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North East Midlands Area , NW Cen: Arva Subarea
Feature count in area: 25, by county: Meath: 6, Cavan: 7, Westmeath: 5, Monaghan: 3, Leitrim: 1, Louth: 1, Longford: 2, OSI/LPS Maps: 26, 27, 27A, 28, 28A, 28B, 34, 35, 36, 41
Highest Place: Cornasaus 339m

Starting Places in area North East Midlands:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area North East Midlands:
Boyne Valley: Hill of Ward 111m
Cen: Ballyjamesduff: Aghalion Hill 249m
Cen: Oldcastle: Mullaghmeen 258m, Slieve Na Calliagh 276m, Spire of Lloyd 131m, The Hill of Mael 241m
E: Kingscourt: Carrickleck Hill 173m
N Cen: Cavan Town: Shantemon 218m, Slieve Glah 320m, Tievenanass 261m
NE: Ballybay: Bunnanimma 268m
NE: Carrickmacross: Corduff 243m
NE: Castleblaney: Mullyash Mountain 317m
NE: Cen Bailieborough: Cornasaus 339m, Taghart South 290m
NW Cen: Arva: Bruse Hill 260m
NW: Aughavas: Lugganammer 190m
S Cen: Crookedwood: Cruckboeltane 199m, Knockeyon 214m
S: Westmeath South West: Knockastia 200m
SE: Boyne Valley: Hill of Slane 160.4m, Mount Oriel 251m, Tara 155m
W: Ardagh: Bawn Mountain 200m
W: Drumlish: Corn Hill 278m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Bruse Hill, 260m Hill Sliabh Brúis A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Sliabh Brúis [], 'mountain of the hostel'), Cavan County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Bruse Hill is the 1264th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference N31683 98088, OS 1:50k mapsheet 34
Place visited by: 28 members, recently by: melohara, ceadeile, arderincorbett, bryanmccabe, TommyMc, DeltaP, Nekarsulm, norbert, conormcbandon, Hilldweller, jackill, dmcdevitt, eamonoc, Geo, liz50
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.517649, Latitude: 53.931616, Easting: 231683, Northing: 298088, Prominence: 199m,  Isolation: 12.9km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 631676 798137
Bedrock type: Turbidite, red shale, minor volcanic, (Coronea Formation)
Notes on name: There are cairns near summit. The name is associated with a place called Brú Clochair or Cúil Clochair [Philip O'Connell, The Topography of the Loch Ramor Region, Breifne iii, no. 10, 231-64 and iii, no. 12, 443-8].
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: BrsHl, 10 char: Bruse Hill

Gallery for Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis) and surrounds
Summary for Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis): Forge your own path
Summary created by csd, wicklore 17 Jul, 2011
   picture about Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis)
Picture: Bruse Hill
The accepted local route up Bruse Hill is from the graveyard on the north side of the hill. There does not appear to be another public route up. Park in the car park next to the school at A (N31338 98810). For the sake of clarity go through the graveyard and exit from the gate at the back-right to get out into the quarry area. Don't climb over the official quarry gates. Follow a track to the left which leads up behind the quarry. Be very careful near the edge of the quarry as there are unguarded drops of more than 40 feet. There is what could be called a faint sheep track (if there were any sheep!) that you can just about follow when the larger track peters out, which will ease the trip up to the summit. There are extensive views to the rolling countryside in all directions. The Neolithic stone cairns along the summit are hidden under deep heather.
Member Comments for Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis)

