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Argentina - Mendoza - Cerro de la Gloria

Argentina - Bariloche - Mirador Lago Guttierez

Argentina - Bariloche - Cascada Nivinco

Argentina - Bariloche - Cerro Llau Llau

Near Barnastooka, West Cork Mountains (Ireland)

Pookeen North Top: Only if you must

Beann there to Been that!

Milane Hill: Parking Issue

Sleamaine: Indistinct summit with fine views

Lackavrea Loop Walk

Ballinafunshoge: Clear views from the summit

Leenaun Hill Loop

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Wicklow Area   NW: Mullaghcleevaun Subarea
Place count in area: 116, OSI/LPS Maps: 28B, 55, 56, 61, 62, AWW, EW-DM, EW-LG, EW-WE, EW-WS 
Highest place:
Lugnaquilla, 924.7m
Maximum height for area: 924.7 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 905 metres,

Places in area Wicklow:
Cen: Glendalough North:   Brockagh Mountain 556.9mBrockagh Mountain NW Top 549.5mBrockagh Mountain SE Top 471.7mCamaderry East Top 677.3mCamaderry Mountain 698.6mConavalla 734mTomaneena 682.4m
Cen: Glendalough South:   Carriglineen Mountain 456.6mCullentragh Mountain 510mDerrybawn Mountain 476.1mKirikee Mountain 474.5mLugduff 653.2mLugduff SE Top 638mMullacor 660.7mTrooperstown Hill 430m
N Cen: Tonelagee:   Carrignagunneen 561mFair Mountain 571.2mStoney Top 713.7mTonelagee 815.8mTonelagee E Top 668mTonelagee South-East Top 545.8m
NE: Bray & Kilmacanogue:   Bray Head Hill 238.9mCarrigoona Commons East 242mDowns Hill 372.9mGreat Sugar Loaf 501.2mKindlestown Hill 210mLittle Sugar Loaf 342.4m
NE: Djouce:   Djouce 725.5mKnockree 342.1mMaulin 570mTonduff 642mTonduff East Top 593mWar Hill 684.8mWhite Hill 631.1m
NE: Fancy:   Ballinafunshoge 480mKanturk 527.4mKnocknacloghoge 532.4mLuggala 593.3mRobber's Pass Hill 508.9mScarr 640mScarr North-West Top 559.8mSleamaine 430m
NE: Vartry:   Ballinacorbeg 336mBallycurry 301mDunranhill 342mMount Kennedy 365.9m
NW: Blessington:   Carrigleitrim 408mLugnagun 446.2mSlieveroe 332mSorrel Hill 599.5m
NW: Mullaghcleevaun:   Black Hill 602.2mCarrigshouk 572.5mCarrigvore 682.4mDuff Hill 720.8mGravale 719mMoanbane 703mMullaghcleevaun 846.7mMullaghcleevaun East Top 796mSilsean 698m
S: Aughrim Hills:   Cushbawn 400mKilleagh 249mMoneyteige North 427mPreban Hill 389m
S: Croaghanmoira:   Ballinacor Mountain 529.3mBallycurragh Hill 536mBallyteige 447mCarrickashane Mountain 508mCroaghanmoira 662.3mCroaghanmoira North Top 579.5mFananierin 426mSlieve Maan 547.8mSlieve Maan North Top 546.1m
S: Croghan Kinsella:   Annagh Hill 454mCroghan Kinsella 606mCroghan Kinsella East Top 562.1mSlievefoore 414m
S: Shillelagh Hills:   Lakeen 357mMonaughrim 206mSeskin 344mStookeen 420m
S: Tinahely Hills:   Ballycumber Hill 429.7mEagle Hill 296mMuskeagh Hill 398.2m
SE: Wicklow South East:   Ballinastraw 284mBallyguile Hill 188mBarranisky 280mCarrick Mountain 381mCollon Hill 238mKilnamanagh Hill 217mWestaston Hill 270m
W: Baltinglass:   Ballyhook Hill 288mBaltinglass Hill 382mCarrig Mountain 571mCarrigeen Hill 298mCloghnagaune 385mCorballis Hill 258mKeadeen Mountain 653mSpinans Hill 409mSpinans Hill SE Top 400mTinoran Hill 312m
W: Cen Lugnaquilla:   Ballineddan Mountain 652.3mBenleagh 689mCamenabologue 758mCamenabologue SE Top 663mCloghernagh 800mCorrigasleggaun 794.6mLugnaquilla 924.7mSlievemaan 759.7m
W: Donard:   Brewel Hill 222mChurch Mountain 544mCorriebracks 531mLobawn 636mSlievecorragh 418mSugarloaf 552mTable Mountain 701.7mTable Mountain West Top 563m

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Duff Hill Mountain An Cnoc Dubh A name in Irish, also Duffy Hill an extra EastWest name in English (Ir. An Cnoc Dubh [OSI], 'black hill') Wicklow County in Leinster Province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Granite with microcline phenocrysts Bedrock

