After reading paddyhillsbaggers comments about the access roads condition, we opted to try the minor road crossing Treannagleragh, and then approach via the summit tracks. We took the minor road at
A (M339 890) in Kiltamagh, which brought us to an off set junction at
B (M313 898), turn left and then right onto the road that climbs to the masts on Treannagleragh. All I can say is don't approach the hill this way, unless you are driving a 4 wheel drive vehicle, with a good clearance below!
For those who do, continue on up hill past the masts and turn left at
C (M296 902), onto a badly rutted — and flooded when we were there — track. Follow this to a track junction at
D (M294 890), turn left and after a very short distance right at
E (M295 890) onto a slightly better track. There is room to park at
F (M293 879), by the track junction. From here you can make a direct ascent, across bog, to the summit and its Trig Point, returning by the track that runs along the edge of the forest and then along the road back to your 4x4. Despite the rain, there was good views to be had, before the mist rolled in again.
Its best to approach this hill from the West side, given the steepness of the approach roads and tracks, from the Kiltamagh side. The only thing rescuing your stuck car here is a tractor! On the tracks mentioned above, I did spot what looked like walking trail markers, so there may be an attractive alternative approach to be had, from a village below.
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