Not quite the ogre I expected
by ceadeile 25 Apr 2019
Tackled Bruse in early April 2019 before bracken etc. had chance to be too much of a nuisance.
Started at carpark at A (N31338 98810) and walked down through the cemetery to the gate giving access to the lane into the quarry.
The gate has a warning notice regarding danger and unauthorised entry.
High fencing has been installed beyond the gate but it is still possible to access the lane by climbing over the wall at the side of the gate.
The lane/track can be followed as far as the quarry.
The lane/track is being colonised by birch saplings but is passable as water flows down the vehicle tyre tracks making it difficult for the saplings to establish themselves there.
There is a turn off to the left just before the quarry at another warning sign regarding danger and unauthorised entry.
The fence into the field beside the quarry can be crossed near a rusty barrel.
The field allows clear walking up along the hedge to where hazel scrub covers the hill.
This hazel scrub provides an ideal environment for overwintering cattle as they are sheltered while still availing of the health benefits of remaining outside in the fresh air.
The cattle have created paths which facilitate ascent through the scrub to an overgrown stone wall which is easily crossed.
Nearly there now.The hazel is superseded by some low sally (willow) but this is not too troublesome.
The worst of the heather seems to have been burned off a few years ago and although the un-burnt heather skeletons and long, tough grass will impede progress the trig pillar can now be reached without too much difficulty. Linkback:
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   picture about Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis)
Picture: Heather on top of Bruse Hill
Alaskan on Bruse Hill
by Alaskan 6 Sep 2008
We parked next to the school, which is next to the cemetery which is next to the church NW of Bruse Hill on R198. It starts off easy enough walking down the road toward the quarry. Just before the quarry, we wandered up a lane on the left. The lane got bushier until it dumped us out above the quarry. From there, we meandered through the ever-closer clumps of tickling gorse and paused to say a few words about the most obvious of blackberry qualities until we encountered an old road. The best path there is basically straight across the road but just a bit to the left up a steep bank which, when wet, will muddy the reputation of the most arrogant. After more gorse and blackberries, the best route leads up to the left and into deep heather which, since some of our young group were not that tall, meant their bodies floated ethereally above a sea of green until they reached the summit monument. They complained some of not knowing what their feet were doing down there in the vegetative depths. The summit monument tells you where to stop. Going down is easier because of the trench plowed on the way up. At least until the gorse and blackberries again draw out those words you are not supposed to say in front of youth. Linkback:
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   picture about Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis)
Picture: The quarry at the foot of Bruse Hill. Track leads off immediately to the left of this shot.
Look out for the faint track for an easier summiteering experience!
by csd 17 Jul 2011
I started at the graveyard, you need to turn right at the path that runs along the back of the cemetary, and go through the gate onto the quarry access road. The quarry is long-disused, but not a place for children to play, so keep any kids you have with you under close supervision. The track that gives access to the summit area heads off to the left just at the point you enter the main quarry.

Maybe it's down to legions of MVers beating a path to the summit, but I was able to pick up a faint trail that led from behind the quarry up to the summit, which greatly eased my journey to the summit. Lovely views from the summit.

You can download a GPX file of my route at Linkback:
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   picture about Bruse Hill (Sliabh Brúis)
Picture: Looking north from Bruse Hill.
360 degree views from a heathery top.
by simon3 14 Jun 2012
Park in front of the school at A (N31338 98810) It is possible to walk through the graveyard through a gate into the road leading to the quarry.

The views from the top are expansive though not necessarily dramatic and are amongst the best of the Binnions (sub 400m with 150m prominence) around the North Midlands. The view below is of the Ardra Lough with Cuilcagh on the centre skyline.
Bruse Hill is a Natural Heritage Area and according to Cavan County Council: "The mountain is a natural habitat to a vast array of species of plants and wildlife and because of its status as an area with such biodiversity it falls within a Natural Heritage Area. At the summit of the hill there are three stone cairns which may date from the Neolithic Period. It is also possible on clear day to see five counties from the summit. The mountain is accessible to walkers from the quarry." Linkback:
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Brambles, Bracken and thigh high heather!
by Geo 8 Sep 2013
Nothing can prepare you for the awfulness of this hill. Brambles, Bracken and Bushes aplenty. To be fair to the hill we did approach it in September when the growth was at it's zenith, and the rain the night and morning before had saturated the vegetation. Only the intrepid millsd1 would (and did) do it twice! Thanks to you and liz50 for your company! You have been warned, go in late winter or spring, and don't wear the good clothes!!! Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.