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Inishowen Area , N: Malin Subarea
Feature count in area: 27, by county: Donegal: 27, Derry: 1, of which 1 is in both Derry and Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Highest Place: Slieve Snaght 614.6m

Starting Places (43) in area Inishowen:
Adderville Upper, Barnes Bend, Bunacrick, Butlers Bridge, Carnaghan Presbyterian Church, Castruse Upper, Craignacoolagh, Craignamuck, Croaghglengad West, Crockavishane South, Diarmuid and Gráinne's Bed, Doherty's Dún, Dunree Bay Carpark, EEl Hole, Effishmore Upper, Evishbreedy Bridge, Five Fingers Strand, Gap of Mamore Grotto, Gap of Mamore Road, Gap of Mamore Viewpoint, Glack, Glasmullan, Golan Bridge Track, Goorey Hill, Grania's Gap, Gransha Árd, Green Hill, Leamacrossan Hill East, Lisfannon Beach, Lough Shivnagh, Lough Turk North, Magilligan Point View, Meenabroagh, Meenyollan River, Moor House, Mullagh, Pincher's Corner, Rashenny, Roosky Upper, Rowantree Hill, St Michael's Church, Stroove Beach, Tullagh Beach

Summits & other features in area Inishowen:
Cen: Slieve Snaght: Damph 420m, Slieve Main 514m, Slieve Snaght 614.6m
N: Malin: Croaghglengad 259m, Crockalough 282m, Soldiers hill 174m
NE: North East Inishowen: Crockavishane 322m, Crocknasmug 327.5m, Grinlieve 371m
NW: Urris: Binnion 250m, Bulbin 494m, Coolcross Hill 291m, Croaghcarragh 400m, Crockmain 460m, Dunaff Hill 230m, Mamore Hill 423m, Raghtin More 502m, Slievekeeragh 389m, Urris Hills 417m
S: Iskaheen: Crockglass 397m, Eskaheen Mountain 418m, Greenan Mountain 241m, Holywell Hill 260m, Inch Top 222m, Leamacrossan Hill 392m, Mouldy Hill 312m, Scalp Mountain 484m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Crockalough, 282m Hill Cnoc an Locha A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Cnoc an Locha [PDT], 'hill of the lough'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Crockalough is the 1205th highest place in Ireland. Crockalough is the most northerly summit in the Inishowen area. It's also the most northerly summit in Ireland.
Grid Reference C46100 56800, OS 1:50k mapsheet 3
Place visited by: 33 members, recently by: Oscar-mckinney, Carolyn105, Kirsty, ucampbell, eamonoc, Claybird007, markmjcampion, Lucky1, Lauranna, Aidy, scottwalker, Fergalh, Hilltop-Harrier, trostanite, eejaymm
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.273995, Latitude: 55.355791, Easting: 246100, Northing: 456800, Prominence: 267m,  Isolation: 4.6km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 646039 956776
Bedrock type: Whitish quartzite with pebble beds, (Slieve Tooey Quartzite Formation)
Notes on name: The northernmost mainland peak in the current MV list, lying about 8km ESE of Malin Head. Has been called The Bens. See Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa' (pp. 146-47) for details of the festive assembly on Crockalough.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crc282, 10 char: Crcklgh282

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Member Comments for Crockalough (Cnoc an Locha)

