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The Scottish Border to the River Tyne Area   The Cheviots Subarea
Place count in area: 85,  
Highest place: The Cheviot, 815m
Maximum height for area: 815 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 556 metres,

Places in area The Scottish Border to the River Tyne:
Darden Rigg 407mDod Law 200mHousedon Hill 266mKyloe Shin 433mLong Crag 319mMoneylaws Hill 246.3mRos Hill 315mSimonside 430mTitlington Pike 233mWhittington Fell 268mWinshield Crags 345m
Kielder:   Black Knowe 492mChristianbury Crag 487mGlendhu Hill 514mPike Knowe 449mPurdom Pikes 454mSighty Crag 520m
The Cheviots:   Auchope Cairn 726mBell Hill 491mBirnie Brae 508mBlack Hag 549mBlackman's Law 459mBloodybush Edge 609.8mBroadhope Hill 517mBroadside Law 444mBrownhart Law 508mCairn Hill 777mCarter Fell NE Top 579mCold Law 452mColdburn Hill 485mColdsmouth Hill 414mComb Fell 652.7mCushat Law 616.2mDeadwater Fell 569.3mDeel's Hill 495mDryhope Hill 486mDunmoor Hill 569mEllis Crag 497mFulhope Edge 469mGirdle Fell [White Crags] 536mGreat Hetha 343mGreat Standrop 535mGreyhound Law 484mHare Law 518mHedgehope Hill 714.4mHogdon Law 548mHungry Law 501mInner Hill 443mInner Hill 432mLamb Hill 511mLanglee Crags 424mLeap Hill 471mLint Lands 510mLumsdon Law 475mMid Fell 561mMonkside 513mNettlehope Hill 485mNewton Tors 537mPeel Fell 602.7mPreston Hill 526mRaeshaw Fell 483mRavens Knowe 527mRidlees Cairn 412mSaughy Hill 494mShill Moor 528.8mShillhope Law 501mShorthope Hill 421mSneer Hill 451mSwineside Law 457mThe Bell 247mThe Cheviot 815mThe Schil 601mThirl Moor 558mTindale Law 423mTosson Hill 441mWard Law 484mWether Cairn [Wholhope Hill] 563mWhar Moor 455mWhite Law 430mWindy Gyle 619mWindy Rig 561mWool Meath 552mWooplaw Edge 459mYarnspath Law 543mYearning Law 477m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Fulhope Edge Hill

Height: 469m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 80 Grid Reference: NT83038 10216
Place visited by 1 members. Recently by: IainT
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -2.269293, Latitude: 55.385619 , Easting: 383038, Northing: 610216 Prominence: 57m,  Isolation: 1.1km ,   GPS IDs, 6 char: FlhpEd, 10 char: FlhpEdge
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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc