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Feature count in area: 9, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 2
Highest Place: Knockalla 363m
Starting Places (13) in area Donegal North: Coshia, Crocknagrauv, Crocknamarrow, Crocknapisha, Glenvar, Lough Cor Road, Lough Hanane, Lurganboy Wind Farm, Mevagh Cross, Narrow Step, Stella Maris Meevagh, Trá na Rossan, Trá na Rossan Hostel
Summits & other features in area Donegal North: Cen: Rosguill: Crocknasleigh 163m, Ganiamore 207m E: Fanad: Cashelmore 149m, Knockalla 363m, Murren Hill 227m, Crockdonnelly 152m, Craigcannon 357m, Drumavohy Hill 153m W: Horn Head: Croaghnamaddy 252m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Croaghnamaddy, 252mHill Cruach na Madadh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cruach na Madadh [PWJ†], 'stack of the dogs'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Croaghnamaddy is the third highest hill in the Donegal North area and the 1285th highest in Ireland. Croaghnamaddy is the most westerly summit in the Donegal North area.
Grid Reference C02916 40248,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 2 Place visited by: 40members, recently by: madfrankie, leader1, killyman1, Wilderness, Lauranna, markmjcampion, thomas_g, dregish, ucampbell, finkey86, Fergalh, Niamhq, bryanjbarry, pearnett, IndyMan
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.954957, Latitude: 55.209269, Easting: 202916, Northing: 440248,
Prominence: 247m, Isolation: 6.9km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 602866 940228 Bedrock type: Hornblendic and sometimes schistose, (Metadolerite) Notes on name: The highest point on Horn Head. The Metrical Dindsenchas contains a reference to Sliab Irguill, which the editor Edward Gwynn identifies with Horn Head, so it be an old name for Croaghnamaddy or may have referred to all the upland on Horn Head. For origin of name, see Ganiamore re the name Sliab Guill. There is another Croaghnamaddy SW of Dungloe.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crg252, 10 char: Crghnmdy Linkback:
Gallery for Croaghnamaddy (Cruach na Madadh) and surrounds
for Croaghnamaddy (Cruach na Madadh):
Visit for the Views.
Summary created by jackill
05 Sep, 2014
Park on the roadside at A (C02681 40572) , room for 4-5 cars.
Walk to B (C02784 40454) heading uphill and south away from the road to the trig point that marks the summit. 10-15 minutes each way is more than enough time. A great viewpoint for the Donegal coast and the mountains to the south.
I visited this peak today with a friend and some of our children. An angry man claiming to be the owner followed us up and stated the land was private with no public access.
[ Admin note. There has been an ongoing access issue in this area. We understand from MI that the Donegal Rural Recreation Officer has tried unsuccessfully to deal with this. Be aware that in these days when we can see the start of the global environmental disaster, that this area is a part of Hord Head where it would be better not to increase access as there are nesting seabirds below the road.] Linkback:
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Picture: The trig pillar on the summit of Croaghnamaddy
slemish on Croaghnamaddy
by slemish
7 Nov 2009
I had never climbed Croaghnamaddy before today but after reading three5four0's comment and since I was in Donegal this weekend anyway I thought I would bag it. It really is just a short climb from the car park up to the 252m summit. The trig pillar was in excellent condition considering the weather it has to endure up here. The beauty of Donegal is that although there are very high mountains, sometimes the lower peaks are better positioned for views. So it is with Croaghnamaddy - the sheer Horn Head cliffs to the north are interesting enough, but to the west lies Tory island and Bloody Foreland. To the south, a fabulous almost side-on view of the high Derryveagh ridge from Muckish to Errigal. Loughsalt Mountain to the south-east and round to Ganiamore and Crocknasleigh in the east, with the Inishowen hills in the distance. Do check out the cliffs if visiting here though as they really are spectacular. An easy walk - you can be up and down in 20 minutes. Linkback:
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Small hill, big views!
by Geo
17 Sep 2013
Parked at C (C01414 40890) almost at the end of the road, and as far as you can drive north. After a quick run up to the ruin, where there are superb views out over the Horn head, we walked back down the road to the junction at D (C01949 40042) and turned left. When past the viewpoint further on I took a right turn off the road at E (C02828 40446) and 5 minutes took me uphill to the trig at F (C02918 40248) . The short last bit was over heathery bog which was very solid considering the several previous day's rain. Back to the car and round trip of 5.4km and a few minutes over an hour. Leave more time if you can as there are loads of photo op's andthe option of a walk out to the headland which we didn't have time for. Super spot. Linkback:
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Picture: Looking at the Rosguill Peninsula from the trig pillar.
Unplanned Summit
by Aidy
6 Jul 2014
I was out for an aimless drive with the family when I spotted the trig pillar on top of this hill and talked them into taking the short walk to the summit. I had followed the signs for Horn Head from Dunfanaghy, and shortly after seeing another sign saying Horn Head 150m, we parked at a small lay by with great views of the Head. From there I could clearly see the trig pillar, and as we were already on high ground, it was an easy ascent to the summit. As you can imagine, in this part of Donegal, you are very well rewarded for very little effort as the views are magnificent. I would recommend walking around as much of Horn Head as you can as the summit is only part of the attraction here - the cliff top views further to the west are also breathtaking. Linkback:
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Picture: Rewarding views !!
360° vista over N Donegal !!
by David-Guenot
20 May 2016
Here are what the views are like on a good day. Looking S over Dunfanaghy and Muckish & co., from the junction of two fences, just a few meters from the summit trig. Linkback:
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