   picture about Crockalough (Cnoc an Locha)
Picture: Crockalough from the start of the walk.
A walk on Ireland's most northerly hill
by Harry Goodman 17 Aug 2011
I went in search of this hill on 4 Aug 2011 as one of five remaining tops which I have yet to climb on Inishowen. What a surprise lay in store. As well as being the most northerly listed hill in the mv list it is a fine place for viewing the Inishowen peninsula and beyond. I parked at Doh Dún (C44809 57669) (mentioned by gerrym in his comments) and from there opted for a more direct ascent. I continued E along the rough track passing through a couple of fence sections with secured openings. The track soon swung around to the S as it gently made its way up hill. At A (C45374 57238) some 800m along it became less distinct but could be followed up to the W shoulder of the hill some 200m further along B (C45255 57056). From here I turned left (E) more steeply up the heather and stone covered slope and made directly for the top with the summit area and its hard to miss "golf ball dome" gradually coming into view. The trig pillar marking the high point is at C (C46054 56740). As others have already affirmed this is a splendid viewpoint N out over Irelands most northerly point at Malin Head and then, in spite of the "dome", S and W to many of the high hills of the North of Ireland. Unfortunately for me the views were short lived as a thick mist rolled quickly in from the sea blanking out any visability. My original intention had been to follow gerrym's ascent route for my descent but the mist changed my plans and I simply retraced my route back to the car. However now that I have been there and encouraged by gerrym's informative write up, this small hill, unlike many others I have visited over the years, is one that I would, weather permitting, re-visit. In all a walk of 3.86km completed in 1hr. 15min. Given the size of the moorland covered by this hill and its knobbly surface I would commend the need for accurate route finding should mist intervene, as happened when I was there. Linkback:
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   picture about Crockalough (Cnoc an Locha)
Picture: anyone for golf?
gerrym on Crockalough
by gerrym 23 Sep 2009
A small hill at the most northern reaches of the isle - surely not worth bothering about? Think again as i have. It provided a fantastic environment for walking and exploration, with religion, technology, stunning scenery and isolation as companions.

Access is from the R242 out of Malin, turning on to a minor road, taking a lane off this at D (C436 574) and parking at its end where there is room for several cars ( Doh Dún (C448 577)). This is at a height of several hundred feet and looks out over Malin and the ocean to the north.

Cross fence and drop down to the dramatic coastline. The tide was out and the cluster of the Garvan isles just off the coast were fully visible, further out i could make out the lighthouse and abandoned dwellings on the island of Inishtrahull. Gulls perched on the cliffs and a solitary fishing boat braved the waters. A sheep track sticks faithfully to the cliff edges, passing storm beaches (one with a splash of sand which looked like a murder scene marked out for some large aquatic animal), small streams before they tumbled below and the large stack of Stookanuddan. Contour around an inlet, which has 2 streams falling at its back to jumbled slabs of rock below, to reach above the small stack of Reaghillan (E (C458 579)). The ground rises steadily from here and the cliffs get higher, giving fantastic views over the immediate coastline and to Knocklayd in the Antrim hills further afield.

My GPS gave the cliffs a height of 623 ft before i turned inland towards the summit. The hillside was covered in blooms of pink heather, with bees and butterflies visiting. A number of old tracks were visible to the east and a burnt out car - though had to look hard to spot it!
The final pull is steep. The trig pillar and small cairn are reached in an hour and 2 miles. It is somewhat lost among masts and a large 'golfball' dome housing radar. The views are not lost though and stretch along the north coast to the antrim hills, west to Malin head and down over the hills of Inishowen to the Sperrin mtns. A strong breeze was blowing and i sat with my back against the trig pillar gazing over the Atlantic.

Follow the access road downhill for a short distance to reach the lough which has been a site of religious pilgrimage. A walk around its shores reveals numerous personal and religious artefacts left by pilgrims. I took a direct route in returning to my starting point NW off the top - this picks up some old tracks which lead back to the start. In all 4 miles and 2 hours. Linkback:
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Another quick ascent.
by three5four0 29 Jun 2010
Parked at the end of the lane, mentioned by gerrym, at around Doh Dún (C448 576). Climbed over the new looking fence on our left, and followed this east to another fence at around F (C451 576), stepped over and turned immediately right and followed a track up hill. There are many tracks criss crossing this hillside, use them to gain height before striking up hill through the heather, to the summit and trig point. We startled a fox, as it was trying to sneak up on some sheep, just where we left the track.

As we approached the summit and its strange golf ball installation, a loud roll of thunder echoed all around us, so there was no hanging around to admire the views, just a quick return to the car. 50 min all in. Linkback:
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   picture about Crockalough (Cnoc an Locha)
cjdonaghey on Crockalough
by cjdonaghey 1 Mar 2010
The views and the wildlife make this a must for all hillwalkers Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.