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Slieve Miskish Area , W: Dursey Subarea
Feature count in area: 7, all in Cork, OSI/LPS Maps: 84
Highest Place: Knockoura 490m

Starting Places (13) in area Slieve Miskish:
Allihies, Caherkeen, Castletownbere Lifeboat Harbour, Coosanisky, Derreenataggart Stone Circle Road, Dunboy Wood, Dursey Cable Car Station, Eskakininaun, Eyeries, Firkeel, Garinish Car Park, Old Copper Road, Toberbanaha

Summits & other features in area Slieve Miskish:
N: Allihies: Eagle Hill 223m, Knocknagallaun 376m, Knockoura 490m, Miskish Mountain 386m
W: Dursey: Cnoc Bólais (Dursey Island) 252m, Glanarough Hill 181m, Lackacroghan 260m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Lackacroghan, 260m Hill Leac an Chruacháin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Leac an Chruacháin [PDT], 'slab of the stack'), Cork County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Lackacroghan is the 1266th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference V54312 42074, OS 1:50k mapsheet 84
Place visited by: 20 members, recently by: chelman7, DeirdreM, learykid, Kirsty, nickywood, Wildrover, Fergalh, eamonoc, Cobhclimber, markmjcampion, chalky, David-Guenot, Conor74, kernowclimber, mcrtchly
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.103971, Latitude: 51.612903, Easting: 54312, Northing: 42074, Prominence: 165m,  Isolation: 2.6km
ITM: 454294 542142
Bedrock type: Purple & green sandstone & siltstone, (Caha Mountain Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Lckcrg, 10 char: Lckcrghn

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Member Comments for Lackacroghan (Leac an Chruacháin)

   picture about Lackacroghan (Leac an Chruacháin)
Picture: Delectable Dursey from Lackacroghan
No Lack of a View!
by kernowclimber 17 Oct 2012
If you plan your time wisely, this hill could easily be combined with a trip to Dursey Island to climb Cnoc Bólais, and/or Knockoura near Allihies. Leave the R572 at the Firkeel Gap before Garinish, where the Beara Way swings eastwards along a small road. There is ample parking at Coosky (V53570 42130) just before the paved road terminates. From here we followed the unpaved farm track upwards which contours around Lackacroghan, thus avoiding a steep climb through long grass and gorse straight to the summit from where the car was parked. The track passes through several gates and at A (V54547 42267) turns sharp right for some 200 m. At B (V54531 42008) head west to attain the summit. The ground is a little boggy in places but improves towards the top.

The views from the summit are spectacular on a fine day, when it is possible to see the jagged hulks of the Skellings puncturing the point between sea and sky and numerous other small islands peppering the coastline; the full length of Dursey Island, signal tower atop Cnoc Bólais crowning the top of the high ground as fanciful as any tower envisaged by Breughel; the tiny harbour at Garinish clinging obstinately to the ragged coastline; Cods Head and the delectable Ballydonegan Strand with its arc of manmade golden sand gleaming in the autumnal light, the detritus of decades of quartz crushing by the Allihies copper mines, the nineteenth century Cornish engine house at Mountain Mine just discernable in front of the majestic rib of rock that rises towards Knockoura; Crow Island and the dark stump of the signal tower on Black Ball Head, and, if lucky, the inky blue cluster of numerous peaks to the north on the Iveragh Peninsula in Kerry.

From the summit head straight down over steep grassy ground bearing west to rejoin your vehicle. A quick up and back taking no more than 1.5 hours. Linkback:
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   picture about Lackacroghan (Leac an Chruacháin)
Picture: View to Dursey Island from Lackacroghan
paddyhillsbagger on Lackacroghan
by paddyhillsbagger 2 Aug 2009
Was actually heading for Dursey Island but as the cable car was out of action and no sign of any boats around to ferry us across I decided to climb Lackacroghan instead! Following the Beara Way out of Garnish fine views over the bay to Cods Head and the distant Iveragh hills soon appear as height is gained. The Beara Way leaves the farm track which I followed as it winds its way to the right around the shoulder of Lackacroghan. At one of the 3 gates turn right to cross the open fields to access the top. Fine view are had in all directions and we sat eating our picnic to savour them. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.