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Inveraray to Crianlarich Area
Feature count in area: 80, by county: : 79, Dunbartonshire (CoH): 1,
Highest Place: Ben Lui [Beinn Laoigh] 1130m

Starting Places in area Inveraray to Crianlarich:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area Inveraray to Crianlarich:
A'Chrois 848m, A'Chrois West Top 785m, An t-Sron 614m, Beinn a'Chleibh 916.3m, Beinn Bhalgairean 636.7m, Beinn Bhoidheach 590m, Beinn Bhoidheach SE Top 586m, Beinn Bhreac 629.9m, Beinn Bhuidhe 948.5m, Beinn Bhuidhe - Beinn an t-Sithein 694m, Beinn Bhuidhe East Top 903.1m, Beinn Chas 682.9m, Beinn Chorranach 888m, Beinn Chuirn 880m, Beinn Chuirn South Top 773m, Beinn Damhain 684m, Beinn Dubh 773m, Beinn Dubhchraig 978m, Beinn Ghlas 550m, Beinn Ime 1011m, Beinn Luibhean 858m, Beinn Narnain 927m, Ben Lui NW Top 1127m, Ben Lui [Beinn Laoigh] 1130m, Ben Oss 1029m, Ben Oss North Top 941m, Ben Vane 915.8m, Ben Vane Far North Top 751m, Ben Vane North Top 750m, Ben Vorlich 943m, Ben Vorlich North Top 931m, Ben Vorlich South Top 780m, Binnein an Fhidhleir 811m, Ceann Garbh 804m, Cnoc na Seamraig 500m, Craw Knowe 465m, Creag Bhrosgan 771m, Creag Dhubh 491m, Creag nan Caorann 522m, Creag Tharsuinn 781m, Creagan Soilleir 646m, Cruach Mor 414m, Cruach nam Miseag 813m, Cruach Tairbeirt 415m, Cruach Tuirc 532m, Cruachan Cruinn [Fiarach - South Top] 588m, Drochaid an Droma 569m, Dun Corr-bhile 322.3m, Fiarach 652m, Garabal Hill 524m, Little Hills East 793m, Little Hills West 808m, Maol Breac 645m, Maol Breac SE Top 598m, Maol Meadhonach 604m, Maol Meadhonach NW Top 541m, Meall an Daimh 761.9m, Meall an Fhudair 764m, Meall Beag 607m, Meall nan Gabhar 744m, Meall nan Gabhar (old GR) 743.4m, Meall nan Tighearn 742.5m, Meall Odhar 656m, Newton Hill 422m, Sron nam Feudail 492m, Sron nan Colan 590m, Stac a'Chuirn 852.4m, Stacain Bealach nan Cabrach 512m, Stacain Bealach nan Cabrach West Top 479m, Stob an Fhithich 419m, Stob Coire Creagach East Top 748m, Stob Coire Creagach [Binnein an Fhidhleir] 817m, Stob nan Coinnich Bhacain 647m, Stoban Dubha 596m, Stuc Scardan 487m, The Cobbler North Peak 870m, The Cobbler South Peak 858m, The Cobbler [Ben Arthur] 884m, Troisgeach 733m, Trosgiche 523m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Stoban Dubha, 596m Mountain
Place Rating ..
, in no lists
Grid Reference NN25200 12400, OS 1:50k mapsheet 50 56
Place visited by: 0 members
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -4.824498, Latitude: 56.271787, Easting: 225200, Northing: 712400, Prominence: 28m,  Isolation: 2km
ITM: 796661 1063037

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: StbnDb, 10 char: StbnDbh

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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.