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Starting Places (1) in area North West Midlands: Ballaghaderreen
Summits & other features in area North West Midlands: E: Roscommon Hills: Moydow 165m, Slieve Bawn 262m N: Ballaghaderreen: Bockagh Hill 227m SW: Abbeyknockmoy: Knockroe 168m SW: Tuam: Knockma 167m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Slieve Bawn, 262mHill Sliabh Bána A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Sliabh Bána [], 'mountain of Badbgna'), Roscommon County in Connacht province, in Range Highpoint, Binnion Lists, Slieve Bawn is the highest hill in the North West Midlands area and the 1259th highest in Ireland. Slieve Bawn is the most easterly in the North West Midlands area. Slieve Bawn is the second highest point in county Roscommon.
Grid Reference M95476 74312,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 40 Place visited by: 62members, recently by: annem, markwallace, skhg, benjimann9, Carolyn105, Jai-mckinney, Oscar-mckinney, bryanmccabe, giboyle, mrmikelennon, Tomaquinas, magnumpig, Johnnylayne, peterturner, HelenBee
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.069409, Latitude: 53.718596, Easting: 195476, Northing: 274312,
Prominence: 207m, Isolation: 17.3km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 595418 774327 Bedrock type: Blue-grey greywacke & black argillite, (Finnalaghta Formation) Notes on name: 6km NW of Lanesborough. The name has nothing to do with bán, 'white'. Bána is the modern form of Badbgna, name of a Fir Bolg chieftain of this area. In clear conditions it is possible to see as far as Crough Patrick. There is also a fine view of the many islands on Lough Ree. Has been called Aghalard.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Slv263, 10 char: SlvBawn Linkback:
Gallery for Slieve Bawn (Sliabh Bána) and surrounds
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Add a Place Comment for Slieve Bawn, Sliabh Bána (991) in Area: North West Midlands, E: Roscommon Hills, County: Roscommon, E: Roscommon Hills
Using the local minor roads we reached A (M960 735) which is one of the places to enter the many forest tracks that weave over and around Slieve Bawn. There is no Coillte barrier so it’s possible to drive as far as you want to along the tracks. We met many other cars and motorbikes doing just this, and it seems to be a popular local activity. The tracks are more or less accurate as depicted on the OS map. Slieve Bawn consists of two summits about a kilometre apart. The northern summit, about 25 metres above the col, contains the mast and cross as shown in paddyhillsbagger’s photo. A kilometre to the south of this is the main summit which is about 37 metres above the col. This is where the summit trig pillar is which still retains a height bench mark plaque on its side that has disappeared from almost all other trig pillars. There is dense forestry around the main summit, so it was a relief to find a clear track up. When travelling along the forest tracks look out for the signpost at B (M956 744), which points the way up to the summit. A 5 minute ramble up the track between the trees brings you to the summit trig at C (M954 743). The expansive forestry on Slieve Bawn means that views can be sporadic as you travel along the tracks. From either summit views are good out to the west and north, while Lough Ree appears to the south from other points along the forest tracks. There was a nice feeling to this hill and it’s easy to see why it's popular with so many walkers and Sunday drivers. Linkback:
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Picture: Trig and sky - not much else of a view from the top.
Drive-in top with poor views.
by simon3
5 May 2010
We couldn't find the first access point mentioned by wicklore as the place to enter the forest. A local man suggested that we turn NW at D (M9692 7279) near a pub - this is on the road from Curraghcroe to Ballagh. Follow the forest roads and when there is a choice, take the turn that leads you nearest in bearing to the summit. You will come upon the sign mentioned by wicklore and then it's 250m to the top.
Views are as mentioned before "sporadic". Linkback:
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Picture: See for miles
by Marybw
19 Jul 2015
Climbed it today, track was good til we got near the top, preparation going on for new wind turbines,sad to see, bit of a mess, but doesn't spoil the wonderful views Linkback:
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Now home to a Windfarm and Recreation Area
by melohara
16 Jan 2018
Slieve Bawn is now home to the Sliabh Bawn Windfarm and Recreation Area, a joint development between Coillte and Bord na Móna. Car parks have been provided and a number of walking trails developed including one leading to the summit trig. A map of the trails is posted on information signs located in many places around the hill and available via by searching for Sliabh Bawn. The trails are well sign posted so no matter how deficient our map reading skills are you are unlikely to get lost. Car park access East (From R371) at around E (M971 779) and West from F (M937 756)) Linkback:
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spoon on Slieve Bawn
by spoon
4 Nov 2008
Sliabh Bán is not so challenging and more suitable for a brisk walk out and about in the fresh air. With easy access there are several paths which can be taken so you can vary the length of your walk. The summit too is easily found and has as OS marker at the top but can be very muddy under foot, even in summer if there has been rain. On a clear morning it can be possible at times to see as far as Crough Patrick from the west side and from the opposite side there is a view of the many islands on Lough Ree. Linkback:
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