[RWD version 1 ]
The Nore Valley Way, as such, doesn't seem to exist any more. This section of the walk is titled the Nore Valley 'Walk' and runs from Kilkenny to Bennettsbridge, a distance of c. 9km. In addition there is a section of the former Way that runs from Thomastown to Inistoige, Between the two however, from Bennettsbridge to Thomastown, is not pleasant walking - there is little or no access to the riverbank and the walk must use busy roads. Effectively then the Way is completed by covering the two river walks separately.
This track covers an out and back of the first part of the 'Way'. I hadn't really planned the walk, just hopped confidently out of the car, pullen on the boots and headed downriver - it took 2k until my way was blocked by a large stud farm, and i realised i was on the wrong bank....
The walking on this section is great, close to the bank most of the time, very well signed and with a pleasant rural (mucky) feel. It does detour from the route for about 1k, presumably due to access issues, but this doesn't spoil the walk too much. Morale is also helped by a very nice cafe in Bennettsbridge before the return.