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Cruachan 103m,
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Brockagh Mountain SE Top: Royal Road to the summit

Knocknabro West Top: A Surprisingly Pleasant Hike

Argentina - Bariloche - Mirador Lago Guttierez

Argentina - Mendoza - Cerro de la Gloria

Lugnaquilla: Lug from Kelly's Crossroads

Argentina - Bariloche - Cascada Nivinco

Milane Hill: Parking Issue

Argentina - Bariloche - Cerro Llau Llau

Pookeen North Top: Only if you must

Near Barnastooka, West Cork Mountains (Ireland)

Hillbagging with fear of exposure

Sleamaine: Indistinct summit with fine views

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Mull and Nearby Islands Area   Lunga (Treshnish Isles) Subarea
Place count in area: 72,  
Highest place: Ben More, 966m
Maximum height for area: 966 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 966 metres,

Places in area Mull and Nearby Islands:
Gometra:   Gometra 155m
Iona:   Dun I 101m
Lunga (Treshnish Isles):   Cruachan 103m
Mull:   'S Airde Beinn 295mA'Chioch 867mA'Mhaol Mhor 433mAn Cruachan 581mBearraich 432mBeinn a'Chaol-airigh 127mBeinn a'Ghraig 591mBeinn a'Ghraig West Top 530mBeinn a'Mheadhoin [Beinn a'Mheadhain] 602.7mBeinn Bheag 537mBeinn Bhearnach 633mBeinn Bhuidhe 413mBeinn Charsaig 449mBeinn Chreagach 378.6mBeinn Chreagach Mhor 579mBeinn Chreagach Mhor East Top 569mBeinn Fhada 501mBeinn Fhada 702mBeinn Fhada NW Top 563mBeinn Mheadhon [Beinn Mheadhan] 637mBeinn na Croise 503mBeinn na Drise 424mBeinn na Duatharach 456mBeinn na Sreine 521mBeinn nam Feannag 466mBeinn nan Gabhar 572mBeinn nan Gobhar 436mBeinn Talaidh 761.7mBeinn Thunicaraidh [Beinn Thunacaraidh] 648mBen Buie 717mBen More 966mCarn Ban 248mCarn Mor 343.1mCnap nan Gobhar 714mCnoc an da Chinn 391mCoirc Bheinn 561mCorra-bheinn 704.9mCreach Beinn 698mCreach Bheinn 491.7mCreachan Mor 331mCruach Ardura 217.7mCruach Choireadail 618mCruach Inagairt 416mCruach nan Con 496mCruach Sleibhe 166mCruach Torr an Lochain 347.7mCruachan Beag 600.9mCruachan Beag 596mCruachan Dearg 704.1mCruachan Min 376mDruim Fada 405mDun da Ghaoithe 766mFionna Mham 494mGlas Bheinn 492mMainnir nam Fiadh 757mMaol a'Ghearraidh 522mMaol Ban 338.5mMaol Buidhe 599.7mMaol Mheadhonach 482mMaol Mheadhonach 476mMeall nan Capull 402mSgulan Beag 538mSgulan Mor 544mSgurr Dearg 741mSpeinne Mor 446mTom nam Fitheach 275.4mTorr a'Ghoai 434mTorr na h-Uamha 417m
Ulva:   Beinn Chreagach 313m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Cruachan Hill

Height: 103m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 46 47 48 Grid Reference: NM27852 41989
Place visited by 5 members. Recently by: IainT, rhw, Wildcat, markmjcampion, chalky
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -6.422952, Latitude: 56.491043 , Easting: 127852, Northing: 741989 Prominence: 103m,  Isolation: 8.3km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Crc103, 10 char: Cruacha103
COMMENTS for Cruachan 1 of 1  
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Easy hike but great views. .. by markmjcampion   (Show all for Cruachan ) Picture about mountain Cruachan  in area Mull and Nearby Islands, Ireland
Picture: One of Lunga's residents taken from just over a metre away
A great island to visit for puffins
by IainT  4 Jun 2024
An amazing island with superb birdlife. You've got big numbers of Puffins and Razorbills preening themselves right next to the track (only arms length away), not scared of people at all, while on the sea stack of Dun Cruit (Harp Rock) there are an estimated 15,000 Guillemots. The stack would be quite impressive even without the Guillecarpet as it's split off from Lunga proper by a slot about 20m deep but only a couple of metres wide, with the sea churning about in the bottom. There's also an abandoned village and an extensive view from the island's summit. The separate hummock 50-odd metres SE of the summit cairn is higher than it (and has a better view). Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
One perfect evening... .. by markmjcampion   (Show all for Cruachan )
Dutchman's Cap at dusk .. by markmjcampion   (Show all for Cruachan )
(End of comment section for Cruachan .)

Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc