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Starting Places (16) in area South East Midlands: Ballinvarry West, Clodiagh Church, Coolnahau, Coppanagh Wood South, Freney's Well, Glynn, Gorlough Wood, Hill of Allen, Inistioge, Killamery Wood East, Kylebeg Wood, Lingaun River, Mount Alto Wood, Mullenbeg Wood South, Newtown Upper School, Slievenamon Walk Head
Summits & other features in area South East Midlands: Knockaulin 171m E: Barrow: Clogrennan Hill 336m, Newtown Hill 208m N Cen: Timahoe Hills: Ballaghmore Hill 268m, Cullenagh Mountain 317m, Fossy Mountain 332m, Hewson Hill 261m, Rock of Dunamase 198m N: Croghan: Croghan Hill 234m N: Newbridge Hills: Dunmurry Hill 233m, Hill of Allen 219m S: Mullinavat: Coolnahau Hill 265m, Corbally Hill 285m, Mount Alto 276m, Tory Hill 292m S: Slievenamon: Knockahunna 502.8m, Sheegouna 553.5m, Slievenamon 720.2m, Slievenamon North-West Top 564m S: Windgap: Carricktriss Gorse 314m, Carrigadoon Hill 296.9m, Faranaree Hill 283m SE: Brandon Hill: Brandon Hill 515m, Coppanagh 365m, Croghan 365m W Cen: Durrow: Ballynalacken Hill 314m, Caponellan Hill 253m, Knockmannon Hill 315m W Cen: Slieveardagh: Clomantagh Hill 349m, Knocknamuck 340m, Monabrogue 284m W: Horse & Jockey: Kill Hill 241m, Killough 235m, The Rock of Cashel 125m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Tory Hill, 292mHill Sliabh gCruinn A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Sliabh gCruinn [OG], 'round mountain'), Kilkenny County in Leinster province, in Binnion Lists, Tory Hill is the 1182th highest place in Ireland. Tory Hill is the most southerly summit in the South East Midlands area.
Grid Reference S59612 22188,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 75,76 Place visited by: 51members, recently by: Geo, benjimann9, TommyMc, markwallace, Nailer1967, DeirdreM, annem, ei7kh, nickywood, madfrankie, TippHiker, Kirsty, dregish, deirdrec, magnumpig
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.125425, Latitude: 52.348441, Easting: 259612, Northing: 122188,
Prominence: 170m, Isolation: 8.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 659585 622232 Bedrock type: Red, brown conglomerate & sandstone, (Carrigmaclea Formation) Notes on name: The name Sliabh gCruinn also occurs in Co. Waterford (Slievegrine). The English name, Tory Hill, refers to a raparee. There is also a hill of this name in Co. Limerick. According to Rev. William Carrigan (the History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory, 1905), Tory Hill in Kilkenny was so named from a famous outlaw named Edmund Den, who flourished in this locality, about the year 1700. Carrigan also reports that an annual pattern took place on the 2nd Sunday of July, locally known as 'Tory Hill Sunday' or 'Frochan Sunday'. On the flat ground below [the hill] called the Faithche (now the townland of Fahy), great games of hurling were said to have been held, sixty players to a side (MacNeill, 230-231).
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: TryHl, 10 char: Tory Hill Linkback:
Gallery for Tory Hill (Sliabh gCruinn) and surrounds
for Tory Hill (Sliabh gCruinn):
Easy access, but beware of cattle!
Summary created by wicklore
24 Jul, 2010
Picture: Summit Cross of Tory with guardian
Tory Hill can be accessed along forest tracks that lead to the summit. There Is an information board and parking at A (S58551 22634). Some routes are described on the information board. The forest track curls completely around the hill in an upward spiral leading to the sumiit in a couple of kilometres. The forest thins out and disappears at the summit. When the track ends a small trail leads through the heather and gorse up to the Marian Cross at the summit. Tory Hill's position offers great views across the south east. Beware of cattle on the hill in the summer as they may chase you off the hill. Also there are some rocky outcrops and 15 foot drops to the south and east of the summit that could offer a nasty fall to those not paying attention.
I have a guilty pleasure. If I admit to once wearing a bootlace tie with the southern cross on it you might guess what it is.I like CountryNIrish music. And not the softcore DanielO either, the hardcore Big Tom and the Mainliners, Larry Cunningham and the Mighty Avons, The Merry Ploughboy Dermot O'Brien! Imagine then my joy when I parked my car at B (S58678 22817) at 8:30am and, as I was walking into the forest past a milking parlour, I heard the cows and farmer enjoying some music at full volume! A good Sli na Slainte/National looped walk board just inside the forest entrance will show you where to go.The summit area, which is of a conglomerate rock with a thin cover of peat, is quite littered and decorated by a large cross from 1980 but the views! On a clear day this little summit offers so much of the south east up to you.Despite the litter if you get the weather go, you will not be disappointed. All together now" Old flames can't hold a candle to you, no one can light up my life like you do........" Linkback:
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Cattle on the hill
by larrylampwick
6 Sep 2013
I dont think you should be put off by cattle on the hill. Cattle generally don't chase people. However there reports of wild boar having been let off on the hill. These are much more of a danger than cattle. Linkback:
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great views to be had on clear day
by hillclimber
12 Jul 2015
you can see all the wind turbines in co kilkenny (12). and co waterford 2 in portlaw and behind them on the horizon 2 in helvick head dungarvan.looking south the two saltee islands off kilmore quay.the wind farm in carnsore point wexford hook head and dunmore. slievenamon on the north side comeraghs on west side and off in the distance the galtees in the middle of both .waterfords new bridge, m9 motorway,new ross blackstair mountains ,mt brandon. tory well worth a visit.i have never seen wild cattle on the hill or wild boars etc all tall tales and i have visited the hill many times over the last 40 years Linkback:
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larrylampwick on Tory Hill
by larrylampwick
2 Nov 2008
An easy climb via a forest track and eventually on to a step pathway leading to the summit. There is a large concrete marian year cross on the top. Really good views over the flat countryside below. With binoculars you can easily make out Hook lighthouse, Waterford city and a great expanse of south Kilkenny and s. Wexford Linkback:
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