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The River Tweed to the English Border Area   Manor Hills Subarea
Place count in area: 398,  
Highest place: Broad Law, 840m
Maximum height for area: 840 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 653 metres,

Places in area The River Tweed to the English Border:
Archie Hill 443mArkleton Hill 521mBelling Hill 354mBlack Knowe 453mBlack Knowe 549mBlack Law 338mBlackburn Head 472mBlackhall Hill 481mBlackwood Hill 447mBlaeberry Hill 420mBlake Muir 467mBowerhope Law 478mBroomy Law 463mBurnswark Hill 287mByehass Hill 422mCacra Hill 471mCademuir Hill 416mCalkin Rig 451mCastle Hill 483mCoomb Edge 444mCoutlair Knowe 418mCraig Hill 487mCraig Hill 382mCraig Hill North Top 496mCraigmaid 553mCraik Cross Hill 450mCrib Law 424mCrumpton Hill 480mDeuchar Law 543mDod Fell 463mDod Hill 495mEildon Hill North 404mEildon Mid Hill 422mEllson Fell 537mEwelair Hill 434mEweslees Knowe 448mFanna Hill 515mFastheugh Hill 501.5mFauldshope Hill 477mFoulshiels Hill 444mGamescleuch Hill 469mGlentenmont Height 412mGoseland Hill 435mGoshen Hill 405mGrange Fell 319mGreat Hill 441mGreat Muir 469mGreatmoor Hill 599mGrey Hill 401mHaggy Hill 432mHareshaw Hill 464mHarleburn Head 546mHart Fell 331mHazel Rig 407mHome Law 412mHownam Law 449mHumblemoor Hill 363mHunt Hill 231mLadder Law 445mLadshaw Fell 465mLamington Hill 492mLatchly Hill 411mLaw Kneis 498mLightning Hill 487mLinton Hill 282mMerry Law 477mMiddlebar Knowe 415mMinch Moor 567mMinto Hills 276mMossbrae Hill 467mMountbenger Law 544mMountcommon Hill 462mMunshiel Hill 403mNeeds Law 444mNether Hill 427mNether Oliver Dod 511mPeat Law 426mPeatshank Head 481mPenchrise Pen 439mPeniel Heugh 237mPhilhope Fell 403mPike Fell 499mPike Fell 400mPike Hill 419mPikethaw Hill 564mPlora Rig 474mPotholm Hill 310mQuickningair Hill 488mRoan Fell 568mRough Side [Quarter Wood Hill] 402mRoughbank Height 448mRubers Law 424mSauchie Law 442mScaw'd Fell 549mShaw's Hill 394mSkelfhill Pen 532mSouth Grain Pike 420mStanhope Law 450mStartup Hill 439mStibbiegill Head 458mTewsgill Hill 569mThe Wiss 589mTurner Cleuch Law 551mTushielaw 435mVenchen Hill 269mWarb Law [Stubholm Hill] 281mWard Law 594mWedder Lairs 470mWhite Hill 399mWhite Law 417mWhite Law 419mWhiteside Hill 442mWisp Hill 595mWoden Law 422mWoodbus Fell 451mWorm Hill 541mYadburgh Hill 474m
Culter Hills and Tinto:   Backwater Rig 511mBenshaw Hill 503mBlack Dod 548mBlakehope Head 542mBodsberry Hill 402mBroad Hill 511mBroad Hill 469mBroomy Law 551mCardon Hill 675mChapelgill Hill 696mClyde Law 546mCocklie Rig Head 488mCommon Law 470mCoomb Dod 635mCoomb Hill 640mCraig Hill 497mCulter Fell 748mDuncangill Head 579mEwe Hill 488mGathersnow Hill 688mGlengary Knowe 429mGlenlood Hill 566mGlenwhappen Dod 536mGreat Hill 540mHardrig Head 559mHartree Hills [Pyatknowe Hill] 410mHawkwood Hill 549mHazelbush Hill 510mHillshaw Head 652mHudderstone 626mKnock Hill 514mKnowe Dod 440mLady Cairn 522mMid Hill 470mMiddle Head 519mMoss Law 571mNap Hill 437mPin Stane 519mPinnacle [Midge Hill] 519mRodger Law 541mRome Hill 565mScawdmans Hill 573mScotts Dod 543mSowen Hill 550mThe Seat 562mTurkey Hill 489mUpper Oliver Dod 490mWard Law 482mWellshot Hill 426mWhite Hill 412mWhitecamp Brae 546mWhitelaw Brae 577mWhiteside Hill 440mWindgate Bank 562mWoodycleuch Dod 538mYearngill Head 550m
Ettrick Hills:   Andrewhinney Hill 677.3mBell Craig 623mBerry Knowe 409mBig Hill 432mBlack Hill 474mBlack Knowe Head 550mBlaeberry Hill 446mBodesbeck Law 664.2mBroadgair Hill 551mBroken Back 509mBushie Law 524mCapel Fell 678mCauld Face 536mCockplay Hill 408mCossars Hill 462mCowan's Croft 579mCroft Head 637mDob's Craig 539mDrowningdub Knowes 428mDunhope Law 517mEast Muchra Hill 531mEldinhope Knowe 408mEttrick Pen 692mEwelairs Hill 525mFall Law 558mHerman Law 614.4mHope Head 519mHopetoun Craig 632mJock's Shoulder 536mLamblair Knowe 524mLaverhay Height 484mLoch Fell 688mLochy Law 518mMegs Hill 438mMid Rig 615.8mNether Craig 534mNowtrig Head 607.7mPeat Hill 461mPeniestone Knowe 551mPhawhope Hill 503mPhawhope Kips 590mPot Hill 499mPot Law 568mRough Knowe 481mRuegill Hill 496mSailfoot Law 514mSandtrae Knowe 490mScabcleugh Hill 435mScar Hill 512mShepherdscleuch Rig 548mSmidhope Hill 644mSpots Law 439mSundhope Height 512mTrowgrain Middle 628mWedder Law 445mWest Knowe 672mWhite Shank 621.6mWind Fell 665mWindlestraw Law [Ark Law] 496m