Height: 720.8m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 56 Grid Reference: O09378 08260
Place visited by 577 members. Recently by: SeanPurcell, Nomad691, jellybean, muddyboots, Tuigamala, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, DarrenY, CaminoPat, farmerjoe1, Courin, jackos, lauracardiff, rhw, MeabhTiernan
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -6.367286, Latitude: 53.11398 , Easting: 309378, Northing: 208261 Prominence: 64.6m,  Isolation: 1.6km
ITM: 709303 708292,   GPS IDs, 6 char: DfHl, 10 char: Duff Hill
Bedrock type: Granite with microcline phenocrysts, (Type 2p microcline porphyritic)

Duff Hill is the 99th highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Duff Hill (An Cnoc Dubh) 1 2 Next page >>  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Duff Hill (<i>An Cnoc Dubh</i>) in area Wicklow, Ireland
Picture: Duff Hill from the SE
High flattish summit useful in routes.
Short Summary created by simon3  22 Mar 2015
Think of Duff Hill as part of an ascending sequence starting at the Sally Gap of Carrigvore, Gravale, Duff Hill, Mullaghcleevaun E Top, Mullaghcleevaun. Its east side is surprisingly steeper than most mountainsides in Wicklow. Its rock strewn summit has good but not exceptional views from the top.
Usually it will be reached as part of the sequence mentioned above, however it can also be got to from the Military Road, for example at around O11391 07407 starA. (Note: there have been a number of break-ins of cars in this area - take maximum precautions.) Track 1478 Linkback: Picture about mountain Duff Hill (<i>An Cnoc Dubh</i>) in area Wicklow, Ireland
Picture: Looking at Big Brother, Mullaghcleevaun East Top and Mullaghcleevaun
Nearly there, on way to ...
by march-fixer  22 May 2012
Effectively a spur sticking out from Mullaghcleevaun East Top, this rounded hill is part of a troika with Gravale and Carrigvore. It is more associated with these rather than its bigger neighbours. It will certainly stretch your legs on the climb up from the saddle separating it from Gravale.

The track up from the saddle to the NE is well defined and provides reasonably good footing. That is not to say that it is an easy climb. There is quite a pull up to the summit.

Excellent views out over the valley looking east and south. It is an perfect staging spot for an attack on Mullaghcleevaun East Top and Mullaghcleevaun itself. Linkback:
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djouce on Duff Hill, 2003
by djouce  9 Nov 2003
Duff Hill can be approached from Carrigvore and Gravale in a ridge walk that takes about four hours - starting and finishing at the car park on the Military Road south of the Sally Gap. The walk can be shortened by using two cars and parking a return car at the northern edge of the woods SE of Duff Hill or lengthened by continuing on to Mullaghcleevaun and descending at Carrigshouk Linkback:
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Geo on Duff Hill, 2009
by Geo  23 Mar 2009
From Gravale in the mist we took a bearing for Duff Hill, but found ourselves off course and glad of the GPS to locate our exact position! It never ceases to amaze me, no matter how often I'm on the hils how easy it is to stray off a bearing especially where familiar with the area and using instinct instead which always leads to a wrong turn! Anyway, no harm done as thankfully this area has no dangerous slopes but all the same its good to be given a wake up call now and again to the dangers on the hills at all times. From Gravale down across a boggy path and over the peat hags to the beginning of the tough pull up Duff. Thankfully at this point of our day the sun was starting to shine fitfully through the rising mist, the cold NW wing though meant there was no chance of removing coats! The summit has a little summit cairn, located much more easily than the one on Gravale, but better visibilty may have helped us there! Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Duff Hill (<i>An Cnoc Dubh</i>) in area Wicklow, Ireland
GWPR on Duff Hill, 2003
by GWPR  20 Feb 2003
Summit Cairn, Duff with snow on corrie rim of Mullaghcleevaun in the background.
Watch out for foxes in this area as there are several dens on southern slope burrowed under great granite boulders. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Duff Hill (<i>An Cnoc Dubh</i>) in area Wicklow, Ireland
Picture: Back to the 70's...
Approach from Military Road.
by Colin Murphy  7 May 2021
I started at a forest entrance at O104 054 starB (parking for several cars) and proceeded up that track to the N of Carrigshouk for about 100m before continuing NW along the grassy terrain, following the lower contours of Carrigshouk and Mullaghcleevaun E before ascending to the col at O090 080 starC, then making the final ascent to the NE up the gently sloping 60m to the rounded top of Duff Hill. 1.5 hours from car. Whatever setting I'd accidentally knocked my camera on to, it produced this distinctly 70's looking shot of the cairn and summit of Duff Hill. Linkback:
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(End of comment section for Duff Hill (An Cnoc Dubh).)

Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc