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Comeragh Mountains Area , SW: Drum Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, all in Waterford, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 75, 81, 82, EW-C, EW-K
Highest Place: Kilclooney Mountain 792m

Starting Places (25) in area Comeragh Mountains:
Aughatriscar Bridge, Carey's Castle, Carrickaruppora S, Carronadavderg Wood, Colligan Bridge, Colligan Source, Coumduala Lough Path, Croghaun Hill CP, Douglas River Wood, Dromona Wood, Guilcagh Wood, Kilclooney Wood CP, Laghtnafrankee Road, Lough Mohra Rath Beag Loop Walk, Mahon Falls CP, Maum Road, Moanyarha, Moanyarha Bog, Monarud, Mountain View, New Quay CP, Nire Valley CP, Old Bridge Clonmel, Old Slate Mine CP, River Ire R676 L96761

Summits & other features in area Comeragh Mountains:
Cen: Comeragh Central: Carrignagower 767m, Coumfea 741.9m, Coumfea North Top 728.3m, Coumfea West Top 711m, Croughaun Hill 391m, Curraghduff 750.1m, Kilclooney Mountain 792m, Knockaunapeebra 724.4m
Cen: Knockanaffrin: Knockanaffrin 755m, Knockanaffrin South Top 628m, Knocksheegowna 675.7m
E: Portlaw Hills: Donnell's Hill 242.8m, Tower Hill 238m
N: Laghtnafrankee: Kilmacomma Hill 211m, Laghtnafrankee 520m, Laghtnafrankee SW Top 425m, Long Hill 404m
S: Monavullagh Mountains: Bleantasour Mountain 402m, Coumaraglin Mountain 614.6m, Crohaun 484m, Milk Hill 451m, Seefin 725.6m
SW: Drum Hills: Carronadavderg 301m, Dromona Hill 156m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Carronadavderg, 301m Hill Carn an Daimh Dheirg A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Carn an Daimh Dheirg [LL], 'cairn of the red ox'), Waterford County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Carronadavderg is the 1163th highest place in Ireland. Carronadavderg is the most southerly summit and also the second most westerly in the Comeragh Mountains area.
Grid Reference X17416 87012, OS 1:50k mapsheet 82
Place visited by: 37 members, recently by: ei7kh, Josephineobrien, Nailer1967, DeirdreM, Leatra, TippHiker, Taisce, chelman7, nickywood, John.geary, hivisibility, Wildrover, TommyV, Daingean, CaminoPat
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.746985, Latitude: 52.035336, Easting: 217416, Northing: 87012, Prominence: 290m,  Isolation: 9.4km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 617359 587068
Bedrock type: Purple mudstone and sandstone, (Ballytrasna Formation)
Notes on name: Carronadavderg is the highest point in the Drum Hills (Ir. Drom Fhinín [LL]). Canon Power says of this height: This carn is erroneously marked as Sliabh Grainn on old maps. A remarkable eminence visible for many miles in three directions. A wild legend accounts for the name. Fionn and a contemporary giant had a difference as to the ownership of a certain red bull. In the heat of the dispute the rival proprietors seized each a horn of the beast and pulled the creature in twain.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crndvd, 10 char: Crndvdrg

Gallery for Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg) and surrounds
Summary for Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg): Easy access to mast covered wood encircled summit
Summary created by simon3, wicklore 10 Jan, 2015
   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Lacklustre summit
Start at CrdavDerg (X16762 87593) and follow the access road up to the summit area about 900m away.
The flattish summit has six main masts, buildings and a little wooden hut.
The summit Trig Pillar, adorned with a peace symbol, sits on top of the remains of a cairn. There are cows in the fields on each side of the access road, so keep dogs under control.
There is forestry near the summit, but the summit area has been cleared to accommodate the masts.
The summit area has limied views mainly south but at the edge of the trees to the north there are good views of the Knockmealdowns and Comeraghs.
Member Comments for Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)

   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Southwest to Ardmore
Telecom track, wooded top
by jackill 8 Jan 2015
The highest point in the Drum Hills isn't exactly hard going. After hopping the gate at CrdavDerg (X16762 87593) a 15 minute trot on a tarred lumpy bumpy track will bring you to the summit area marked
with a trig pillar. That is if you can find it in the maze of telecom masts! To the north this area is cut off from the Comeraghs conglomorates by the vast Lismore Limestone syncline, the bedrocks in this area are in fact purple mudstone with quartz and some sandstone which is more closly related to the sandstones of the Knockmealdowns laid down at the same time in the upper Devonian period.

Drum hill/hills (Drum Fhinin as geailge), are in the Barony of Decies within Drum and seperate it from the Barony of Decies without Drum .
They are referred to in the Annals of the Four Masters at the date AM 3502 as one of the three most excellent hills in Ireland.
Heremon, the first Milesian King, fought with his brother Heber for possession of the hills.

The Canon Power in his 1952 book "The placenames of the Decies" also states that a part of the Drum hills is "commonly known as Sliabh Grainn".

Carronadavderg is also mentioned in this book. " Carn an Daimh Deirg - Cairn of the Red Ox, this carn is erroneously marked as Sliabh Grainn on old maps. A remarkable eminence visible for many miles in three directions. A wild legend accounts for the name. Fionn and a contemporary giant had a difference as to the ownership of a certain red bull.In the heat of the dispute the rival proprietors seized each a horn of the beast and pulled the creature in twain."

The Canon also adds, "Sliabh Grainn is a district on the south side of Drom Fhinin extending from Walsh's cross to Keanneally's cross.This would also indicate its proper nomenclature is Sliabh go Rinn."

Rinn, I think, is Irish for Headland or Point.
Droim means Back or Ridge.
Is it therefore too much of a stretch to say Droim Fhinin means Fionns Ridge? Linkback:
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   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Misty Masts
Keep the gorse short
by eamonoc 23 Aug 2013
Tues 20/8/2013, Left Dungarvan on N25 heading towards Youghal, this road rises for about 8km at the high point of this climb, I turned right at a sign for Clashmore and followed this road for approx 10km to arrive at point A as mentioned by Wicklore. There is a new bungalow with an imitation round tower in its garden just after the access road. It took me 15mins to the top with all the fine masts hereabouts. If this top was not kept clear for the masts, it might prove difficult to reach as it is completely surrounded by mature wood land and some innocent looking small Gorse bushes around the trig point. Linkback:
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   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Masts for the telecoms connisseur
Telecoms encrusted summit overlooking Youghal.
by simon3 11 Jan 2015
Look north from Youghal or Ardmore and some 10km away on a low wooded rise you can see this summit. It is instantly recognisable by the substantial accumulation of masts on its top. Linkback:
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   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Peace to summiteers.
A sign of peace.
by simon3 11 Jan 2015
In amongst the very common telecoms tower clutter on this summit is a trig pillar. Unexpectedly this has a discrete CND symbol often associated with counterculture and peace activism. Welcome, unobtrusive variety from the large religious symbols imposed on visitors on some summits. Linkback:
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   picture about Carronadavderg (Carn an Daimh Dheirg)
Picture: Forest track
Very unremarkable.
by TommyV 18 Mar 2019
Not much to add to the comments here except that there appears to be some maintenance work being carried out on the access road so there is a mound of gravel at the access gate so parking is a bit tricky. I'm sure once the works are finished the mound of gravel will be gone and parking for one car should again be manageable. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.