Kielder:   Larriston Fells 512m
Manor Hills:   Birks Hill 624mBirkscairn Hill 661mBirkside Law 594mBlack Cleuch Hill [Blackhouse Heights] 675mBlack Law 698mBlack Law SW Top 696mBreach Law 575mBroad Law 840mBroomy Law 534mBrown Knowe 523mBrown Knowe 706mCademuir Fort 407mCanada Hill 528mClockmore 641mCockiland Hill 424mConscleuch Head 624mCraig Head 421mCramalt Craig 830.2mCurly Moor 462mDeepslack Knowe 576mDeer Law 629mDollar Law 817mDrumelzier Law 668mDun Rig 744mElibank Law 522mFar Hill 528mFifescar Knowe 811mGlengaber Hill 492mGlenrath Heights 732mGreat Knock 693mGreenside Law 643mGreenside Law South Top 611mGrey Weather Law 712mHare Law 510mHenderland Hill 531mHog Hill 487mHorse Hope Hill 592mHundleshope Heights 686mHunt Law 639mKirkhope Law 537mLamb Knowe 662mLittle Craigie Side 487mLong Grain Knowe 704mMathieside Cairn 669mMiddle Hill 717.1mNewby Kipps 503mNotman Law 734mPaddock Slack 490mPykestone Brae 492mPykestone Hill 737mScawd Law 505mShielhope Head 613mStake Law 681mStob Law 676mTaberon Law 636.7mTalla Cleuch Head 691mThe Scrape 719mTods Knowe 691mWallace's Hill 460mWanders Knowe 492mWard Law 421mWelshie Law 504mWhite Cleuch Hill 611mWhiteknowe Head 513mWhitelaw Hill 479mWylies Hill 608.4m
Moffat Hills:   Badentree Hill 489mBallaman Hill 542mBarncorse Knowe 549mBig Dod 458mBlack Fell 467mCape Law 722mCarlavin Hill 736mCarrifran Gans 757mChalk Rig Edge 500mCraig Law 514mCraigdilly 586mCrown of Scotland 538mCrumley Hill 557mDin Law 667mEllers Cleuch Rig 612mErie Hill 690mErrickstane Hill 466mFalcon Craig 723.6mFirthhope Rig 800mFirthybrig Head 766mFoal Burn Head 510mGarelet Dod 698mGarelet Hill 681mGlengonnor Hill 437mGool Knowe 524mGreat Hill 466mGreat Hill 774.7mHart Fell 808mLaird's Cleuch Rig [Lairds Cleuch Rig] 684mLittle Bog Hill 465mLochcraig Head 800.8mMid Craig 729mMolls Cleuch Dod 785mMuckle Knees 588mMuckle Knowe 466mNether Coomb Craig 724.1mNickies Knowe 760.8mOnweather Hill 475mOxcleugh Rig 518mPaper Hill 577mSaddle Yoke 735.5mShielhope Hill 539mSwatte Fell 730mSyart Law 517mThe Bank 437mThe Rig 423mTinny Bank 418mTweedhopefoot Rig 411mUnder Saddle Yoke 745mUpper Tarnberry 552mWatch Knowe 605mWatch Law 521mWhaup Knowe 525mWhite Coomb 821mWhitehope Heights 637mWhitehope Knowe 613m
Roxburgh:   Blackgrain Height 496mBroad Head 493mBye Hill 498mCarlin Tooth 511mCatrail Edge 463mCauldcleuch Head 619mCauseway Grain Head 492mComb Hill 513mDan's Hags 503mDin Fell 529mDod Rig 416mEllson Fell South Top 494mEwe Hill 471mFaw Side 526mGeordie's Hill 464mLamblair Hill 498mLeap Hill 472mMaiden Paps 510mMid Hill 436mMillstone Edge 567mSaughtree Fell 459mScaw'd Law 503mScawd Bank 547mShankend Hill [Hillend] 411mSkelfhill Fell 534mStock Hill 477mTamond Heights 455mTinnis Hill 404mTudhope Hill 599mWether Law 509mWetherhorn Hill 522mWyndburgh Hill 507m
The Cheviots:   Beefstand Hill 562mBlackdean Curr 501mCairn Hill West Top [Hangingstone Hill] 743mCallaw Cairn 507mCarlin Tooth 551mCraik Moor 456mMozie Law 552mPhilip Law 414mPhillip Shank 479mPudding Law 428mThe Curr 564m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Brown Knowe Mountain , in British 500-600m List

Height: 523m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 73 Grid Reference: NT38855 32646
Place visited by 5 members. Recently by: IainT, markmjcampion, MichaelE, Bernieor, madfrankie
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -2.971534, Latitude: 55.583605 , Easting: 338855, Northing: 632646 Prominence: 60m,  Isolation: 1.4km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Brw523, 10 char: BrwnKnw523
COMMENTS for Brown Knowe 1 of 1  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Brown Knowe  in area The River Tweed to the English Border, Ireland
Picture: Looking back from the east.
Part of the Southern upland Way
by markmjcampion  20 Apr 2023
The SUW passes over the summit of this one so v hard to avoid! Not much going for it apart from the fine trail over it. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
(End of comment section for Brown Knowe .)

OSi logo OSNI/LPS logo
Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc