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Sorrel Hill: Ridge walk with fine views

Inishkeel: Head over at low tide for wonderful view of Nairn beach

Argentina - Bariloche - Mirador Lago Guttierez

Sorrel Hill: An easy walk

Argentina - Bariloche - Cascada Nivinco

Lugnagun: Superb Blessington Lake Views

Lugnagun: Dogs not allowed on Mass Path

Argentina - Bariloche - Cerro Llau Llau

Hillbagging with fear of exposure

Argentina - Mendoza - Cerro de la Gloria

Hill of Ward: There must be a key somewhere hereabouts...

Near Barnastooka, West Cork Mountains (Ireland)

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Lake District - Eastern Fells Area   Lake District - Far Eastern Fells Subarea
Place count in area: 204,  
Highest place: Helvellyn, 950m
Maximum height for area: 950 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 712 metres,

Places in area Lake District - Eastern Fells:
Ashstead Fell 471mCastle Fell 478mGrayrigg Forest 494mPipers Hill 485mWhinash 471mWhinfell Beacon 472m
Lake District - Central Fells:   High Rigg [Naddle Fell] 357m
Lake District - Eastern Fells:   Arnison Crag 433mBirkett Fell 725mBirkhouse Moor 718mBirks 622mBrown Crag 610mBrown Hills 551mBrowncove Crags 859mCalfhow Pike 660mCatstye Cam 890mClough Head 726mCockley Moor 455mCofa Pike 823mCommon Fell 552mDollywaggon Pike 858mDove Crag 792mFairfield 873mGale Crag 512mGavel Pike 784mGlenridding Dodd 442mGowbarrow Fell 481.2mGowbarrow Fell (Wainwright summit) 481.2mGowbarrow Park 464mGreat Dodd 857mGreat Meldrum 437mGreat Mell Fell 537mGreat Rigg 766mGreen Hill - Gowbarrow Park 442mGreen Side [White Stones - Green Side] 795mHart Crag 822mHart Side 756mHartsop Above How [Gill Crag - Hartsop Above How] 581mHelvellyn 950mHelvellyn - Lower Man 925mHeron Pike (Glenridding) 612mHeron Pike (Rydal) 612mHeron Pike North Top [Rydal Fell] 621mHigh Brow 575mHigh Crag (Grisedale) 884mHigh Hartsop Dodd 519mHigh Pike (Scandale) 656mLittle Dodd (St John's Common) 785mLittle Hart Crag [Little Hart Crag - West Top] 637mLittle Meldrum 404mLittle Mell Fell 505mLow How 497mLow Pike 508mMatterdale Common 541mMiddle Dodd 654mNab Scar 450mNethermost Pike 891mRaise 883mRanderside 729mRaven Crag 754mRed Screes 776mSeat Sandal 736.8mSheffield Pike 675mSnarker Pike 644mSt Sunday Crag 841mStang 673mStangs 474mStone Arthur 504mStriding Edge [High Spying How] 863mStybarrow Dodd 843mSwineside Knott 553mThrelkeld Knotts 514mWatermillock Common 542mWatermillock Fell [Little Mell Fell South Top] 424mWatson's Dodd 789mWhite Pike 627mWhite Side 863m
Lake District - Far Eastern Fells:   Adam Seat 666mAncrow Brow 542mAngletarn Pikes South Top 565mAngletarn Pikes [Angletarn Pikes North Top] 567mArthur's Pike 533mBampton Fell [Bampton Common] 489mBannisdale Fell - Long Crag 493mBaystones [Wansfell] 486.9mBeda Fell [Beda Head] 509mBirk Fell [Bleaberry Knott - Birk Fell] 512mBonscale Pike 524mBranstree 713mBranstree NE Top [East Top] [High Howes (Mardale)] 673mBrock Crags 561mBrown Howe (Mardale) 529mBrownthwaite Crag 444mBrunt Knott 427mBuck Crag 570mCapple Howe 445mCapplebarrow 513mCastle Crag 490mCaudale Moor - John Bell's Banner 755mDod Hill 451mFewling Stones 509mFour Stones Hill 415mFroswick 720mGlede Howe 476mGoat Scar 626mGowk Hill 471mGray Crag 699mGreat Howe (Longsleddale) 494mGreat Ladstones 440mGreat Saddle Crag 560mGreat Yarlside 597mGreat Yarlside 591mGrey Crag [Sleddale Fell] 638mHallin Fell 388mHare Shaw 503mHarper Hills 414mHarrop Pike 637mHart Crag 590mHarter Fell (Mardale) 778.9mHartsop Dodd 618mHazel Bank 427mHeck Crag 560mHigh Dodd 501mHigh House Bank 495mHigh Kop 662mHigh Raise (High Street) 802mHigh Street 828mHigh Wether Howe 531mHollow Moor [Green Quarter Fell] 426mHowes 583mHugh's Laithes Pike 419mIll Bell 757mKentmere Pike 730mKidsty Pike 780mKnotts 406mLanghowe Pike 401mLanghowe Pike (Synge summit) 405mLingmell End 665mLittle Birkhouse Hill 400mLittle Harter Fell 681mLittle Yarlside 518mLoadpot Hill 672mLong Fell 452mLord's Seat (Crookdale) 524mLow Kop 572mLow Raise 754mMabbin Crag 482mMardale Ill Bell 760mNabs Moor 493mNaddle High Forest [nameless (Naddle Horseshoe - 1)] 435mNaddle Low Forest 426mnameless (Bannisdale Horseshoe - Ancrow Brow N) 541mnameless (Green Quarter) [Hollow Moor East Top] 413mNorth of Thornthwaite Crag 710mPike How 622mPiked Howes 407mPlace Fell 657mPowleys Hill 465mRainsborrow Crag 641mRampsgill Head 792mRaven Crag 612mRaven Howe 718mRed Crag 711mRest Dodd 696mRobin Hood 493mRough Crag (Riggindale) 628mRound How 631mRowantree Crag 403mRowantree Knotts 421mSallows 516mSatura Crag 569mScam Matthew 520mSeat Robert 515mSelside Pike 655mShipman Knotts 587mSleddale Forest 429mSleddale Pike 506mSour Howes 483mSt Raven's Edge 593mSteel Knotts [Pikeawassa - Steel Knotts] 432mStony Cove Pike [Caudale Moor] 763mStony Rigg 502mSwarth Fell (Ullswater) 545mSwinklebank Crag [Ancrow Brow] 554mTarn Crag (Sleddale) 664mThe Forest [Borrowdale Head] 528mThe Knight 552mThe Knott (High Street) 739mThe Nab 576mThornthwaite Crag 784mTodd Fell 401mTongue Rigg 449mUlthwaite Rigg 502mWallow Crag [nameless (Naddle Horseshoe - 2)] 433mWansfell Pike 482mWansfell [Baystones] 486.1mWasdale Pike 565mWether Hill 671mWether Hill 674mWhatshaw Common 490mWhatshaw Common East Top 484mWhite Howe (Bannisdale) 530mWhite Knott 422mYoke 706m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
White Howe (Bannisdale) Mountain , in British 500-600m List

Height: 530m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 90 Grid Reference: NY52363 04198
Place visited by 6 members. Recently by: rhw, oakesave, IainT, chalky, MichaelE, jimbloomer
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -2.735831, Latitude: 54.430973 , Easting: 352363, Northing: 504198 Prominence: 73m,  Isolation: 0.7km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: WhtHwB, 10 char: WhtHwBnsdl
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Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc