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simon3: Track/3341 in area near Knockatee, Caha Mountains (Ireland)
Short walk on Knockatee with great views.
Ascent: 204m,
Length: 1.7km,
Creator time taken: 1h32m
Descent: 193m,
Time predicted from Naismith's rule: 0h 41m + breaks
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PlacesStart at Gowlaun Lough (L Gowlán) V77963 59982, Knockatee, end at Start
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[RWD version 1 ]
Gowlaun Lake to the NE.
There is a cairn to the north of the summit.
There's parking for perhaps 2 or 3 cars at the col. Reaching the top requires picking a route through various small crags and rough ground, however it's not a long way and not particularly hard.
Local hill-farmer and assistants.
Knockatee is commonage and there are no fences near the top. However the area is actively farmed as you can see from this photo of a hill-farmer with his dogs. At this time of the year the sheep are gathered ready for the ram. On a good day you can examine some of the famous summits of the Dunkerrons.
Mullaghanattin, 17.26km to the north.
Take a look at the photo of Mullaghanattin for example. If you look at the gallery version of this picture you can just see the trig pillar on the top. Pick out the coums on the ridge such as the pocket beneath Mullaghnattin or the coum under Knocknagantee. Each represents a place for another adventure and there must be nearly a dozen visible.
View across the Kenmare River
This is one of the great vantage points to see the Dunkerrons on the Iveragh Peninsula. From the high ground above Waterville to Mullaghanattin to the Reeks and even the Paps the view on a good day is huge.
Editing Details for track/3341
NOTE: ALL information such as Ascent, Length and Creator time taken etc should be regarded as approximate. The creator's comments are opinions and may not be accurate or still correct.
Your time to complete will depend on the speed of the slowest plus break time and your mode of transport.
NOTE: It is up to you to ensure that your route is appropriate for you and your party to follow bearing in mind all factors such as safety, weather conditions, experience and access permission.
Uploaded on: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 (12:02:03), Linkback:
* Note: A GPS Height in the elevation profile is sourced from the device that recorded the track. An "SRTM" height is derived from a model of elevations for parts of the earth. More detail
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