Patrick's ridge to the east, visited from the south.

Crott Mountain: Quiet Arderin Beg at the east end of the Croagh Patrick ridge.

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Colin Murphy: Track 4871 in area near Bluestack Mountains (Ireland)
Cronamuck-Meenanea-Croaghbarnes trio
Length: 17.3km, Creator time taken: 7h 9m, Ascent: 1081m,
Descent: 1081m

Places: Start at G9722687059, Meenanea, Cronamuck, Cruach an Bhearnais, end at Start
Logged as completed by 1

A satisfying but extremely tough walk taking in three remote Carns – Cronamuck, Meenanea and Croaghbarnes. There is parking for a few cars at the starting point next to some dilapidated farm buildings. There is a good, meandering track up to where it meets a stream, where there is some mysterious-looking ancient machinery that may have been involved in controlled damming.
A n energy-sapping trek of 4km up this valley
An energy-sapping trek of 4km up this valley.
After that the track deteriorated into a muddy trail. We accidentally followed a fork to the left when we should have continued following the riverbank. You will come to a ‘meeting of the waters’ where two streams meet, one tumbling down from the NW – ignore this branch and cross the stream where you can (crossing points aren’t that plentiful especially after a rainy period,) and then continue up the valley in a NE direction. It is from this point that the terrain becomes challenging – energy-sapping, long, reedy grass and spongy underfoot – and you have to trudge about 4km before you start ascending properly. Eventually, the ground become somewhat firmer as we ascended to a point somewhere around the midpoint between Croaghbarnes and Meenanea.
The view to the west from Meenanea
The view to the west from Meenanea
After that it is more typical of the Bluestacks – undulating rock and grass all the way to Meenanea, and the same to Cronamuck, which took just 15 minutes to reach from its neighbouring summit.
View from Cronamuck
Looking east from Cronamuck - Meenanea is the rocky prominence to the right of centre.
Then we made the long trek of about 4km all the way back to Croaghbarnes, having to repeatedly lose height and regain it across the rolling, rocky ground. Rather than descend the steep SE slope of Croaghbarnes, we retraced our steps about 800m before descending down a grassy slope to return to the valley floor.
Owendoo River Valley
Owendoo River Valley to the north of Cronamuck.
There was more trudging through the grass after that as we retraced our steps and were very happy to finally reach the car again after seven hours and fifteen minutes, and a total ascent of 845m.
Croaghbarnes summit
Croaghbarnes summit
Spectacular views, especially from the top of the ridge, but God was it hard work!

Uploaded on: Mon, 8 May 2023 (14:44:24)
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NOTE: ALL information such as Ascent, Length and Creator time taken etc should be regarded as approximate. The creator's comments are opinions and may not be accurate or still correct.
Your time to complete will depend on your speed plus break time and your mode of transport. For walkers: Naismith's rule, an approximate though often inaccurate estimate, suggests a time of 5h 15m + time stopped for breaks
NOTE: It is up to you to ensure that your route is appropriate for you and your party to follow bearing in mind all factors such as safety, weather conditions, experience and access permission.

* Note: A GPS Height in the elevation profile is sourced from the device that recorded the track. An "SRTM" height is derived from a model of elevations for parts of the earth. More detail

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc