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Donegal East Area , N: Raphoe Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 12, 6, 7
Highest Place: Culliagh SE Top 369m

Starting Places (9) in area Donegal East:
Ardnabreena, Ballystrang School Ruin, Corlacky Burn, Edenacarnan East, Edenacarnan South, Garrangalta Rocks, Knockbrin, Labbadoo Wood, Sruthaunagallagh Stream

Summits & other features in area Donegal East:
N: Raphoe: Binnion Hill 190m, Dooish Mountain 266m, High Bank 171m, Mongorry Hill 284m
NW: Letterkenny Hills: Ballystrang 292m, Cark Mountain 364m, Culliagh SE Top 369m, Gregory Hill 336m, Knockbrin 259m
S: Castlefinn Hills: Croaghan Hill 217m, Fearns Hill 231m, Meenavally 219m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Dooish Mountain, 266m Hill An Dubhais A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Dubhais [], 'the black ridge'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Dooish Mountain is the 1250th highest place in Ireland. Dooish Mountain is the second most easterly summit in the Donegal East area.
Grid Reference C29973 10723, OS 1:50k mapsheet 6,7
Place visited by: 34 members, recently by: wicklore, ChrisC, dino, Wilderness, Claybird007, trostanite, dregish, eamonoc, Fergalh, McQuaid89, eejaymm, sperrinlad, Aidy, muschi, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.533095, Latitude: 54.943177, Easting: 229973, Northing: 410723, Prominence: 172m,  Isolation: 4.6km
ITM: 629915 910709
Bedrock type: Schist and grit with thin marble units, (Lough Foyle Succession)
Notes on name: An Dubhais is a common hill name in Ulster, especially Cos. Donegal and Tyrone, and the name has been applied to several of the towlands in which this hills stand. Divis near Belfast is a different aglicisation of the same Irish name.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: DshMnt, 10 char: DshMntn

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Member Comments for Dooish Mountain (An Dubhais)

   picture about Dooish Mountain (An Dubhais)
Picture: Derryveaghs view.
simon3 on Dooish Mountain
by simon3 30 Sep 2008
Done some walking in Donegal and want to stretch your legs on a journey south perhaps via Lifford/Strabane?

This is an easy stroll of 800m from a forest entrance along a forest track to a trig pillar. En-route there are great views north to the Derryveaghs, Bluestacks, Donegal NW area and Inishowen.. The ten wind turbines (as of 2008) of Owenreagh Hill and the mast on Koram hill in the Sperrins are visible. The start is at the forest entrance at A (C304 113)

The picture shows the view NW to the Derryveaghs. Starting from the left these are: Errigal, Mackoght, Beaghy, Aghla More, Aghlas and Ardloughnabrackbaddy, Crocknalaragagh (Na Leargacha ) and finally the broad back of Muckish on the right skyline. The denser white conurbation on the left is Letterkenny. Linkback:
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   picture about Dooish Mountain (An Dubhais)
Picture: Dooish Mountain View
Dooish Mountain
by dino 25 Apr 2010
The first time I attempted to do this walk was in February 2009 and I was beaten by the snow. There was about 6 inches on the roads which made it pretty difficult in my little Toyota Yaris! Somehow I made it to the end of the forestry road but while attempting to pull in and park I slid past the entrance and down the hill about 10-15m! I decided not to push my luck and gave up that time. Today I didn't have the snow to contend with (just the many, many potholes) and if I'd been so inclined I could have even driven to the top as the gate was open

A leisurely stroll of less than 10mins each way to the breezy trig point sounds boring but the views in all directions are excellent. The weather was glorious with bright sunshine and a bit of a breeze. It's almost impossible to try and count all the hills you can see from here and I'll swear I could see as far as Binevenagh on the way back down.

An enjoyable and interesting walk and despite its brevity a nice way to clear the cobwebs after a lazy Sunday morning and afternoon :) Linkback:
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   picture about Dooish Mountain (An Dubhais)
Picture: The Almost Hidden Trig Pillar
Nice Forest Walk
by Aidy 2 Oct 2015
A pleasant walk along the forest track mentioned by Simon 3 with some good views. The trig was almost hidden beside the trees on a high, heathery bank alongside the track. There was a sign at the entrance to the forest track saying it was reserved for members of a shooting club but I didn't encounter anyone up there. Linkback:
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three5four0 on Dooish Mountain
by three5four0 1 Nov 2009
After a dreich night, a dreich day followed, we carefully negotiated several flooded roads and byways to arrive at Simon3's start point for Dooish Mountain. Followed the track up past the communications transmitter, round a flooded area & up to the trig point, which in true mapping style was not marked on my map. The view, well there was none bar the rolling banks of mist and rain. My thoughts immediately turned to probable the last supplies in Ulster, of Atlas Breweries finest 3 Sisters & Nimbus ales, sitting lonely and dejected in my fridge. Time for home and don't spare the horses! Linkback:
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