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Ox Mountains Area , Ballygawley Mountains Subarea
Feature count in area: 19, by county: Sligo: 18, Mayo: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 16, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33
Highest Place: Knockalongy 544m

Starting Places (14) in area Ox Mountains:
Belra, Glen Wood, Glenwood CP, Kingsmountain Wind Farm, Knockalongy, Largan Hill, Lough Achree, Lough Easkey, Masshill School, Queen Maeve's Grave, Rathcarrick Wood, Slishwood CP, Union Woods CP, Water Tower

Summits & other features in area Ox Mountains:
Ballygawley Mountains: Slieve Daeane 273.1m
Cen: Annatoran: Annatoran 512m, Cloonacool 440m, Meenamaddo 330m, Sruffaungarve Top 400m
Cen: Talt: Knocknasliggaun 417m, Largan Hill 413m, Larganmore 276m
Cen: Tobercurry: Knocknashee 276m, Mucklety Hill 217m
N: Knockalongy: Cloonagh 349m, Knockalongy 544m, Knockalongy North-East Top 541m, Knockalongy South-West Top 521m
N: Sligo Hills: Doomore 272m, Killerry Mountain 292.9m, Knocknarea 327m, Slieve Dargan 263m, Slieveward 199m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Slieve Daeane, 273.1m Hill Sliabh Dá Éan A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Sliabh Dá Éan [OG*], 'mountain of two birds'), Sligo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Slieve Daeane is the 1229th highest place in Ireland. Slieve Daeane is the second most easterly summit in the Ox Mountains area.
Grid Reference G71190 29942, OS 1:50k mapsheet 25
Place visited by: 43 members, recently by: simon3, chelman7, abeach, andalucia, jlk, marymac, Wilderness, peterturner, oreills8, Hyperstorm, pdtempan, david bourke, markmjcampion, Pinger, supersullivan
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.442396, Latitude: 54.217603, Easting: 171190, Northing: 329942, Prominence: 231m,  Isolation: 0.5km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 571146 829946
Bedrock type: Granoblastic kyanite pelite/ -semipelite, (Slishwood Division, Pelitic & semi-pelitic paragneiss)
Notes on name: On Slieve Daeane there is a passage tomb named Cailleach Bhearra's House, just as on Slieve Gullion, Co. Armagh. The Annals of the Four Masters record that in 1597 Hugh Roe O'Donnell encamped in Breifny of Connaught, to the east of Sliabh-da-en, after having plundered the faithful people of O'Conor.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SlvDn, 10 char: SlvDn

Gallery for Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan) and surrounds
Summary for Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan): Complicated top and topography, good views.
Summary created by simon3 14 Oct, 2024
   picture about Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)
Picture: View of the top from the south.
This small hill is reasonably easy to get to. The Sligo Way passes to the south of it.
The top is highest point in a number of subsidiary tops with intervening valleys.
One way up is from (G71585 28740). There is some parking there or further north along the driveable forest road.
Walking north of there crosses the Sligo Way. You can avoid much of the mushy difficult ground by heading as directly as possible to the steeper ground where there is exposed rock or at least not much difficult vegetation.
Member Comments for Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)

