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South-East England & the Isle of Wight Area
Feature count in area: 36, by county: Windsor and Maidenhead (UA): 1, : 30, Sussex, West (CoH) West Sussex (CoA) Wes: 1, Berkshire (CoH) Berkshire (CoA) West Ber: 1, Isle of Wight (CoH) Isle of Wight (CoA): 1, Surrey (CoH) Surrey (CoA) Surrey (CoU): 1, Sussex, East (CoH) East Sussex (CoA) Eas: 1,
Highest Place: Walbury Hill 297m

Starting Places in area South-East England & the Isle of Wight:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area South-East England & the Isle of Wight:
Ashley Hill 145m, Bedham Hill 155m, Black Down 280m, Gibbet Hill 272m, Telegraph Hill 207m, Walbury Hill 297m, Wheatham Hill 249m
High Weald: Crowborough 242m, North's Seat 175m
Isle of Wight: Arreton Down 135m, Bembridge Down 104m, Brighstone Down 214m, St Boniface Down 241m, St Catherine's Hill 239m, Tennyson Down 147m
North Downs: Botley Hill 269.6m, Cheriton Hill 188m, Detling Hill [North Downs] 200m, Dunley Hill 227m, Holmbury Hill 261m, Leith Hill 295m, Reigate Hill 235m, Toy's Hill 248m, Wrotham Hill 235m
South Downs: Butser Hill 270m, Chanctonbury Ring [Chanctonbury Hill] 240m, Cliffe Hill 164m, Devil's Dyke 217m, Ditchling Beacon 248m, Firle Beacon 217m, Kithurst Hill 213m, Linch Down 248m, Littleton Down 255m, Newmarket Hill 200m, Willingdon Hill 201m, Wilmington Hill 214m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Gibbet Hill, 272m Hill
Place Rating ..
, in no lists
Grid Reference SU89900 35900, OS 1:50k mapsheet 186
Place visited by: 3 members, recently by: rhw, Fergalh, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -0.717004, Latitude: 51.115344, Easting: 489900, Northing: 135900, Prominence: 125m,  Isolation: 6.6km
ITM: 1109595 509971

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Gbt272, 10 char: Gibet H272

Gallery for Gibbet Hill and surrounds
Summary for Gibbet Hill : Sailors Stone
Summary created by Fergalh 19 Oct, 2020
   picture about Gibbet Hill
Picture: Devils Punchbowl
When heading for the trig pillar on Gibbet Hill stop at the sailors stone (raised in memory of the murdered sailor) for views of the Devils Punchbowl
Member Comments for Gibbet Hill

   picture about Gibbet Hill
Picture: Celtic Cross
History and Nature Combines for a pleasant short walk
by Fergalh 19 Oct 2020
Just before the Hindhead tunnel on the A5 there is a turn off for the Gibbet Hill. The large car park here caters for the visitors to the pleasant walk to the summit trig which overlooks the natural feature of the Punch Bowl.. There is a large Celtic Cross nearby extensive views north and south from here on a clear day by all accounts (misty when I was there). This area was notorious for highwaymen and thieves back in the day, but there was no sign of any bankers on the day I was there. The hill was named after a gibbet was raised to hanged three men who robbed a sailor back in the middle ages in this spot. The natural feature of the punch bowl below the trig pillar is also mentioned in the novel Nicholas Nickelby by Charles Dickins. Linkback:
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