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Firth of Forth to the River TweedArea, Moorfoot Hills
Feature count in area: 148, by county: : 142, West Lothian (CoH): 1, Edinburgh (UA): 1, East Lothian (CoH) East Lothian (UA): 1, Berwickshire (CoH): 1, West Lothian (UA): 1, Midlothian (CoH) Lothian (CoA) Midlothia: 1,
Highest Place: Windlestraw Law 659.2m
Starting Places in area Firth of Forth to the River Tweed:
None for this area
Summits & other features in area Firth of Forth to the River Tweed: Airngath Hill 171m, Allermuir Hill 493m, Arthur's Seat 251m, Bizzyberry Hill 363m, Black Hill 314m, Black Hill 501m, Black Meldon 407m, Black Mount 516m, Bleak Law 445m, Boon Hill 327m, Broomy Law 426m, Broughton Heights - Pyked Stane Hill 571m, Byrehope Mount 536m, Cairnpapple Hill 312m, Carnethy Hill 573m, Catstone 448m, Clog Knowe [Black Law] 541m, Cockburn Law 325m, Cocklaw Hill 320m, Corstorphine Hill 162m, Crailzie Hill 476m, Darlees Rig 448m, Dirrington Great Law 398m, Drochil Hill 376m, Dunslair Heights 602m, East Cairn Hill 567m, Gala Hill 275m, Hartside Hill 468m, Henshaw Hill 416m, King Seat 463m, Lamberton Hill [Ayton Hill] 217m, Lammer Law 527m, Langlaw Hill 368.7m, Legerwood Hill 281m, Longshaw Law 442m, Mains Hill 354m, Marygold Hill 268m, Meigle Hill 423m, Meikle Black Law 245m, Meikle Says Law 535m, Meikle Says Law (boundary) 532m, Mendick Hill 451m, Mid Hill 412m, Muckle Knock 466m, North Berwick Law 187m, Penvalla 537m, Riding Hill 478m, Scald Law 579m, Sell Moor Hill 423.8m, Spartleton 468m, Temple Hill [Biggar Common] 388m, The Mount 423m, Trahenna Hill 549m, Traprain Law 221m, West Cairn Hill 562m, Wester Dod [Monynut Edge] 416m, Wether Law 479m, White Hill 440m, White Meldon 427m, Whiteside Law 454m, Wide Hope Shank 465m, William Law 401m Bass Rock: Bass Rock 112m Broughton Heights: Brown Dod 537m, Clover Law 493m, Drum Maw 445m, Green Law 565m, Grey Yade [Trahenna Hill North Top] 537m, Hammer Head 513m, Ladyurd Hill 525m, Peat Hill 466m, Penveny 438m Lammermuir Hills: Brotherstone Hill 418m, Crib Law 509m, Crookston North Mains Hill 409m, Harestone Hill 504m, Hogs Law 449m, Hunt Hill 495m, Killpallet Rig 447m, Little Law 456m, Penshiel Hill 427m, Rangely Kip 400m, Redstone Rig 441m, Seenes Law 513m, West Hill 454m Moorfoot Hills: Black Knowe 522m, Blackhope Scar 651m, Bowbeat Hill 626m, Bowbeat Rig Head 585m, Cairn Hill 499m, Carcant Hill 425m, Cardon Law 588m, Dod Hill 427m, Dod Law 473m, Dundreich 623m, Dunlee Hill 505m, Eastside Heights 593m, Ferniehirst Hill 501m, Garvald Law 512m, Great Law 509m, Hog Knowes 515m, Huntly Cot Hills 531m, Jeffries Corse North Top 613m, Kirn Law 412m, Kirnie Law 469m, Knowes Hill 373.9m, Lamb Law 554m, Lee Pen 502m, Maiden Law 502m, Middle Hill [Roughside Hill] 607m, Mossy Rig 551m, Priesthope Hill 549m, Rawburn Head 542m, Scawd Law 543m, Scroof Hill 497m, Seathope Law 542m, Shieldgreen Kipps 587m, Stony Knowe 505m, The Struther 438m, Torfichen Hill 468m, Watherston Hill 414m, Whitehope Law 623m, Whiteside Edge 547m, Windlestraw Law 659.2m, Windlestraw Law SW Top [Bareback Knowe] 656m, Wull Muir 433m, Yardstone Knowe 513m Pentland Hills: Bells Hill 406m, Caerketton Hill 478m, Cap Law 497m, Capelaw Hill 454m, Castlelaw Hill 488m, Cock Rig 479m, Craigengar 519m, East Kip 534m, Grain Heads 532m, Green Law 529m, Harbour Hill 421m, Hare Hill 449m, Mealowther 444m, Mount Maw 535m, Patie's Hill 478m, South Black Hill 563m, Spittal Hill 526m, The Mount 538m, Turnhouse Hill 506m, West Kip 551m, Wether Law 519m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Stony Knowe, 505mMountain
Place Rating ..
, in British 500-600m Lists Grid Reference NT39438 39514,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 73 Place visited by: 3members, recently by: markmjcampion, MichaelE, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
It's a heather-fest! Don't ascend by way of Black Law unless you enjoy trudging through knee-deep heather.
Instead stay on the main valley trail and, if you feel the need to tick this hill off, look for a faint trail heading up hill in the vicinity of A (NT40432 40106) - I have no idea if there is one tbh but, as i was heading NW from the summit of Stony Kniowe, i did see some form of a trail which appeared to be coming up from the valley. Linkback:
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