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West Limerick Area , E: Ballingarry Subarea
Feature count in area: 5, all in Limerick, OSI/LPS Maps: 64, 65, 72, 73
Highest Place: Knockanimpaha 344m

Starting Places (4) in area West Limerick:
Ballingarry, Dairy Well, Knockfeerina Lane, Rathcahill Wind Farm

Summits & other features in area West Limerick:
E: Ballingarry: Ballyea Hill 214m, Corronoher 272.1m, Knockfeerina 288m
S: Templeglantine: Glenmore Hill 292m
W: Newcastle West: Knockanimpaha 344m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockfeerina, 288m Hill Cnoc Fírinne A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc Fírinne [LL], poss. 'hill of truth') Knockfierna an extra name in English, Limerick County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockfeerina is the third highest hill in the West Limerick area and the 1188th highest in Ireland. Knockfeerina is the most northerly summit in the West Limerick area and also the most easterly.
Grid Reference R45130 36144, OS 1:50k mapsheet 65
Place visited by: 70 members, recently by: Helgabee, Tuigamala, patman1974, knightsonhikes, aidand, jlk, Oscar-mckinney, Carolyn105, Krzysztof_K, GerSomers, Dee68, annem, garrettd, ciarraioch, TippHiker
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.808238, Latitude: 52.474411, Easting: 145130, Northing: 136144, Prominence: 173m,  Isolation: 6km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 545090 636193
Bedrock type: Volcanicastic Rocks, (Volcaniclastic Rocks)
Notes on name: Cnoc Fírinne is strongly associated with fairies. Mentioned in Aodhagán Ó Rathaille's poems and in the Fionn tales, it was regarded as the seat of a deity or fairy-king called Donn Fírinne. It was also the focus of a Lughnasa gathering. It seems that Fíreann ('truth') is a re-interpretation of an old personal name Frigriu, with genitive Frigrinn. For origin of name, see Ó Maolfabhail, LECL. See Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa' (pp. 201-06) for details of the festive assembly on the hill. Locally also spelt Knockfierna.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc288, 10 char: Knckfrn

Gallery for Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne) and surrounds
Summary for Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne): Variations on a one way system
Summary created by paddyhillsbagger, simon3, jackill 23 Jun, 2012
   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: From the south
You'll need to be careful where you park your car as there is very little room at the start of the track at A (R42615 35025). I parked on the grass verge just up the road towards Ballingarry but its not the best.
Walk along the track passing a house entrance on your right going uphill. At B (R42861 35447)(164 mtrs) you'll pass a track junction on your left coming up from the roadside stone stile at C (R4194 3567), another possible start point . It is also possible to park further up the road, at around D (R4306 3564). Pass by a famine memorial stone and then through a gate just before the summit.
The limestone summit has an aerial, a cross and a trig pillar.

Alternative access point at E (R45200 35600). Car space beside house with red roof. Ask farm owner for permission. Was very helpful on day I went up.
Member Comments for Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)

   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: View to the Galtees and Ballyhouras across Co. Limerick
a nice little diversion
by scapania 21 Apr 2010
Knockfierna is a lovely little hill, easily accessible and with great views, as well as plenty of historical and folklore interest. Its well located in the centre of county Limerick and is close to both the N20 Limerick-Cork road and the N21 Limerick-Kerry road, so a good diversion if you happen to be passing nearby with a couple of hours to spare. I randomly found a description of a route up from the village of Ballingarry online (, so I decided to investigate on the way home from a couple of days spent on Mweelrae and the Twelve Bens.

There's plenty of parking around Ballingarry, such as by the town park at F (R4140 3626). Head up through the town and along the R518 Kilmallock road. Turn left off this road soon after leaving the town, at C (R4194 3567), opposite a right turn and a 'welcome to Ballingarry' sign, over a stone stile, up a gated track. When you come to a new cowshed in front of you, take the track to the right and follow this up past a few gates until you join up with a track, known as 'The Red Road' coming up from the right. You could also follow this track up from the main road, but it would require an extra bit of unnecessary road walking. This track will take you all the way to the summit, along a broad, gorse covered ridge, passing a number of thatched cottages, mostly in ruins, and a famine memorial stone along the way. When you pass through a gate just before the summit 'pinnacle', take a right turn and you're on the summit in no time.

The summit is capped with limestone and has an aerial, trig point, large cross and the remains of a large ancient cairn. The main attraction though is the views, which are brilliant considering the height of the hill - most of county Limerick is spread out before you and views further afield stretch from Mangerton in the west (the rest of Kerry is blocked out by the Mullagherierks), across the Derrynasaggart, Boggeraghs, Nagles, Ballyhouras, Knockmealdowns and Galtees, all the way to Slievenamon faint on the eastern horizon. To the northeast, Keeper Hill and the Slieve Felim rise up, while Tountinna and the Slieve Bearnagh stand beyond Limerick city. The Burren Hills are visible to the northwest, stretching across to the solitary peak of Slievecallan in SW Clare, above the Shannon Estuary. All in all, well worth the modest climb. Once you've soaked up the views, retrace your steps the 4km back to Ballingarry. If you're short on time, it should also be possible to park around G (R4520 3560) and follow a track up, joining up with the route from Ballingarry near the summit. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: Looking west from Knockfeerina down the ridge.
Green farms and a historical red road.
by simon3 6 Feb 2012
The walk up Knockfeerina shows you greater and greater views as you slowly ascend. And it also shows you an area with abandoned houses speaking of the famine and the ensuing rebellion of 1848 in nearby Ballingarry. There is a large famine memorial at one point.

The track, known as the Red Road, seems to be well supported in modern times with a lack of rubbish and polite requests to shut gates on what was described as "this amenity". The surrounding green fields speak of prosperous well kept farms. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: Mountainview top 300!
A wet 300.
by paddyhillsbagger 23 Jun 2012
Decided to bag my 300th top on way down to Cork. Climbed hill from H (R452 356) after asking friendly farmer. Was short walk to top which was enclosed in a wet and windy shower so saw nothing but got soaked! Would be lovely walk on summers day using pdf as suggested by scapania. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: Sunset
The Hill of the Fairies
by hendycoco 6 May 2016
Knockfierna is a lovely location for a stroll. The path (the red road) goes all the way to the top and makes it very accessible. From the top of Knockfierna you can see beyond Limerick to parts of Clare, Kerry, Tipperary and Cork. Great views of Thomond Park and other Limerick city landmarks. This areas is steeped in history from pagan times and old famine cottages are dotted all over the hill, which by the way is also the cone of an extinct volcano. While not very challenging Knockfierna provides great views and a variety of different walking paths. A great location for an evening stroll or even a school group interested in learning about the history of the hill. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockfeerina (Cnoc Fírinne)
Picture: The red road viewed from Knockfeerina.
A walk back to famine times.
by TommyV 4 Nov 2018
Just South of the village of Ballingarry there is a small road on the left where you can drive to Kn'Ferna Ln (R43283 35928) where there is a gate that states only land owners can drive beyond this point. There is no issue with walking beyond here and there is plenty of space to park cars. Follow the road until you come to a fork where you will see a more defined track to the right going uphill. This is the red road and you will see why due the colour of the clay like surface. Continue on until the track forks again at I (R43963 36280). Here there is a higher and a lower track, both of these will lead you to the summit so you can make a little loop walk by talking one of these routes and take the alternate track on the way back. A fine little walk with a real sense of the hard times endured during the famine. Linkback:
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