   picture about Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)
Picture: Looking NW from Slieve Daeane towards Carrowmore and Knocknarea
A hat-trick of cairns (part 2)
by pdtempan 22 Jan 2022
Last week (13/01/22) I did a walk connecting three of these four peaks. I was lucky enough to be joined by author and archaeologist Pádraig Meehan, who has researched and written about the whole Carrowmore complex, including the sunrise alignment phenomenon. I met Pádraig at the southern end of Ballygawley Lough (A (G699 283)) and he guided me on the first section of the walk through the forest and onto the lower slopes of Slieve Dargan. He showed me a stone row in the forest known as Cloch an Ghadaí (the thief's stone), which actually consists of three standing stones known as the thief, the boy and the cow. He also gave me lot of information about the monuments that I would see later on the summits. When the track petered out, we parted and I headed on up to Cailleach a Bhearra's House, the first of the megalithic tombs and the most dramatic, since it is open from the sides and it is possible to look right into the chamber. From here there is panoramic view that includes Ballysadare Bay, Carrowmore, Knocknarea, Sligo Bay, the Dartry Mountains including Belbulbin, and the Bricklieve Mountains, site of another important megalithic cemetery at Carrowkeel. If you do come this way, please treat the monuments with respect and avoid moving stones or causing any damage. This article highlights how fragile they are and how substantial damage has been caused recently: (G431 091)4
From here it was only short pull up to Slieve Dargan, the second peak, which is surmounted by another tomb that is effectively a collapsed cairn. Slieve Daeane, the third peak, marginally higher than Slieve Dargan, is less than a kilometre further on as the crow flies, but lies across a fairly deep gap. I heard the 'cark-cark' of ravens from this gap, but the birds remained out of view. It may be technically possible to take a beeline, but the ground is fairly steep and rough, so I found it quicker to veer SE towards the Sligo Way, follow it for a short way and then branch off N following an obvious slanting shelf leading to the summit cairn of Slieve Daeane. From here you have a similar panorama but with a glimpse of Lough Gill between the hills to the N. There was pretty low cloud during my walk so visibility was limited and I could not see the tops of the Dartry range. I went down following the same shelf. When I reached the Sligo Way, I turned back and saw one raven fly across the gap, followed shortly after by another raven, which seemed the most appropriate ending to a walk on Sliabh Dá Éan, 'mountain of two birds'. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)
Picture: Cailleach a Bhearra's House with Ballygawley Lough and Ballysadare Bay in the background
Projecting light and shadow onto Carrowmore (part 1)
by pdtempan 22 Jan 2022
I've been a frequent visitor at the Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery for quite a few years now, sometimes bringing tour groups, sometimes visiting on my own account. I've travelled down a couple of times at Halloween for events at the Visitor Centre, in the hope of witnessing the special Halloween sunrise alignment at Listoghil, the central tomb of the complex, though I've yet to see it at its best in clear conditions. What's the connection with Slieve Daeane? Well, for a period of four months in the winter, if you watch the sun come up at Carrowmore, it rises from behind a group of hills known in English as the Ballygawley Mountains, which make up the eastern end of the Ox Mountains or Slieve Gamph. Slieve Daeane is the highest of these relatively low peaks (all under 300m) and the only one featured on MV. From Halloween to the winter solstice the position of the sunrise passes across four different peaks, all of which have megalithic tombs themselves, like the tombs at Carrowmore. At Halloween the sunrise occurs over a saddle in the townland of Aghamore Far. By a few weeks later it has moved on to Slieve Daeane. A few more weeks on the sun rises over Slieve Dargan. Finally, on the shortest day in December, it crosses the horizon at a knoll with an open tomb known as Cailleach a Bhearra's House. It lingers here for a few days before starting to reverse this journey until it reaches Aghamore Far again around Feb 10. So I had been planning for a little while to climb these peaks and explore the tombs. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)
Picture: Slieve Daeane Trig with Killerry Mtn in background
by paddyhillsbagger 22 Apr 2011
Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been over 6 months since I have visited one of Ireland's high spots. Life, the wife, the grand-kids, an on-line course and the weather got in the way. For penance I did 4 local tops to get back in the swing. My boots expired on the 1st top, Slieve Daeane. My trousers ripped on the 2nd, Killerry and it rained on the 3rd, Benbo. Thank goodness I left spare clothing and footwear in the car!
Slieve Daeane is a delightful little top which is easily accessed via the Sligo Way. The trig point is easily spotted from the Sligo Way where a short heather and bog trot leads to the top where fine views are offered. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Daeane (Sliabh Dá Éan)
Picture: Lake of the two geese
Mystic Lake ( Lough Dhá Géanna )
by swoop 15 May 2011
Under Sliabh Dá Éan ('mountain of two birds) lies a small but beautiful hidden lake.
Legend has it that got its name Lough Dhá Géanna from the story of king Sweeney. Sweeny was a king condemned by an angry cleric to wander, naked and nervous as a bird throughout Ireland.Any sharp sound , like the ringing of a bell, would send Sweeney into madness. Because of the curse he began to levitate and move about like a bird. Being bird-like he could never trust humans but fled from place to place, naked and hungry. Near Lough Gill, in the eastern Ox mountains , Sweeney fought with a Cailleach, a wise woman, and both of them in their struggle transformed into geese and dived into the lake. Never to be seen again.

normal Grid Ref = C (G710 304) , 10 digit Grid Ref = D (G71095 30434) , Latitude = 54.22190 (north)
Longitude = -8.44320 (west) , Latitude = 54°13'19" (north) , Longitude = 8°26'36" (west)
Tetrad = G73A ,

Its an amazingly still place, you can hear the silence. The lakes water is bog brown, the stone ring surrounding it is bleached white. A mystical site worth the walk. Linkback:
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