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Central and Eastern England Area
Feature count in area: 28, by county: Northamptonshire (CoH) Northamptonshire: 1, Leicestershire (CoH) Leicestershire (CoA: 1, : 19, Swindon (UA): 1, Wiltshire (CoH) Wiltshire (CoA) Wiltshir: 1, Oxfordshire (CoH): 1, Bedfordshire (CoH) Bedfordshire (CoA) Ce: 1, Buckinghamshire (CoH) Buckinghamshire (C: 1, Gloucestershire (CoH) Gloucestershire (C: 1, Warwickshire (CoH) Warwickshire (CoA) Wa: 1,
Highest Place: Cleeve Hill 330m

Starting Places in area Central and Eastern England:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area Central and Eastern England:
Arbury Hill 225m, Bardon Hill 278m, Castle Ring 242m, Hackpen Hill 272m, Liddington Hill 276m, Milk Hill 294.3m, Muswell Hill 198m, Sheepwalks Hill 207m, Shotover Hill 171m, Walton Hill 316m, Whatborough Hill 230m
Chiltern Hills: Bald Hill 257m, Clipper Down 249m, Coombe Hill 260m, Dunstable Downs 243m, Wendover Woods [Haddington Hill] 267m
Cotswolds: Alderton Hill 203m, Bathford Hill 205m, Birdlip Hill 299m, Bredon Hill 299m, Churchdown Hill [Chosen Hill] [Tinker's Hill] 155m, Cleeve Hill 330m, Ebrington Hill 261m, Langley Hill 274m, Oxenton Hill 223m, Robins Wood Hill 198m, Seven Wells Hill 319m, South Hill 248m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Milk Hill, 294.3m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Wiltshire (CoH) Wiltshire (CoA) Wiltshir County, in no lists
Grid Reference SU10425 64308, OS 1:50k mapsheet 173
Place visited by: 5 members, recently by: rhw, Peter Walker, Fergalh, jimbloomer, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -1.85159, Latitude: 51.377732, Easting: 410425, Northing: 164308, Prominence: 147m,  Isolation: 10.4km
ITM: 1027831 531851

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Mlk294, 10 char: Milk Hi294

Gallery for Milk Hill and surrounds
No summary yet for this place .
Member Comments for Milk Hill

   picture about Milk Hill
Picture: White Horse Hill on Milk Hill.....
Great looped walk with White Horse carving in hill
by Fergalh 16 Nov 2020
Parked to east in large car park and followed track North west to summit which is an unmarked summit in tillage field so pick your time carefully when to climb. Than followed trail back in a south east loop in order to view the white horse carved into hill Linkback:
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Hillwalking is a risk sport. Information in comments, walks, shared GPS tracks or about starting places may not be accurate for example as regards safety or access permission. You are responsible for your safety and your permission to walk.
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.