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Slievanea NE Top: A great scramble up the north ridge

Banagher Hill from the south-west

Slievenalecka: A mini Irish Matterhorn

An Cnapán Mór: One of the best views in Ireland. Period

Visiting the Boolas, a northern coum of Carrignagower, Comeraghs.

Croaghskearda: Overlooking Dingle

A bagger's hill - with some challenging bits.

Faha Ridge: The spectacular Faha Ridge

Dunmore Head: As West as it gets

Unexciting top with some challenging obstacles.

Dunmore Head: As West as it gets

Doolieve: No Public Access Allowed

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Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry Area
Place count in area: 97,  
Highest place: Beinn Udlamain, 1011m
Maximum height for area: 1011 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 556 metres,

Places in area Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry:
A'Bhuidheanach 881.1mA'Bhuidheanach Bheag 936mA'Mharconaich 975mA'Mharconaich 882mAm Buachaille 480mAm Meadar 803mAn Dun 827mAn Dun 827mAn Sgulan 865mAn Torc 739mBeinn a'Chuallaich 892mBeinn Bhoidheach 790mBeinn Mholach 841mBeinn Udlamain 1011mBogha-cloiche 898mBogha-cloiche West Top 875mBruach nan Iomairean (1974 position) 972mBruthach na Craoibhe [Bruthaich na Craoibhe] 824mCarn Dearg 787mCarn Dearg 558mCarn Fiaclach 748mCarn na Caim 941mCarn na Caim South Top 914mCeann Caol na Creige 587mClach-Mheall Dubh 619mCnoc na Craoibhe 426mCraig Fonvuick 422mCreag a'Mhadaidh 612mCreag an Dubh-chadha 840mCreag an Eirionnaich 443mCreag an Fhithich 453mCreag Mhic an t-Saoir 514mCreag nam Bodach 491mCreag nan Caisean 477mCreag nan Gabhar 730mCreag Ruadh 658mCreag Stalcair 689mCreagan a'Bhruic 433mCreagan Doire Dhonaich 722.8mCreagan Mor 772mCreagan Odhar 400mDruim nan Sac 644mDruim nan Sac West Top 603mDrumcroy Hill 512mGarbh-mheall Beag 485mGarbh-mheall Mor 594mGeal-charn 917.1mGlas Meall a'Chumhainn 827mGlas Mheall Beag 881mGlas Mheall Mor 830mGlas Mheall Mor 928mGualann Sheileach 612mLeacainn 527mLeathad nan Craobh Fearna 456mMeall a'Chaorainn 916mMeall a'Chathaidh 521mMeall Ban 504mMeall Ban 547mMeall Breac 685mMeall Chuaich 951mMeall Dail-chealach 519mMeall Dail-chealach SE Top 513mMeall Doire 732mMeall Dubh 607mMeall Dubh West Top 599mMeall Garbh 600mMeall Gorm 526mMeall na h'Imrich 420mMeall na h'Iolaire 442mMeall na Leitreach 775mMeall na Moine 743mMeall nan Eun 852mMeall nan Ruaig 579mMeall Odhar Loch Monaidh 748mMeall Odhar Mor 834mMeall Odhar Mor 890mMeall Reamhar 493mMeall Uaine 902mMeallan Buidhe 879mMeallanan Odhar 750mSgairneach Mhor 991mSgairneach Mhor (old GR) 963mSgairneach Mhor East Top 758mSgor Dearg 801mSgurran Dearg 525mSidhean Coire an Dubh-chadha 567mSron a'Chlaonaidh 628mSron Bheag 516mSron Chon 566mSron na Gaoithe 521mSron na h-Eiteich 748mStac Dearg 809mStob an Aonaich Mhoir 855mStob Loch Monaidh 743mThe Sow of Atholl [Meall an Dobharchain] 803mTom an Stoil 493mTulach Hill 470m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Carn na Caim Mountain , in British over 600m, British Marilyn, Munro Lists

Height: 941m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 42 Grid Reference: NN67701 82150
Place visited by 25 members. Recently by: rhw, ochils_trekker, OutdoorBill, gneissadventures, Lauranna, madfrankie, joreidy, annem, nordicstar, schwann10, rangertobi, bolton12, gerrybowes, DeltaP, IainT
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -4.17446, Latitude: 56.911712 , Easting: 267701, Northing: 782150 Prominence: 327m,  Isolation: 1.9km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: CrnnCm, 10 char: CrnnCm
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Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc