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Nore Valley: Thomastown to Inistioge

Trooperstown Hill: A good place to view the Wicklow Mountains

Nore Valley: Kilkenny to Bennettsbridge

Mulroney's Island: Tide times are vital to keep the toes dry

A different way to visit Tibradden and Glendoo.

Knockaulin: Small but tricky climb

Turbot Island: Sky view

Route from Tibradden

Tully Mountain: Reflections on a winter's day.

Ordinary hill transformed by conditions

Taobh Dubh: Approach from south-east.

Cahas Surveying: Changes to Arderins etc

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Firth of Forth to the River Tweed Area   Moorfoot Hills Subarea
Place count in area: 148,  
Highest place: Windlestraw Law, 659.2m
Maximum height for area: 659.2 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 461 metres,

Places in area Firth of Forth to the River Tweed:
Airngath Hill 171mAllermuir Hill 493mArthur's Seat 251mBizzyberry Hill 363mBlack Hill 314mBlack Hill 501mBlack Meldon 407mBlack Mount 516mBleak Law 445mBoon Hill 327mBroomy Law 426mBroughton Heights - Pyked Stane Hill 571mByrehope Mount 536mCairnpapple Hill 312mCarnethy Hill 573mCatstone 448mClog Knowe [Black Law] 541mCockburn Law 325mCocklaw Hill 320mCorstorphine Hill 162mCrailzie Hill 476mDarlees Rig 448mDirrington Great Law 398mDrochil Hill 376mDunslair Heights 602mEast Cairn Hill 567mGala Hill 275mHartside Hill 468mHenshaw Hill 416mKing Seat 463mLamberton Hill [Ayton Hill] 217mLammer Law 527mLanglaw Hill 368.7mLegerwood Hill 281mLongshaw Law 442mMains Hill 354mMarygold Hill 268mMeigle Hill 423mMeikle Black Law 245mMeikle Says Law 535mMeikle Says Law (boundary) 532mMendick Hill 451mMid Hill 412mMuckle Knock 466mNorth Berwick Law 187mPenvalla 537mRiding Hill 478mScald Law 579mSell Moor Hill 423.8mSpartleton 468mTemple Hill [Biggar Common] 388mThe Mount 423mTrahenna Hill 549mTraprain Law 221mWest Cairn Hill 562mWester Dod [Monynut Edge] 416mWether Law 479mWhite Hill 440mWhite Meldon 427mWhiteside Law 454mWide Hope Shank 465mWilliam Law 401m
Bass Rock:   Bass Rock 112m
Broughton Heights:   Brown Dod 537mClover Law 493mDrum Maw 445mGreen Law 565mGrey Yade [Trahenna Hill North Top] 537mHammer Head 513mLadyurd Hill 525mPeat Hill 466mPenveny 438m
Lammermuir Hills:   Brotherstone Hill 418mCrib Law 509mCrookston North Mains Hill 409mHarestone Hill 504mHogs Law 449mHunt Hill 495mKillpallet Rig 447mLittle Law 456mPenshiel Hill 427mRangely Kip 400mRedstone Rig 441mSeenes Law 513mWest Hill 454m
Moorfoot Hills:   Black Knowe 522mBlackhope Scar 651mBowbeat Hill 626mBowbeat Rig Head 585mCairn Hill 499mCarcant Hill 425mCardon Law 588mDod Hill 427mDod Law 473mDundreich 623mDunlee Hill 505mEastside Heights 593mFerniehirst Hill 501mGarvald Law 512mGreat Law 509mHog Knowes 515mHuntly Cot Hills 531mJeffries Corse North Top 613mKirn Law 412mKirnie Law 469mKnowes Hill 373.9mLamb Law 554mLee Pen 502mMaiden Law 502mMiddle Hill [Roughside Hill] 607mMossy Rig 551mPriesthope Hill 549mRawburn Head 542mScawd Law 543mScroof Hill 497mSeathope Law 542mShieldgreen Kipps 587mStony Knowe 505mThe Struther 438mTorfichen Hill 468mWatherston Hill 414mWhitehope Law 623mWhiteside Edge 547mWindlestraw Law 659.2mWindlestraw Law SW Top [Bareback Knowe] 656mWull Muir 433mYardstone Knowe 513m
Pentland Hills:   Bells Hill 406mCaerketton Hill 478mCap Law 497mCapelaw Hill 454mCastlelaw Hill 488mCock Rig 479mCraigengar 519mEast Kip 534mGrain Heads 532mGreen Law 529mHarbour Hill 421mHare Hill 449mMealowther 444mMount Maw 535mPatie's Hill 478mSouth Black Hill 563mSpittal Hill 526mThe Mount 538mTurnhouse Hill 506mWest Kip 551mWether Law 519m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Yardstone Knowe Mountain , in British 500-600m List

Height: 513m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 73 Grid Reference: NT41496 42229
Place visited by 3 members. Recently by: markmjcampion, MichaelE, chalky
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -2.931684, Latitude: 55.670025 , Easting: 341496, Northing: 642229 Prominence: 79m,  Isolation: 0.8km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: YrdsKn, 10 char: YrdstnKnw
COMMENTS for Yardstone Knowe 1 of 1  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Yardstone Knowe  in area Firth of Forth to the River Tweed, Ireland
Picture: From the SW
Grouse heaven (for now!)
by markmjcampion  22 Apr 2023
A track takes you from Great Law to the western side of Yardstone Knowe. A short walk through the heather will see you at the summit. These hills are partt of a large grouse farm. hence the large amount of unchecked heather. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
(End of comment section for Yardstone Knowe .)

Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc